




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:háo fǎ






  1. 毛发。

    宋 苏轼 《秦太虚题名记》:“是夕天宇开霽,林间月明,可数毫髮。” 清 陈维崧 《百字令·淮阴阎在彭以破环词索和为缀此章》词:“紫金跳脱,让他光鉴毫髮。”

  2. 犹丝毫。极少;极细微。

    汉 王充 《论衡·齐世》:“方今圣朝承 光武 ,袭 孝明 ,有浸酆溢美之化,无细小毫髮之亏。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《代白头吟》:“毫髮一为瑕,丘山不可胜。” 唐 杜甫 《敬赠郑谏议十韵》:“毫髮无遗恨,波澜独老成。”《红楼梦》第二九回:“我就时常提这‘金玉’,你只管了然无闻的,方见的是待我重,无毫髮私心了。”



  1. There was an earthquake last night, but the hotel was not harmed at all.


  2. He releases the ball. It swings back, dangerously close to his chin, but does not rise any higher. The audience laughs and cheers.


  3. Reiko was crying and had a gash on her forehead, but otherwise the child seemed unhurt.


  4. The logic was that if you were preparing for financial apocalypse, you had better not rely on the euro area surviving intact.


  5. He would be one of the few Jedi to return unscathed from that first engagement. . . at least physically.


  6. He decided to search for it in the land of the Minimoys and try to save the day.


  7. A year on, these new consumers are emerging relatively unscathed from a recession which only had a small impact on jobs and income.


  8. The industry was decidedly intact, ready to do business profitably at home and abroad.


  9. He looks as if he has emerged unscathed: from a brush with a hostile American president.


  1. 我毫发未伤。

    I'm perfectly fine.

  2. 我毫发未伤。

    I'm perfectly fine.

  3. 亚瑟与毫发人

    Arthur and the Invisibles.

  4. 而大坝则毫发无损。

    And the dam site is intact, he said.

  5. 此人料事如神, 毫发不爽。

    This person can foretell things with miraculous accuracy, without the slightest error.

  6. 进来时那样毫发无伤。

    Like he walked in.

  7. 计算机的计算毫发不爽。

    The calculations made by computers are perfectly accurate.

  8. 计算机得计算毫发不爽。

    The calculations made by computers are perfectly accurate.

  9. 毫发无损的摆脱了打闹。

    Get out of the fracas with his nose unbloodied.

  10. 她毫发未伤,没被玷污。

    She was intact, virginal.

  11. 毫发无损的带出这地方。

    Off this rock in one piece.

  12. 利用电梯井毫发无损的出来。

    Make it out of the elevator shaft unscathed.

  13. 就会毫发无损的放了你们。

    You will all be released unharmed.

  14. 身手如此敏捷,自己毫发未伤。

    And it does it in such a way that it doesn't get bitten itself.

  15. 姐妹俩毫发无损的走了出来。

    The sisters walked away unscathed.

  16. 你不可能犯错, 结果毫发无损。

    You can't go wrong and come out right.

  17. 我真不敢相信你竟然毫发无损!

    I can't believe you're still in one piece!

  18. 我们就让你毫发无伤地离开

    and we will let you leave here unmolested.

  19. 那个男人的女朋友成功逃脱,毫发无损。

    The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt.

  20. 富人近乎毫发无伤地摆脱了衰退。

    The rich have escaped the recession almost unscathed.

  21. 我们毫发无伤地通过了大洋深处。

    We passed the deep of the ocean without any casualties.

  22. 我们毫发无伤地通过了大洋深处。

    We passed the deep of the ocean without any casualties.

  23. 让它暖和过来,它就会活过来,毫发无损。

    and it warms up, and it's none the worse for wear.

  24. 你真幸运, 毫发未伤地逃出来了。

    You were fortunate to escape unharmed.

  25. 他们常常能够毫发不损地完成训练。

    They can finish the training oftentimes without any injuries.

  26. 现在, 小小的卓尔精灵好像毫发无伤。

    Yet the little drow appeared to be unharmed.

  27. 现在, 小小得卓尔精灵好像毫发无伤。

    Yet the little drow appeared to be unharmed.

  28. 你不可能在徒手格斗中毫发无伤。

    You can't engage in unarmed combat without getting hurt.

  29. 我们毫发未损, 但自尊心或许受到了伤害。

    We didn't get any injuries but there might be some bruised pride.

  30. 我们毫发未损,但自尊心或许受到了伤害。

    We didn't get any injuries but there might be some bruised pride.


  1. 问:毫发拼音怎么拼?毫发的读音是什么?毫发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毫发的读音是háofà,毫发翻译成英文是 hair; the least bit; the slightest



(1) 毛发。

是夕天宇开霁,林间月明,可数毫发。—— 宋 苏轼《秦太虚题名记》 若一根毫发不相似便是他人,此照不宜传也。——清 袁赋谌《重修(袁可立)始祖荣公遗像记》 紫金跳脱,让他光鉴毫发。——清 陈维崧《百字令·淮阴阎在彭以破环词索和为缀此章》词