




关于军事或技击的,与“文”相对:~装。~器。~警。~林。~坛。~生。~旦。~丑。~净。~举。勇猛,猛烈:英~。威~。~断。~士。~夫。半步,泛指脚步:步~。踵~。行(xíng )不数~。姓。……



汉语拼音:yòng wǔ








  1. 使用武力。

    《史记·留侯世家》:“ 雒阳 虽有此固,其中小,不过数百里,田地薄,四面受敌,此非用武之国也。” 唐 杜甫 《昔游》诗:“ 幽燕 盛用武,供给亦劳哉。” 金 元好问 《赵州学记》:“用武之世而责人以儒者之事,不可也。”

  2. 喻施展本领。

    《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》:“﹝ 曹操 ﹞遂破 荆州 ,威震四海。英雄无所用武,故 豫州 遁逃至此。” 清 袁枚 《斧砚铭》:“笔可为刀,砚宜作斧,膏以隃麋,英雄用武。”



  1. Where study of the Depression is more helpful, though, is in steering clear of deeper trouble.


  2. Your fine diplomatic skills can come in handy today both at home and work.


  3. But K was quick to criticize fellow contenders like Clinton and Edwards who initially supported the use of force in Iraq.


  4. These, sir, are my reasons for not entertaining that high opinion of untried force.


  5. That is why, as long as China insists on the right to use force in Taiwan, America should continue to support the island.


  1. 大有用武之地。

    There's ample scope for one's abilities.

  2. 这正是资本主义的用武之地。

    This is where capitalism comes in.

  3. 这正是中间件的用武之地。

    And this is where middleware comes in.

  4. 这正是中间件得用武之地。

    And this is where middleware comes in.

  5. 这里可是他脑子的用武之地。

    Here was work for the vigor of his brain.

  6. 这时候,闪电就有用武之地了。

    This is where lightning comes in.

  7. 这也正是构建工具的用武之地。

    This is what build tools are for.

  8. 其他的手势也可能有用武之地。

    Other gestures have potential as well.

  9. 这就是大数据未来的用武之地。

    This is the future playground of big data.

  10. 这正是培养新习惯的用武之地。

    This is where developing new habits comes in.

  11. 说话和思维在这里毫无用武之地。

    It leaves speech and thought for dead.

  12. 这就是操作控制台的用武之地了。

    That's where the Operations Console comes on.

  13. 那些熟谙军事艺术的人当然偏爱用武。

    Those who understand the military art will, of course, have some predilection for it.

  14. 你们的先进技术一定会有用武之地的。

    Your advanced technology will meet a ready market here.

  15. 前方,是新世纪的曙光,是我们的用武之地。

    In front of us, it's the dawn of the new century.

  16. 要是能伤害他们,那就有了用武之地。

    If it hurt them, it could be useful.

  17. 而这就是热部署和热更新的用武之地。

    This is where hot deployment and hot update come in.

  18. 谦虚好问, 你将发现你才能的用武之地。

    Make inquiries, for you will find your talents are valued.

  19. 谦虚好问,你将发现你才能得用武之地。

    Make inquiries,for you will find your talents are valued.

  20. 随着建筑学的进步,它们很有用武之地。

    They can expect to have a lot of forms and functions within the practice of architecture.

  21. 运动和娱乐活动也是这种带子得用武之地。

    Sports and recreational activities make good use of this tape as well.

  22. 运动和娱乐活动也是这种带子的用武之地。

    Sports and recreational activities make good use of this tape as well.

  23. 但总的来说,我觉得这个智能程序大有用武之地。

    But all in all, I found this smart program to be a real boon.

  24. 结果如按上述方法,催眠术在疗养院大有用武之地。

    Results The hypnosis was very useful in the sanatorium if the aforementioned means were employed.

  25. 计算机科学是第三个纳米技术大有用武之地的领域。

    Computer science is another area where nanotech have a great future.

  26. 计算机科学是第三个纳米技术大有用武之地得领域。

    Computer science is another area where nanotech have a great future.

  27. 有关知识产权和版权的法律技能快没有用武之地了。

    Nor are legal skills surrounding Intellectual Property and Copyright very useful anymore.

  28. 首要问题是要为她充沛的精力开辟新的用武之地。

    The main thing, however, was to find a new direction for her abundant energies.

  29. 虽然仅针对点头,这个新的系统还是应该有用武之地。

    Even just with nodding, though, the new system should have applications.

  30. 虽然仅针对点头,这个新得系统还是应该有用武之地。

    Even just with nodding, though, the new system should have applications.


  1. 问:用武拼音怎么拼?用武的读音是什么?用武翻译成英文是什么?

    答:用武的读音是yòngwǔ,用武翻译成英文是 to apply force to something; to display one's...

  2. 问:用武力强迫拼音怎么拼?用武力强迫的读音是什么?用武力强迫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:用武力强迫的读音是,用武力强迫翻译成英文是 bayonet


用武yòng wǔ,注音ㄩㄥˋ ㄨˇ,开战、交战、蛮横。