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汉语拼音:nóng tián
《礼记·王制》:“制农田百亩。” 宋 叶适 《监司》:“提举司则责茶盐,用法苛惨,至常平义仓,水利农田,则置而不顾。” 明 徐光启 《农政全书》卷三:“督吏民修农田水利,而具勅天下。”
《宋史·食货志上一》:“於是以 贾昌朝 领农田,未及施为而 仲淹 罢,事遂止。”
If there were a real carbon price, farmers would think of their fields in terms of the carbon embodied in crops and soil.
如果存在一种有形的碳价,农民们就会认为他们的农田就是一种以农作物和土壤为载体的碳。Pande said he made virtually no money working on the small farm he owned and could not find any other work close to his village.
潘德说,他在老家自己的一块狭小农田里工作,根本赚不到钱。而且在他老家附近一带,也找不到其它工作。Nobody wants to see a repeat of the devastating crash of the early 1980s, which drove hundreds of farms and lenders out of business.
没有人想看到20世纪80年代初毁灭性崩溃的那一幕重演,迫使数百农田和放贷者无法运行。He raised his hands to the sky, then gestured toward a state functionary visiting his farm.
他举手向天,随后又指了指查看其农田的国家公务员。Avenue of the Baobabs an area near Morondava protected since 2007 is all that remains of a once thick forest cleared for farmland.
靠近摩伦达瓦(Morondava)地区的猴面包树林荫大道,自2007年以来受到了保护。可是所有遗留下来的,是曾经为茂密的森林已清除为农田。The aircraft disappeared from radar and went down in farmland after making a second attempt to land.
飞机从雷达上消失,在第二次尝试降落后,坠入一片农田。He said he tried to escape with Colonel Qaddafi and other men, walking first to a farm, then to the main road, toward some drainage pipes.
他说,他尽力跟着卡扎菲和其他人逃跑,他们先是到了一处农田,又跑向一条公路,那里有一些排水管道。Alanteans controlled the lighting of their farms by placing them underground where they did not receive the light of the sun.
亚特兰蒂斯藉由把农田转移到地下而控制了它们的照明,因为那里它们无法接受到太阳的自然光线。A little bird dropped from the sky into a farm as it's chilled to the bone due to the severe cold weather on its migratory way to the South.