







汉语拼音:sǐ shī








  1. 死人的遗体。

    《关尹子·釜》:“人之力有可以夺天地造化者,如冬起雷,夏造冰,死尸能行,枯木能华。” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·壶史》:“又言刺客死尸亦不见,所论多奇怪。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷二:“谚曰:‘不养健儿,却养乞儿;不管活人,只管死尸。’” 元 关汉卿 《四春园》第二折:“晓行狼虎路,夜伴死尸眠。”

  2. 詈词。

    茅盾 《子夜》十五:“你没看见那些死尸多么凶呀!”



  1. They dragged the body to the king and asked him to divide it between them fairly.


  2. People had always found the bodies left in the early morning of the next day, and would be shocked by that.


  3. Another prisoner who saw Jim reported that he thought the enemy had placed a corpse in the cell next door.


  4. for if the ship sank, the men were drowned, and their dead bodies alone reached the palace of the Sea King.


  5. He was as motionless as a corpse, while his thoughts wallowed on the earth and soared, now like the hydra, now like the eagle.


  6. The Maori killed most of the 66 people on board, and carried dead and alive victims off the boat and back to shore to be eaten.


  7. Mr. Douglas said that if it had been warmer, Fatso would have been more alert and they would have been dealing with a fatality.


  8. The round- house was like a shambles, three were dead inside, another lay in his death agony across the threshold.


  9. Worker bees have strictly regimented roles, including that of undertakers who drag their dead siblings from the hive.


  1. 清理战场上的死尸。

    Clear the battlefield of the dead.

  2. 这死尸终将孤苦。

    His breathless Corse, no friend.

  3. 秃鹫来啃食死尸了。

    The Vulture's come to scavenge for corpses.

  4. 孩子们见到死尸惊恐万状。

    The child shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

  5. 无数的死尸在四处狂奔。

    And all the dead is running in the Hunt.

  6. 他把死尸抛进井中。

    He put the corpse down the well.

  7. 熊不会吃死尸的肉。

    A bear will not touch a dead body.

  8. 对于死尸的狂热性冲动。

    an irresistible sexual attraction to dead bodies.

  9. 死尸有股浓重的臭味。

    There was a strong stench of dead bodies.

  10. 死尸有股浓重得臭味。

    There was a strong stench of dead bodies.

  11. 哪里有死尸,哪里就有乌鸦麇集。

    Wheresoever the carcase is, there will the ravens be gathered together.

  12. 又发现了一具死尸。

    The next corpse is unearthed.

  13. 从一个死尸的身上找到的。

    I got it off one of the bodies.

  14. 天热加速了死尸的腐烂。

    The heat accelerated the corruption of the dead body.

  15. 熊不会吃死尸得肉。

    A bear will not touch a dead body.

  16. 如果我是死尸,我该往哪走?

    If I was a dead body, where would I go?

  17. 用张床单把死尸盖上。

    Draw a sheet over the dead body.

  18. 她一看到死尸就战栗起来。

    She shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

  19. 我看到那死尸感到很恶心。

    I was sickened atby the sight of the dead body.

  20. 他变得麻木不仁,僵如死尸。

    He became mute and dead.

  21. 他看到那死尸时吓得发抖。

    He shuddered at the sight of the dead body.

  22. 大量的肥苍蝇在死尸的上空盘旋。

    Swarms of fat flies hovered around the dead body.

  23. 大量的肥苍蝇在死尸的上空盘旋。

    Swarms of fat flies hovered around the dead body.

  24. 就在那附近有一具死尸。

    Nearby there was a dead body.

  25. 你们听到了一个死尸的故事。

    You heard the story about the dead body.

  26. 死尸会使几乎每个人向后退。

    The corpse will make almost everyone start back.

  27. 真幸运他没在后院埋死尸。

    We're lucky he's not burying bodies in the backyard.

  28. 我的脸看起来像个死尸一样惨白!

    My face looks like a cadaver equally ghastly!

  29. 我得脸看起来像个死尸一样惨白!

    My face looks like a cadaver equally ghastly!

  30. 他可以帮我们分了这具死尸的。

    He will divide the dead body for us.


  1. 问:死尸拼音怎么拼?死尸的读音是什么?死尸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:死尸的读音是sǐshī,死尸翻译成英文是 corpse



导演: 罗伯特·昆宁   编剧: Derek Landy   主演: 凯利·蕾莉 / Darren Healy / 安德鲁·斯科特   类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪   制片国家/地区: 爱尔兰   语言: 英语   上映日期: 2003-04-25   片长: 88分钟   IMDb链接: tt0349340 > 剧情: 汤米的前女友珍尼突然出现并占领了他的小公寓,由此他的生活也意外 地发生转变。一场激烈的争吵后,汤米回到公寓时发现珍尼死了。于是他精