







汉语拼音:diē fú






  1. Equities nearly halved their losses after the Fed stuck with its ultra-loose monetary policy and said the economy was gaining traction.


  2. Any drop of more than about 5% a year in the dollar 'would be more of a problem for the economy than a plus, ' Mr.


  3. However, equities ended off their lows as some analysts said the sell-off was overdone, though the decline was still the largest in a month.


  4. The size of the loss would depend on how much the price falls, something difficult to know ahead of time.


  5. European stocks have dropped more than U. S. markets this year, creating something of an opportunity, in my view.


  6. The losses do not have to grow much further to reach the commonly used "20 per cent fall in less than a year" definition of a bear market.


  7. Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend.


  8. From that high through the close on July 2, the index dropped almost 16%, though it's made a bit of a comeback this week.


  9. But times going are going and gone it's gone like the wind that can't stop, but stop not at the bus stop, you in my drop top.


  1. 百分比跌幅

    percentage drop.

  2. 上海本地个股也跌幅居前。

    The Shanghai local stock also range precedes.

  3. 接近午时,股指跌幅有所收窄。

    The close noontime, the stock index decline range has squeezes.

  4. 跌幅钨电极寿命, 增加球的行动。

    Decreases tungsten electrode life and increases balling action.

  5. 龙头股指数录得16个百分点得跌幅。

    The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 14 per cent fall.

  6. 房地产, 汽车, 电器等板块跌幅较小。

    Real estate, automobiles, appliances, such as smaller plate decreases.

  7. 跌幅榜上,商业连锁依旧走势较弱。

    Drop list, commercial chain trends remain weak.

  8. 关注跌幅偏大且下跌无量的股票。

    Concerned about the decline and fall Wuliangshan large stocks.

  9. 龙头股指数录得16个百分点的跌幅。

    The index of the performance of leading shares recorded a 16 per cent fall.

  10. 微软公司和旅行者集团跌幅居前。

    Microsoft Corp. and Travelers Cos. were also dragging down the Dow.

  11. 小盘权证虽然多数下跌,但跌幅有限。

    Small warrants Although most declined, albeit limited.

  12. 税收总收入继续减收, 但分月跌幅逐步收窄。

    Continue to reduce total income tax revenue, but gradually narrowing monthly decline.

  13. 锡,锌,棕榈油和其他商品的跌幅也与此类似。

    There have been similar drops in tin, zinc, oil and other commodities.

  14. 热带饮料和植物油籽和油类的价格跌幅最大。

    The price falls were most serious for tropical beverages and for vegetable oilseeds and oils.

  15. 租金下跌占综合消费物价指数总跌幅约为一半

    The decline in the price of rentals has accounted for about half of the total decline in the Composite Consumer Price Index

  16. 星期二这一指数回升,收复前一天跌幅的一半以上。

    The Dow recovered more than half of that lost value on Tuesday.

  17. 道指跌幅为2008年12月以来最大,点数跌幅为史上第六。

    It was the Dows biggest percentage drop since December 2006 and its sixthlargest point decline ever.

  18. 外来价格压力同告减少,因为进口价格跌幅在年内扩大。

    External price pressure concurrently eased, with import prices showing an enlarged decline over the course of the year.

  19. 它在三个星期内是道琼斯指数最大的当日跌幅。

    It was the Dows biggest oneday selloff in three weeks.

  20. 外围国家货币兑美元和日元汇率下跌,一些币种跌幅陡峭。

    Currencies have dropped against the dollar and the yen, some precipitously.

  21. 不过, 近期大宗商品价格的跌幅, 并不像乍看上去那么大。

    The recent falls are, however, not as big as they look at first sight.

  22. 美国全国的房价将继续下跌, 加州和佛州的跌幅将非常巨大。

    House prices will continue to fall nationwide, with big declines in California and Florida.

  23. 由于全球经济危机, 台积电的收入遭受了历史上最大的跌幅。

    It'suffered its biggest drop in revenue as a result of the global economic crisis.


  1. 问:跌幅拼音怎么拼?跌幅的读音是什么?跌幅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跌幅的读音是diēfú,跌幅翻译成英文是 the amount of decrease



跌幅 基本

解释: (物价等)下跌的幅度:昨日股市暴跌,~达8%。 词语分开

解释: 跌 : 跌 diē 摔:跌跤。跌倒。下降,低落:跌落。跌销。水位下跌。顿足,跺:跌足大叹。 幅 : 幅 fú 布的宽度:幅面。双幅。宽幅。泛指事物的宽度:幅度。幅员。 跌幅=(现价-上一个交易日收盘价)/上一个交易日收盘价*100% 得出的是一个负数,那就是跌幅,如果得出的是一个正数那就是涨幅了。