






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:dòng dàng bù ān








  • 【解释】:荡:摇动。动荡摇摆,不安定。形容局势不稳定,不平静。
  • 【出自】:欧阳山《三家巷》第十八章:“他和陈文婷谈起,两人都觉得纵然社会上动荡不安,革命的前途还是光明的,乐观的。”


  1. asks one university student. With nerves jangled from years of upheaval, nicotine is often the first and only comfort.


  2. After a shaky start, Chinese companies seem to have become more sensitive to local concerns. Take Peru.


  3. Modem China, mistreated and invaded by many big powers, was an unrest society with a corrupt officialdom.


  4. In early 1961 Washington began to hear increasing reports of unrest on the island.


  5. Faced with a turbulent political situation, the only way the monopoly bourgeoisie to rely on the militarization of recovery.


  6. If tensions ascended that far, Asia would indeed be in for a time of much tumult.


  7. One economic expert, New York University Professor Neil Barofsky, says the markets may be in turmoil for a while.


  8. At the beginning of a tragedy, Shakespeare's description is a volatile situation.


  9. In spite of the troubled environment, market rates for bankers have been running close to the boom-time highs of two years ago.


  1. 处于动荡不安中

    to be in ferment

  2. 这个国家处於动荡不安之中。

    The country was in ferment.

  3. 这个国家处于动荡不安中。

    The country was in a state of ferment.

  4. 这个国家处于动荡不安之中。

    The country was in ferment.

  5. 因内战而动荡不安的国家

    a country torn by civil war

  6. 眼下是一个动荡不安的时刻。

    This is a fraught moment.

  7. 这是一个动荡不安, 反抗四起的时期。

    It was a time of agitation and revolt.

  8. 选举将在愈加动荡不安的局势下举行。

    The election will take place against a backdrop of increasing instability.

  9. 中东动荡不安的政治局势让人难以预测。

    The turbulent world of Middle Eastern politics defies prediction.

  10. 政府结束了那个时期社会动荡不安的局面。

    The government ended that period of social turbulence.

  11. 我们结束了那个时期的社会动荡不安的局面。

    We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time.

  12. 他感到时代动荡不安,整个世界是个悲惨之地。

    He felt that the times were out of joint,and world was a miserable place.

  13. 我们可以做很多事情来帮助这个动荡不安的国家。

    There is much we can do to help this troubled country.

  14. 英国动荡不安的政治局面也让一些投资者担心不已。

    Britain's unsettled political scene also worries some investors.

  15. 由于时局动荡不安, 大多数援助机构已经撤离了索马里。

    Because of the prevailing insecurity, most aid agencies have left the country.

  16. 社会动荡不安,环境恶化和暴力频发构成了当前的危机。

    Social unrest, environmental degradation, and violence are all parts of the ongoing crisis.

  17. 领土和宗教争端是导致中东局势动荡不安的主要原因。

    Territorial and religious issues are the leading factors that made the Middle East a trouble spot.

  18. 大学生的就业问题成为社会动荡不安的又一个新的因素!

    Should this problem not be tackled rightly, the employment issue would turn into a new factor that causes social instability.

  19. 政局动荡不安或政府不愿开展项目的国家将被排除。

    Countries with civil unrest or governments unwilling to carry out the program will not be involved.

  20. 政局动荡不安或政府不愿开展项目得国家将被排除。

    Countries with civil unrest or governments unwilling to carry out the program will not be involved.

  21. 我们生活在第二次世界大战以来最动荡不安的时期之一。

    We live in one of the most turbulent periods since the Second World War.

  22. 这种姿态推动英国石油股票及债券经历了动荡不安的一周。

    Its stance has contributed to a tumultuous week for BP's shares and debt.

  23. 为因应加沙地带目前的动荡不安,设置了一项紧急方案。

    In response to the current unrest in the Gaza Strip, an emergency programme was created.

  24. 安史之乱后,中央集权衰弱,社会动荡不安,促进了侠客的滋生。

    After An Shi Unrest, the centralization is weak, and the society is upturned, which causes the growing of swordsmen.

  25. 感受将是动荡、不安及急遽变化的。

    Your feelings will be unsettled, insecure, and jumpy.

  26. 当我们处于动荡和不安时,你们要求我们依法治理。

    When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.

  27. 战乱,动荡等不安的情绪也在图案中流露出来。

    The resultant turbulence and unrest were reflected in art designs.

  28. 我们结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。

    We have put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time.

  29. 我们党结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面。

    Our party has put an end to the social unrest and upheaval of that time.

  30. 我们经历过的一年半,是不安,动荡和苦难的一年半。

    We have experienced an agitated, volatile and tortured year and a half.

