







汉语拼音:lěng nuǎn








  1. 寒冷和温暖。泛指人的生活起居。亦以喻世态炎凉。

    唐 白居易 《赋得乌夜啼》诗:“啼涩飢喉咽,飞低冻翅垂。画堂鸚鵡鸟,冷暖不自知。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·经史二》:“谚曰:世情看冷暖,人面逐高低。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六五回:“人情冷暖,説来实是可嘆!” 郭沫若 《南冠草》附录《夏完淳》下:“这种冷暖炎凉的情形固然是人世间的常态,因此也令我想到 夏完淳 的被捕上必然会有出卖他的人。”

  2. 冷煖:冷暖。《水浒传》第十七回:“ 何涛 道:‘好兄弟,休得要看冷煖。只想我日常的好处,休记我閒时的歹处,救我这条性命!’”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二九:“人也原是这个人,亲也原是这些亲,世情冷煖,至于如此!” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·凤仙》:“嗟乎!冷煖之态,仙凡固无殊哉!”



  1. I think I learned more things in the classroom did not, the taste to the well-being of this world.

  2. These underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped to generate electricity or to heat and cool buildings directly.

  3. Children are vulnerable to heat and cold and are more likely to have acute illnesses requiring hospitalization in a cold home.

  4. Human well-being is the most care about, and interpersonal communication are often in the "heating" the word on.

  5. Colour has the branch with tonal changes in temperature, reside the colour of an environment to also do not answer onefold.

  6. A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold. --Ogden Nash, Family Reunion.

  7. Do not block the outlet of the outdoor unit, otherwise it will reduce heating and cooling effect, a waste of electricity.

  8. When the long-wave trough eastward, by the cold air mass convergence of the impact, there will be continuous rain and weather .

  9. No doubt we tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, cold and engraved ring.


  1. 冷暖空调设备

    adjustable air-conditioning equipment

  2. 安慰捉襟见肘, 我要冷暖自知!

    Comfort to make ends meet, I want to articulate!

  3. 运筹人间冷暖, 遥控雅室春秋。

    manipulate heat and cold in the world

  4. 对冷暖天气都要做好准备。

    Be prepared for both warm and cool weather.

  5. 经历了人生百态世间的冷暖

    Go throught the tears and laughters of life, the warmth and coldness of the

  6. 气温控制冷暖空调, 带粉尘过滤器

    Climate Control and Heater with Pollen Filter

  7. 这个调查被称作 感觉冷暖评级。

    And what they do on that survey is they ask what's called a feeling thermometer rating.

  8. 可以容纳人间的冷暖,人间的喜怒哀乐悲欢离合!

    May hold the world the changes in temperature, the world laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness vicissitudes of life!

  9. 那就让冷暖自知的心成为自己永远的包袱。

    Then let articulate the heart become ever albatross.

  10. 当妈妈的总是挂牵着自己孩子的冷暖饥饱。

    The mother is always worrying about the daily life of her child.

  11. 不曾改变,气质,从不因冷暖而改变,也不因世事而改变。

    Sublimity, never change for affirmation or negation of the public.

  12. 石家庄极端冷暖天气气候事件及其与气候变暖

    Cold and Warm Extreme Events in Shijiazhuang and Climate Warming

  13. 这真是居家旅游两相宜,冷暖总关情啊!

    It is really good for family and tour, keep you carefully!

  14. 假如你要认识我视频优酷视频在线观看冷暖

    Get the Adobe Flash Player to see this video.

  15. 欲觅冷暖知己, 请到家用空调器商店来。

    To look for a friend in heat and cold, an air conditioner, please come to our shop.

  16. 前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。

    Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past.

  17. 至于哪个更合适自己,就如人饮水,冷暖自知了。

    As to which more appropriate oneself, water like the person, changes in temperature from cicada.

  18. 秋季冷暖适中,多晴天。冬季以偏北风为主,稳定天气多。

    When winter comes, it blows mainly northwesterly wind and has many steady weathers.

  19. 就像树木和动物一样,坚韧面对黑夜风暴,人情冷暖。

    To confront night, storms, hunger, ridicule, accidents, Rebuffs, as the trees and animals do.

  20. 东段为平原丘陵, 随气候冷暖变化栽培界线变化较大。

    The eastern is plains and the cultivation region is changeable with the exchange of climate.

  21. 色彩有冷暖色调之分,居家环境的色彩也不应单一。

    Colour has the branch with tonal changes in temperature, reside the colour of an environment to also do not answer onefold.

  22. 不惑的我们尝遍了酸甜苦辣,冷暖祸福刻满了年轮。

    No doubt we tasted the sour, sweet, bitter, hot, cold and engraved ring.

  23. 幸福如同尿裤子,每个人都看见,但冷暖仅自知。

    Happiness is like peeing in your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth.

  24. 这样生命仿佛太过空寂。偶尔感叹也无非是人情冷暖。

    Such life seemed as too emptiness. Occasionally exclamation is just human changes in temperature.

  25. 由于冷暖空气交汇,未来几天,我市以阴雨天气为主。

    In the sky over our city, the cold front meets the warm front, which will bring about rainy weather over the next few days.

  26. 高寒草甸草地水,土,草中氮硫含量冷暖季节的变化

    The contents of sulphur and nitrogen in water, soil and forage of alpine meadow during warm and cold season

  27. 天气冷暖不定, 每个人都在人海里, 相遇总是没道理。

    The weather changes in temperature do not decide, each people in the mannautical mile, the meet always do not have the truth.

  28. 奔放的笔触和冷暖色彩的处理,使整个画面充满宁静与朝气。

    Brush and unrestrained changes of color image processing, make whole peace and vigor.

  29. 终其人的一生所体会到的冷暖爱恨中,唯有孤独感伴随一生。

    Look through all emotions and circumstances of man's life, only loneliness come with us.

  30. 冷暖色的巧妙运用可以让设计图产生意想不到的效果。

    The skillful usage of cold warm color can let the design diagram produce unexpected result.


  1. 问:冷暖拼音怎么拼?冷暖的读音是什么?冷暖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷暖的读音是lěngnuǎn,冷暖翻译成英文是 changes in temperature

  2. 问:冷暖自知拼音怎么拼?冷暖自知的读音是什么?冷暖自知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷暖自知的读音是lěngnuǎnzìzhī,冷暖自知翻译成英文是 to know whether it is cold or warm by oneself—to...

  3. 问:冷暖人间拼音怎么拼?冷暖人间的读音是什么?冷暖人间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷暖人间的读音是,冷暖人间翻译成英文是 Wataru Seken wa Oni Bakari



“冷暖”是个多义词,它可以指冷暖(汉语词语), 冷暖(色彩学术语)。