


1. 伽 [qié]2. 伽 [jiā]3. 伽 [gā]伽 [qié]〔~南香〕沉香。〔~蓝〕梵语“僧伽蓝摩”的简称,指僧众所住的园林,后指佛寺。伽 [jiā]〔~倻〕朝鲜乐器名,有些像中国的筝。伽 [gā]〔~马射线〕即“丙种射线”,镭……





汉语拼音:jiā tā






  1. 见“ 伽陀 ”。



  1. 网络
  2. tha

  1. 我写信给巴巴, 说我想去阿美纳伽得到他的达善。

    I wrote to Baba that I wanted to go to Ahmednagar to have His darshan.

  2. 哆他伽多夜

    Duo tuo qie duo ye.

  3. 看着他肚子上的赘肉,就知道他没有足够瑜伽。

    And by the look of that paunch, he hasnt been doing enough yoga.

  4. 他知道,愿意跟他练习无上瑜伽、禅坐的人是有福的。

    He knew that who would like to practice Kundalini Yoga and sit in Zen way is lucky.

  5. 没有成功 于是他发明了伽玛刀

    He failed, so he then invented the gammaknife.

  6. 阿伽门农说他控制不了阿喀琉斯。

    Hector sees his wife, Andromache, and his son.

  7. 伽利略的思想超越了他生活的时代。

    Galileos ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived.

  8. 你以为阿伽门农会在乎他兄弟的婚姻?

    Do you think Agamemnon cares about his brother's marriage?

  9. 伽利略继续提炼他有关物体移动的观点。

    Galileo continued to refine his ideas about objects in motion.

  10. 伽利略死于1642年,他制造了第一架望远镜。

    Galileo, who made the first telescope,died in 1642.

  11. 他们把伽利略的不轨行为通知了他的父亲。

    They notified galileo's father of his misdoings.

  12. 伽利略的思想远远超越了他所生活的时代。

    Galileos ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.

  13. 他开始在一地经济,牛顿和伽利略开始物理。

    He started economics in a way that Newton and Galileo started physics.

  14. 伽摩尼爱这位如父亲一样的老师, 他尊敬他, 服从他。

    He was like a father to Prince Gamani, who liked, respected and obeyed him.

  15. 伽利略毫不在乎同事们对他的议论, 继续做他的实验。

    Galilio cared nothing about the comments by his colleagues and continued his experiment.

  16. 伽利略在当时,提出惯性定律,他的观点是这样的。

    It was Galileo who expressed what he called the law of inertia and I will read you his law.

  17. 现在波伽利也承认, 有时他卖空了自己得才能。

    Now Bocelli has admitted that at times he sold his talent short.

  18. 当伽利略一步一步爬上斜塔时,大家都嘘他。

    When the Galileo climbed the Leaning Tower of step by step, everyone boo him.

  19. 伽里略制作了一个望远镜,通过它他得以研究天空。

    Galileo made a telescope through which he could study the sky.

  20. 伽利略,受宗教裁判所的压力,他必须稍微礼貌一些。

    Galileo, he had the Inquisition so he had to be a little bit more polite.

  21. 今天, 我们赞颂伽理略, 称他为现代科学的奠基人之一。

    Today we praise Galileo and call him one of the founders of modern science.

  22. 伽利略撰写对话录是否违反1616年对他所下的命令?

    Did Galileo actually disobey the orders that were given him in 1616 by writing The Dialogue

  23. 同时,伽达默尔反对历史主义因为他说,人们做不到。

    In the meantime, Gadamer is objecting to this because he says, you simply cant do this.

  24. 伽达默尔愿意牺牲,因为他相信先入之见不可避免。

    Gadamer is willing to sacrifice because of his belief in the inescapability of preconception.

  25. 当伽利略向人们讲述自己的发现时,谁也不相信他。

    When Galileo told people of his discovery, no one would believe him.

  26. 作为物理学家, 伽利略因为他的落体定律而特别著名。

    Galileo is especially noted as a physicist for his law of falling bodies.

  27. 但是哈他瑜伽却帮助了每个人。

    Hatha yoga however has been helping everybody.

  28. 但是修习瑜伽带给的他快乐仍然不减。

    But the pleasure he took in the practice was unaffected.

  29. 拉尔辛嗜酒如命,医生建议他采取瑜伽法戒酒。

    Larsen sotted. The doctor proposed him to take yoga for abstinence.

  30. 瑜伽动作可以训练孩子得平衡感, 发展他得前庭系统。

    Yoga can train your baby's sense of balance and develop his vestibular system.