







汉语拼音:rù xuǎn








  1. 当选;被选中。

    南朝 齐 孔稚珪 《为王敬则让司空表》:“ 王基 才勇,与声华入选。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶记·词曲部·词采》:“诗餘最短,每节不过数十字。作者虽多,入选者不多。弃短取长,是以但见其美。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·技艺》:“﹝技艺院﹞所收学生,无论何国,必文、法、算学均堪造就者,方能入选。”《文史知识》1984年第4期:“入选者既有诗坛高手,亦有无名小卒;既有公卿将军,亦有布衣寒士。”



  1. The children with autism met stringent diagnostic criteria for autism as defined by the two most widely used and rigorous assessment tools.


  2. Thus, the authorities are trying to log on to Mount Fuji, a more lenient inclusion criteria for the World Heritage Site.


  3. As the story gained impetus last night, Wenger said: 'We will investigate to see if there has been a breach of the regulations.


  4. "the selection process will be difficult because whomever you do not select still deserves to be on this team, " krzyzewski said tuesday.


  5. "As much as it was a little bit of a present last time [in 2006], this time it would be a blow, " said the manager.


  6. She was the first woman to be elected as a Fellowof the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the United States.


  7. I got picked to be a Tree, but I don't know if that's such a good thing.


  8. Three outfield players with one cap between them, all on the plane to Germany, is about as brave as it gets.


  9. If you could rig the next big election so that your candidate of choice came out on top, would you?


  1. 入选国家队

    be selected into national team.

  2. 入选的个体

    intermate individuals.

  3. 入选无性系

    selected clone.

  4. 入选原矿分析

    mill head assay

  5. 入选全球500佳奖

    be elected to the rank of Global 500 Roll of Honor

  6. 他未能入选进队。

    He hasn't been selected for the team.

  7. 他入选了这个委员会。

    He was elected to the committee.

  8. 入选择机寻觅器

    incoming selector hunter

  9. 两党制排斥其他党入选。

    A two party system excludes other parties from power.

  10. 这些就是全部入选的了

    That's all of them.

  11. 我自己决定不入选的。

    I decided not to be on that list.

  12. 对她能否入选的想法。

    What she thought lisa's chances were.

  13. 我曾入选校篮球队。

    I was selected as a member of our school basketball team.

  14. 入选议会是件容易事。

    Getting elected to the council was a walkaway.

  15. 我们需要的成功入选者

    What We Look For In Successful Candidates

  16. 临床试验的病人入选标准

    for my clinical trial.

  17. 我很抱歉你没能入选

    I'm sorry you didn't get in.

  18. 她被登入选举人名册。

    She was enrolled in a register of electors.

  19. 他们确定了研究入选标准。

    They identified studies that met the inclusion criteria.

  20. 总共28名妇女入选了下议院。

    A grand total of 28 women were elected to the House of Commons.

  21. 总共28名妇女入选了下议院。

    A grand total of 28 women were elected to the House of Commons.

  22. 入选歌曲最常出现的单词

    Most Popular Words in Song Titles

  23. 今年你入选曲棍球队了吗?

    Are you in the hockey team this year?

  24. 作品曾多次入选全国美展

    He enages in the creation and teaching of oil painting, water color and gouache.

  25. 入选人的名单已贴出。

    The list of those who were chosen was posted up.

  26. 海沃德入选得呼声已经很高。

    Heyward was already a strong candidate.

  27. 入选乌克兰共产党中央委员会。

    Jan Elected member of Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist Party.

  28. 上次选举中, 保守党入选了。

    Voters put a Conservative government in at the last election.

  29. 比赛分为入选赛和决赛。

    Competition is divided into Preliminary Round and Round.

  30. 金属矿山入选品位动态优化研究

    Study on Dynamic Optimization of Beneficiation Feed Grade of Metal Mines


  1. 问:入选拼音怎么拼?入选的读音是什么?入选翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入选的读音是rùxuǎn,入选翻译成英文是 be selected




【读音】rù xuǎn


【出处】南朝·齐·孔稚珪 《为王敬则让司空表》:“ 王基才勇,与声华入选。”

【示例】清·李渔 《闲情偶记·词曲部·词采》:“诗余最短,每节不过数十字。作者虽多,入选者不多。弃短取长,是以但见其美。”