




干净:清~。整~。纯~。~具。~癖。廉明,不贪污或指人的品德高尚:廉~。~身自好(hào )。……



汉语拼音:gāo jié








  1. 亦作“ 高絜 ”。高尚纯洁。

    《汉书·马宫传》:“ 师丹 荐 宫 行能高絜。” 唐 赵璘 《因话录·角》:“有僧甚高洁,好事因説其先师。” 陈毅 《冬夜杂咏·青松》:“要知松高洁,待到雪化时。”

  2. 指高洁之士。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·桓帝下》:“简练高洁,斥退佞邪。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·正郭》:“有道之世而臻此者,犹不得復厕高洁之条贯。”

  3. 指诗文风格高古洗炼。

    南朝 梁 锺嵘 《诗品》卷上:“譬犹青松之拔灌木,白玉之映尘沙,未足贬其高洁也。” 明 唐顺之 《书黄山谷诗后》:“ 黄豫章 诗真有凭虚欲仙之意…… 唐 人盖絶未见到此者也。虽 韦苏州 之高洁,亦须让出一头地耳。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷二:“ 钱唐 陈文水 孝廉设帐於 香亭 家,性爱苦吟,诗境高洁。”

  4. 谓风力劲急而霜色皓洁。

    宋 欧阳修 《醉翁亭记》:“野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出者,山间之四时也。”



  1. The gentle soul of the unfortunate girl was already far removed beyond the errors or deception of any human ritual.


  2. Osmanthus fragrans, is a very ordinary, very ordinary flowers, it does not roses cutesy, there is no such devotion lotus, nor Peony Grace.


  3. Your soul is as pure as the snowflake; your personality is as great and pure as the pine ; your youth will burn for ever like sparks!


  4. Your soul is as pure as snow , your personality is as noble as pine trees ! All praise to you , our beloved teacher .


  5. It seems that you were lotus flower, you are so pure in my eyes.


  6. It was said that in Nanyang there was a man named Liu Ziji , a recluse who had noble and unsullied aspirations.


  7. The pine branches on the remote mountains are like silver flowers in wild blossom, further eloquent of their noble and unsullied character.


  8. White symbolizes noble and pure soul, and reflects the devoted, professional and positive characteristics.


  9. At certain moments, that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast.


  1. 过着高洁的生活

    led a virtuous life.

  2. 他是一个品性高洁的人。

    He's a person of noble nature and unsullied character.

  3. 她是一个品格高洁的姑娘。

    She's a girl of noble and unsullied character.

  4. 淑女最重要得莫过于灵魂得高洁!

    The key of lady lies in the nobleness of soul, with goodness, kindness and beauty as its characteristics.

  5. 淑女最重要的莫过于灵魂的高洁!

    The key of lady lies in the nobleness of soul, with goodness, kindness and beauty as its characteristics.

  6. 我对你的爱, 宛如天空一样高洁。

    My love for you is as high as the sky.

  7. 象征着高洁的德行操守,卓越的才华

    Symbolize nobleminded and practice as well as excellent literary talent.

  8. 该公司据此生产出了思高洁。

    The company turned it into Scotchgard.

  9. 高洁净钢的洁净度与过冷度的关系

    Research on the relationship between the cleanness and undercooling of high purity steel

  10. 我刚刚在这儿涂了思高洁防油剂。

    I've just had that scotchguarded there.

  11. 研制了高洁净性冷轧硅钢轧制油。

    The cold rolling oil of silicon steel with high detergency was developed.

  12. 纯铁和高洁净钢的非均质形核

    Heterogeneous Nucleation of Pure Iron and High Clean Steel Melts

  13. 陆游所心折的正是梅花的这种高洁品格。

    Lu Xin Zhe's is the plum of this noble and pure character.

  14. 陆游所心折得正是梅花得这种高洁品格。

    Lu Xin Zhe's is the plum of this noble and pure character.

  15. 他为人高洁,雅誉远播,大家都很喜欢他。

    He has a noble character and a good reputation. Everybody likes him.

  16. 他为人高洁,雅誉远播,大家都很喜欢他。

    He has a noble character and a good reputation. Everybody likes him.

  17. 他那松柏般高洁的品格很值得后人学习。

    His noble lofty sentiments are worth his descendants study.

  18. 他那松柏般高洁的品格很值得后人学习。

    His noble lofty sentiments are worth his descendants' study.

  19. 我偏爱荷, 因为她永远是那么的高洁清爽。

    I prefer water lily, because they are always virtuous and refreshing.

  20. 您地心灵像雪一样纯洁,您地人格像青松普通高洁!

    Your soul is as pule as snow. Your personality is as noble as pine trees!

  21. 您的心灵像雪一样纯洁,您的人格像青松普通高洁!

    Your soul is as pule as snow. Your personality is as noble as pine trees!

  22. 我将肚肠保持的像头脑和心脏那样高洁。

    I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart.

  23. 您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的品德像青松一样平常 高洁!

    Your soul is as pule as snow. Your personality is as noble as pine trees!

  24. 陶渊明咏秋菊的诗篇显示出他高洁的人格。

    Tao Yuanming's poem which praised the autumn chrysanthemum revealed his noble character.

  25. 陶渊明咏秋菊得诗篇显示出他高洁得人格。

    Tao Yuanming's poem which praised the autumn chrysanthemum revealed his noble character.

  26. 他在书中发现的美与崇高的思想使他心胸高洁。

    And he was ennobled, as well, by the loftiness of thought and beauty he found in the books.

  27. 有时,那真是一种奇特的对比,额头高洁而笑容富于肉感。

    At certain moments, that pure brow and that voluptuous smile presented a singular contrast.

  28. 两神仙物合在一起即是称其人如松鹤般高洁长寿。

    Two deities gather in the same place call its person of like pine and crane noble and pure longevity.

  29. 我认为他是个品行高洁的人,一心奉献于人民和工会的事业。

    I believe he was an honourable man, dedicated to the people and his union.

  30. 愤怒吧,因为我们相信品行高洁的人,并决心同他们并肩作战!

    The rage, for we believe in angels and decided to march with them.


  1. 问:高洁拼音怎么拼?高洁的读音是什么?高洁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高洁的读音是gāojié,高洁翻译成英文是 noble

  2. 问:高洁地拼音怎么拼?高洁地的读音是什么?高洁地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高洁地的读音是,高洁地翻译成英文是 nobly

  3. 问:高洁的拼音怎么拼?高洁的的读音是什么?高洁的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高洁的的读音是,高洁的翻译成英文是 high-toned



“高洁”是个多义词,它可以指高洁(徐州市贾汪区物价局局长), 高洁(西南大学教授), 高洁(长松咨询公司咨询师), 高洁(雅昌艺术网专栏作者), 高洁(山东省实验中学高级教师), 高洁(湖北经济学院教授), 高洁(豫剧表演艺术家), 高洁(影视演员), 高洁(中国工程院院士), 高洁(湖南国光瓷业公司副董事长), 高洁(对外经济贸易大学金融学院教授), 高洁(汉语词汇), 高洁(山东经济学院讲师), 高洁(中国医科大学附属口腔医学院副教授), 高洁(江南大学理学院教授), 高洁(华中工学院副教授)。