




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:lì dì









  1. 立刻;即时。

    唐 吕岩 《五言》诗之十:“耄年服一粒,立地变冲童。” 宋 杨万里 《江山道中蚕麦大熟》诗:“新晴户户有欢颜,晒茧摊丝立地乾。” 郭沫若 《蔡文姬》第五幕:“把歌辞和谱交给她,她说好得很,她们立地就练习。”

  2. 站立着。

    宋 无名氏 《步蟾宫》词:“夜深著緉小鞋儿,斜靠著屏风立地。”《清平山堂话本·洛阳三怪记》:“忽一日, 潘松 在门前立地。”



  1. Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works.


  2. The site type of the better water content is mainly in the bottom of slope and the vegetation is easier to restore.


  3. The poor ecological environment and soil fertility in Chinas orchard are the important factors to influence the fruit yield and quality.


  4. Considering the variety of forest sites, both the above methods should be recommended together for nutrient diagnoses in bamboo forests.


  5. Site index is an effective method that has been widely used to evaluate site quality at present.


  6. The results indicated that there were significant differences in the root distribution characters on different sites.


  7. In all stages of the geochemical and mineral exploration process, you make decisions based upon site conditions, judgment and experience.


  8. Slope position and altitude are the integrative reflections of meteorological and site factors.


  9. This paper discusses the relations between the site factors and the species of subterranean pest of Eucalyptus globulus and E.


  1. 立地指数表

    site index table.

  2. 立地通天房

    Li Di Tong Tian Fang.

  3. 典型立地类型

    typical site type

  4. 不同立地条件

    different soil type.

  5. 立地质量评价

    site quality evaluation.

  6. 立地类型划分

    site type classification.

  7. 特殊立地条件

    Special planting situation

  8. 极端困难立地

    the extreme difficult sites.

  9. 复合立地类型

    Complex site types.

  10. 单形立地指数表

    single form site index table

  11. 水曲柳立地质量评价

    Site quality evaluation of Manchurian Ash

  12. 放下屠刀,立地成佛。

    A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver.

  13. 知识即力量,顶天又立地。

    Knowledge is power the sky's the limit.

  14. 立地条件不同, 土壤蓄水能力不同。

    Soil water storage ability is different with different site conditions.

  15. 放下客户端立地成佛。

    Let the customers be Buddha at once.

  16. 水曲柳幼林适生立地条件研究

    Study on the site conditions suitable for young plantation of fraxinus mandshurica

  17. 蹦高和跳舞,后脚立地跳起来!

    Skip and dance, jump and prance!

  18. 你的货一到,我们立地发款。

    Once your goods arrive, we will pay immediately.

  19. 你的货一到,我们立地发款。

    Once your goods arrive, we will pay immediately.

  20. 果园的立地条件也是个重要因素。

    Exposure of the orchard is an important factor.

  21. 辽东半岛沿海丘陵立地类型。

    Site type of coastal hilly area in Liaodong Peninsula.

  22. 学习语言应该主动地, 立地, 目的地学。

    Learning leaguage should be active, dependent and purposeful.

  23. 辽西走廊沿海丘陵平原立地类型。

    Site type of coastal hilly plain in Liaoxi Corridor.

  24. 干热河谷印楝生长与立地条件关系

    Relationship between Growth Increment of Azadirachta indica and Site Condition in Hot and Arid Valley

  25. 不同立地对池杉林生长的影响

    Effects of Different Sites on the Growth of Taxodium ascendens

  26. 森林生态系统立地指数的遥感分析

    The preliminary analysis of forest ecosystem site index using remote sensed data

  27. 沙松人工林生长与立地因子的关系

    The Relationships between the Growth of Abies holophylla Maxim. Plantation and the Site Factors

  28. 想要立地答复的,要知道自身是多么幸运的。

    If you wanna answer it iediately, you shall know how happy you are.

  29. 不同立地条件其施肥效果存在一定的差异。

    Difference existed on fertilization of different site conditions.

  30. 紫金山南坡森林立地的数值分类

    Numerical Classification of Forest Site on Southern Slope of the Purple Mountain


  1. 问:立地拼音怎么拼?立地的读音是什么?立地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地的读音是lìdì,立地翻译成英文是 To stand on the ground.; Once

  2. 问:立地钟拼音怎么拼?立地钟的读音是什么?立地钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地钟的读音是lì dì zhōng,立地钟翻译成英文是 tall-case clock

  3. 问:立地价值拼音怎么拼?立地价值的读音是什么?立地价值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地价值的读音是lì dì jià zhí,立地价值翻译成英文是 site vAlue

  4. 问:立地品级拼音怎么拼?立地品级的读音是什么?立地品级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地品级的读音是lì dì pǐn jí,立地品级翻译成英文是 site quality

  5. 问:立地指标拼音怎么拼?立地指标的读音是什么?立地指标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地指标的读音是lì dì zhǐ biāo,立地指标翻译成英文是 site indicator

  6. 问:立地类型拼音怎么拼?立地类型的读音是什么?立地类型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立地类型的读音是lì dì lèi xíng,立地类型翻译成英文是 site type