







汉语拼音:pō fēng








  1. Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for coins. We were very successful at it.


  2. He made a good living, had been promoted several times and worked for a respected firm.


  3. "You speak the truth, sire, " replied the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. "


  4. Fund managers have had a great year, and have little incentive to get out now.


  5. But the Navajo homeland is harsh country, where it's hard to find good-paying jobs and all too easy to fall sway to alcoholism and despair.


  6. Ever since 1550, when Giorgio Vasari published his lives of the Renaissance masters, artists have been a rewarding subject.


  7. The bank gained, among other things, from its acquisition of Lehman Brothers' American business.


  8. With its economies of scale and abundant labour, China is hoping to gain an edge in what promises to be a lucrative new industry.


  9. New York hedge-fund manager who made some of the biggest profits from the global credit crisis said yesterday that there was worse to come.


  1. 赢利颇丰的电影

    a moneymaking movie

  2. 我们今天猎获颇丰。

    We got a good bag today.

  3. 这些结盟成效颇丰。

    These alliances are paying off.

  4. 孔子一生著述颇丰。

    In his life, Confucius wrote and edited a number of books.

  5. 这挺好的,收效颇丰。

    And that's fine.It works.

  6. 这挺好的,收效颇丰。

    And that's fine. It works.

  7. 一些整形外科医生收入颇丰。

    Some plastic surgeons make fat profits.

  8. 一些整形外科医生收入颇丰。

    Some plastic surgeons make fat profits.

  9. 然而在今天, 他们获利颇丰。

    Nowadays, however, they are rather profitable.

  10. 这家公司付得薪水颇丰。

    They pay good money in this company.

  11. 这家公司付的薪水颇丰。

    They pay good money in this company.

  12. 这家公司付的薪水颇丰。

    They pay good money in this company.

  13. 那可是份收入颇丰的工作。

    That must be a rewarding job.

  14. 他们合作了两年,成果颇丰。

    They worked together productively for two years.

  15. 股票经纪人通过股票交易获利颇丰。

    Stockbrokers benefit a lot from the stock exchange.

  16. 尽管天气恶劣,却渔获颇丰。

    Despite the poor weather the fishing has been pretty good.

  17. 股票和商品多头无不收获颇丰。

    Those that took long positions in equities and commodities did particularly well.

  18. 该农场是一个赢利颇丰得企业。

    The farm is a highly profitable business.

  19. 该农场是一个赢利颇丰的企业。

    The farm is a highly profitable business.

  20. 饭店服务员除工资外, 小费收入颇丰。

    The waiter get good tips over and above their wages.

  21. 如今,利润颇丰的旅游业遭到了破坏。

    Today, the lucrative tourism industry has been decimated.

  22. 这些雇员中的很多人都收入颇丰。

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  23. 迪恩在那里爬来爬去,战果颇丰。

    Well, Dean kept crawling around in there and accomplished a lot.

  24. 我们曾在那水畔垂钓, 收获颇丰。

    We once fished in that shore, harvest quite abundant.

  25. 我国出口的轻工业产品创汇颇丰。

    China's export of light industry products is quite beneficial for foreign exchange earnings.

  26. 我国出口得轻工业产品创汇颇丰。

    China's export of light industry products is quite beneficial for foreign exchange earnings.

  27. 因为,你总会找到薪酬颇丰的工作。

    You can always get a job that pays you plenty of money.

  28. 这些雇员中得很多人都收入颇丰。

    Many of these people get paid a lot.

  29. 她找了一份新工作,现在收入颇丰。

    She has a new job and now she's raking it in.

  30. 相对少量的体育运动会使你收获颇丰。

    You can get good gains with relatively small amounts of physical activity.



pō fēng [rather good] 颇:很,相当地。 丰:指农作物收成好。盛多。 相当多、丰盛、丰富。 赢利颇丰