







汉语拼音:fēng shā







  1. Proxy servers, which might have been used to circumvent the prohibitions, were also blocked.


  2. It says that of the thousands of applications that it has banned, very few transferred user information without authorisation.


  3. It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs.


  4. I can't. I can't just wait around for these witch hunters to come at me with some super special dark magic killing plan.


  5. Users could retrieve content that Beijing banned by clicking to call up a "cached" copy of the web page, stored by Google.


  6. 'I was uncomfortable with our photos amongst those and his Flickr contacts, ' she said in an email, 'So I blocked him.


  7. Accurate to judge the fundamentals of the market to determine the accuracy of analysts, the market is likely to be blocked by the Fund.


  8. The interior minister said the cabinet might block internet sites that praised the assailant and curb some demonstrations.


  9. CITC spokesman Sultan al-Malik declined to comment when asked about the agreement, but said 'the BlackBerry ban issue is over. '


  1. 封杀黄色刊物

    prohibit pornography.

  2. 随后就被封杀了。

    It was later banned.

  3. 这部片子被封杀了。

    The film has been banned.

  4. 那么,这种审查封杀了什么呢?

    So what did this censorship amount to?

  5. 然而,我们没有封杀批评我们的人。

    Still, we have not silenced our critics.

  6. 那个游击手使二垒跑垒手被封杀。

    The shortstop got the runner at second on a force.

  7. 政府能够也必须提供机会,不是封杀机会。

    Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it.

  8. 封杀瘦模特的风暴冲击伦敦时装周

    Skinny Model Storm Hits London Fashion Week

  9. 他发表了一份声明,意在封杀批评。

    He released a statement designed to preempt criticism.

  10. 布什的否决没有彻底封杀干细胞研究。

    Mr Bushs veto does not kill stemcell research.

  11. 纽约城高昂的租金封杀了老兵俱乐部。

    High rents force out veteran clubs in new york city.

  12. 当我发现内森在封杀我时我吓坏了

    I panicked when I found out that nathan was blackballing me

  13. 可能被用来规避禁令的代理服务器也被封杀。

    Proxy servers, which might have been used to circumvent the prohibitions, were also blocked.

  14. 宁波广电集团封杀湖南卫视的法学透视

    The Legal Perspective of Ningbo Radio and Television Group Blocked Hunan Satellite TV

  15. 任何被发现的,企图掩盖缺陷的部分都将被封杀。

    Where any attempt to conceal defects is discovered the works may be rejected.

  16. 安贞焕遭佩鲁贾封杀 知遇之恩仍不忘

    Korean Goal Hero Sacked By Italian Club

  17. 他们的一记封杀让从三垒出发的跑垒手出局。

    They got the third base runner on a force out at home.

  18. 他们的一记封杀让从三垒出发的跑垒手出局。

    They got the third base runner on a force out at home.

  19. 有业内人事透露说他被广电总局封杀了。

    An insider disclosed that he was banned by the National Broadcasting and TV Administration.

  20. 不用在服务端添加任何特征字符便可有效封杀。

    Do not add any features of the service side characters can be effectively blocked.

  21. 如果让难看的人去,岂不是有封杀了主题感觉啊!

    If ugly people, then there is a sense of the subject block ah!

  22. 他查禁独立报社, 干预援助项目, 封杀惹恼他的通讯社。

    He closes down independent newspapers and meddles in aid projects, banning agencies that annoy him.

  23. 但他们中只有一人有理由想要封杀他的报道。

    But only one of them had reason to want both stories killed.

  24. 投手突然回身投向二垒手,于是在二垒上将对方封杀出局。

    The pitch turned around suddenly and threw to the second baseman runner off second base.

  25. 同时阿里巴巴还对一再侵犯知识产权的会员实行封杀。

    It also has imposed bans on members who repeatedly violate intellectual property rights.

  26. 伊朗已封杀该杂志及其记者,直至该地图集被修正为止。

    Iran banned the magazine and its reporters until it corrects the atlas.

  27. 二垒手虽然漏接,但仍然有时间把跑垒员封杀出局。

    The second baseman made a bobble but still had time to throw the runner out.

  28. 二垒手虽然漏接,但仍然有时间把跑垒员封杀出局。

    The second baseman made a bobble but still had time to throw the runner out.

  29. 如果保安局封杀教会, 我会行使公民抗命, 他们可以拘捕我。

    But if the Security Bureau shuts down the church, then I would opt for civil disobedience and they can arrest me.

  30. 当你怀揣着一张完美男人清单,就等于封杀了大批的好男人。

    When you have a perfect man checklist, its cutting you off from boat loads of men that are out there.


  1. 问:封杀拼音怎么拼?封杀的读音是什么?封杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:封杀的读音是fēngshā,封杀翻译成英文是 blacklist