


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……





汉语拼音:jié yè








  1. 佛教谓众生因迷惑、烦恼而作的恶业。结,结习,烦恼的异名。

    《百喻经·为二妇故丧其两目喻》:“造作结业,堕三恶道。”参见“ 结习 ”。

  2. 结束学业。多指培训、讲习等短期学习。

    魏巍 《东方》第五部第七章:“从学员入学到结业仪式,通共还不到一个钟头。” 严阵 《牡丹园记》:“她从这所学校毕业以后,就到 北京 进修去了,大概不久就能结业的。”



  1. After he left the school, he wrote and told me that on his way to his house he stopped and bought her a bouquet.


  2. Happily that is all over now: and I have nothing to do, but to exercise my various accomplishments.


  3. Toward this objective, the company offered a training course, with a certificate and a tool kit as bonuses.


  4. People seem to fail to get into account the fact those education does not end with graduation.


  5. Now learned your firm move of record outstanding university graduates, are offering the resume to ask respectfully especially to consider.


  6. And yet, I'm terrified to even start my final papers, because doing badly on the papers will make people think I'm a bad person.


  7. After completing the course I Southwest Road, Dalian, a garment factory of any individual play board division and cutting divisions.


  8. Even the outstanding excellent graduate will learn constantly if he likes to be a pundit.


  9. Upon completion of this course and a passing score for the exam, a certificate of completion will be provided to every participant.


  1. 学年结业典礼

    annual commencement

  2. 颁发结业证书

    issue certificates for courses completed

  3. 结业典礼暨欢送晚会

    Closing Ceremony and Farewell Party

  4. 法院命令该公司结业。

    The court ordered the company to be winded up.

  5. 出具考试课程结业证书

    the certification of the exam modules

  6. 培训结业典礼。颁发证书

    Graduation Ceremony and Certificate Awarding

  7. 他结业时被授予证书。

    He was afforded a certificate upon completion of his course of study.

  8. 两个月的学习班即将结业。

    The two-month course is about to finish.

  9. 这是阿嘎西兹预科结业日。

    It is graduation day at Agassiz Gymnasium.

  10. 学员作品将于结业展览中展示。

    The workshop will be concluded by a finale exhibition.

  11. 李总裁为交换生颁发结业证书

    Headmistress Li is awarding the diploma for exchange students

  12. 他们最后收获到了这个结业证明

    They got this statement of accomplishment.

  13. 上海混凝土行业首届混凝土工艺师结业

    First commencement for concrete technologist in Shanghai concrete industry

  14. 为通过考核的学员发放结业证书。

    The school will issue graduation diplomas to each student.

  15. 那家布鲁克林的美味结业了。

    Brooklyn Bitty Bites, went out of business.

  16. 结业式上学员才艺表演中美双方领队

    Talents show of the trainees two team leaders

  17. 军队保卫干部刑法学专业研究生进修班结业

    Military security officers wind up criminal law postgraduate advanced course

  18. 哈佛大学的结业典礼是一个特别的时刻。

    A Harvard commencement is a special occasion.

  19. 结业证书应当载明修业年限和学业内容。

    Certificates of completion of studies should carry length of schooling and contents of studies.

  20. 我们的结业证书可以帮助你找到一份工作!

    Our certificates will help you get a job!

  21. 青岛橡胶轮胎工程专修学院首届学生结业

    The Qingdao rubber tire project specially repairs the institute first session student to graduate

  22. 我的外甥可以穿它去参加幼儿园的结业典礼。

    My nephew can wear it to his kindergarten graduation.

  23. 没有工作,没有薪水。可能会有一张结业证书。

    No job and No pay but a sheet of diploma.

  24. 合营公司结业后,其各种帐册,由甲方保存。

    After winding up of the joint venture company, its account Books shall be left in the care of the Chinese participant.

  25. 感谢你们给以我们加入此次结业典礼的殊荣。

    Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.

  26. 当公司被清算结业时他失去了拥有的一切。

    He lose all he possessed when his company be put into liquidation.

  27. 结业论文停止的日期,跟期中测验那一周反复。

    My thesis is due the same week as midterms.

  28. 例如,有些学校提供一年制有结业证书的培训。

    Some schools, for example, offer one year certificate programs.

  29. 年内,共有41名督察及173名关员在该训练学校结业。

    During the year,41 inspectors and 173 Customs officers passed out of the school.

  30. 我为经过更直接的途径获得学位的结业生喝彩。

    I applaud the graduates to taking a abundance lot direct awake to owe degrees.


  1. 问:结业拼音怎么拼?结业的读音是什么?结业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结业的读音是jiéyè,结业翻译成英文是 finish

  2. 问:结业清算拼音怎么拼?结业清算的读音是什么?结业清算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结业清算的读音是jié yè qīng suàn,结业清算翻译成英文是 wind up