


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……





汉语拼音:zhèng zhí








  1. 公正无私;刚直坦率。

    《书·洪范》:“无反无侧,王道正直。” 蔡沉 集传:“正直,不偏邪也。”《韩诗外传》卷七:“正直者顺道而行,顺理而言,公平无私,不为安肆志,不为危激行。” 宋 苏轼 《海市》诗:“自言正直动山鬼,岂知造物哀龙鐘。” 郭沫若 《雄鸡集·伟大的爱国诗人--屈原》:“在他( 顷襄王 )的时代,正直的 屈原 更进一步遭受到迫害而被放逐。”

  2. 指正直的人。


  3. 纠正邪曲而使之正直。

    《书·洪范》:“三德:一曰正直,二曰刚克,三曰柔克。” 孔颖达 疏:“一曰正直,言能正人之曲使直。”

  4. 不偏斜,不弯曲。

    清 林则徐 《舆纤》诗:“不为丝绳留正直,此身谁到万峰头?” 茅盾 《耶稣之死》:“弯弯曲曲的地方要改为正直,高高低低的道路要改为平坦。”



  1. The brothers and sisters were very good people- "not particularly clever, you know" , he said, "but very decent and pleasant. "


  2. He was of a clean, saving disposition, and had already paid a number of monthly instalments on two lots far out on the West Side.


  3. [He looks you over, as if appraising any potential you might accidentally possess. ] You seem like an honest sort, at least.


  4. Sokol's high-profile attorney disputed the board's report and said his client is "a man of uncommon rectitude and probity. "


  5. She's always been on the up and up and I don't think she would have done such a thing.


  6. The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.


  7. Brisbane, who entered upon office in 1821, was a fine old soldier, a thorough gentleman, honourable and upright in all his ways.


  8. and I shall enter upon their performance with entire confidence in the support of a just and generous people.


  9. He was something of a humorist, and rather deficient in general education; but acute, patient, and upright.


  1. 正直的女人

    a righteous woman.

  2. 正直的公民

    an upright citizen.

  3. 正直的典型

    the soul of uprightness.

  4. 他为人正直。

    He's an upstanding person.

  5. 正直流电晕

    positive dc corona.

  6. 他很正直的

    They're honorablish.

  7. 坦白正直的人

    straight shooter

  8. 正直高尚的人

    Try to be a white man

  9. 他正直而诚实。

    He is just and upstanding.

  10. 她正直青春年华。

    She is in her prime.

  11. 不正直的,不道德的

    Lacking integrity unprincipled.

  12. 这个人非常正直。

    The man is very upright.

  13. 奸诈人代替正直人。

    And the faithless for the upright.

  14. 不诚实,不正直邪恶

    Lack of honesty or integrityimprobity.

  15. 他待人接物正直老实。

    He is straight in his dealings.

  16. 我担保她的正直。

    I will vouch for her integrity.

  17. 勇敢, 忠诚, 无私, 正直。

    A man of bravery, honesty, unselfishness and rectitude.

  18. 你要我要正直守信。

    You told me to be straight and punctual.

  19. 我们钦佩他的正直。

    We admire him for his righteousness.

  20. 她称赞他为人正直。

    She admired his straightforwardness.

  21. 他是很正直的人。

    He’s a stand up guy.

  22. 正直是指言行一致。

    Integrity is the correspondence between actions and words.

  23. 他为人正直,处世宏达。

    He is very righteous and generous.

  24. 他为人正直,处世宏达。

    He is very righteous and generous.

  25. 他挣得正直之名。

    He earned a reputation for integrity.

  26. 他是个正直的公民。

    He is an upright citizen.

  27. 正直行事, 保持良好操守

    Act ethically and maintain integrity

  28. 而且是个正直的人

    and that you're a person of integrity.

  29. 上体保持正直, 松腰。

    Keep upper body upright, loose waist.

  30. 群体中正直的一分子

    an upstanding member of the community


  1. 问:正直拼音怎么拼?正直的读音是什么?正直翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正直的读音是zhèngzhí,正直翻译成英文是 upright

  2. 问:正直地拼音怎么拼?正直地的读音是什么?正直地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正直地的读音是,正直地翻译成英文是 honestly

  3. 问:正直的拼音怎么拼?正直的的读音是什么?正直的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正直的的读音是zhèng zhí de,正直的翻译成英文是 upright

  4. 问:正直情操拼音怎么拼?正直情操的读音是什么?正直情操翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正直情操的读音是zhèng zhí qíng cāo,正直情操翻译成英文是 sentiment of probity

  5. 问:正直向地性拼音怎么拼?正直向地性的读音是什么?正直向地性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正直向地性的读音是zhèng zhí xiàng dì xìng,正直向地性翻译成英文是 positive orthogeotropism