




1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



汉语拼音:shū jiāng








  1. 运送。

    《汉书·晁错传》:“陛下幸募民相徙以实塞下,使屯戍之事益省,输将之费益寡,甚大惠也。” 颜师古 注引 如淳 曰:“将,送也。”

  2. 指缴纳赋税。

    宋 王安石 《酬王詹叔奉便江东访茶法利害见寄》诗:“输将一不足,往往死鞭杻。” 清 顾炎武 《天津》诗:“岂惟念输将,隐然存大计。”

  3. 资助;捐献。

    《上海小刀会起义史料汇编·忆昭楼洪杨奏稿·青浦耆民马大成等稟》:“即奉劝助军餉,亦为辗转劝导有力之户,竭力输将,地方大为得益。” 郭沫若 《创造十年续篇》六:“在‘五卅’前两年, 日本 的 东京 发生大地震的时候, 中国 人虽然捉襟见肘,也曾慷慨输将。” 邹韬奋 《劲儿多好!》:“ 沪 上人民于千苦万难中对于十九路军输将慰劳之踊跃,至今犹历历如在目前。”



  1. Project supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of Chellona (Grant No. ).


  2. Project supported by the Shanxi Provincial Foundation for Leaders of Disciplines in Science, Chellona (Grant No. ).


  3. Project supported by the National Basic Research Foundation for "Nonlinear Science" of Chellona (Grant No. ).


  4. Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, Chellona(Grant No. ).


  5. Project supported by the Shanghai Postdoctoral Sustentation Fund, Chellona(Grant No. ).


  6. Project supported by the National Science Foundation for Post-doctoral Scientists of Chellona (Grant No. ).


  7. Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, Chellona (Grant No. ).


  8. Project supported by the "Dawn" Program of Shanghai Education Commission, Chellona (Grant No. ).


  9. Project supported by the Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics, Ministry of Education, Chellona (Grant No. ).


  1. 开出结果为豹时,未押中豹者将输掉这场赌注的一半

    When the result is panther, the players who didnt bet it will lose one halfof the bet cost of the game

  2. 惠州今年玩具等圣诞品输美量将大幅增长

    A significant increase in Christmas products to be exported from Huizhou to the USA expected this year

  3. 将他们的房屋接上国家的输电网将尤为缓慢与昂贵。

    Connecting them to national grids will be slow and expensive.

  4. 将正义感输于头脑中

    the influx of righteousness into our brains

  5. 这些电线将电流输到我们得灯泡里。

    These wires carry the current to our lamps.

  6. 这些电线将电流输到我们的灯泡里。

    These wires carry the current to our lamps.

  7. 我恐怕你们的队将会输掉这场比赛。

    I am afraid your team is losing the game.

  8. 有些方法是用各种长度得接地线将电流输到地下得。

    With some methods, current is introduced into the earth by grounded lengths of wire.

  9. 有些方法是用各种长度的接地线将电流输到地下的。

    With some methods, current is introduced into the earth by grounded lengths of wire.

  10. 血流阻力增加会使心肌增加波动强度以将血液输往全身。

    This increased resistance causes the muscle work harder to pump the blood through these blood vessels.

  11. 如果我们输了,我们将怎么办呢

    Where will we be if we lose

  12. 如果这场输了,我们将与冠军无缘。

    If we lose this game, we're out of the championship.

  13. 如果她意识到可能会输掉,就将问题推迟到下次再讨论。

    If she looks losing, the subject will be adjourned to another day.

  14. 他喜欢赌博,每次他输了他都会将赌注加倍。

    He loved gambling and each time he lost he would double his stakes.

  15. 如果这个官司输掉了, 迈克将承担诉讼费用。

    If he loses the case, Michael will have pick up the bill for legal costs.

  16. 将输出行宽度分配给用

    Assigns an output line width to a file opened using the

  17. 这种方法可以适用于你将这些链接输进文章中时的情况。

    This method will work for those links that you enter into the body of a post.

  18. 将杀人凶手的呼吸输进他的体内?

    By breathing a killer's breath into his body?

  19. 收集管的主要功能是将精细胞团输送至输精管。

    The main function of collecting tubules is to transport the spermatids to the vas deferens.

  20. 如果存储卡密码输错手机将重启

    Phone reboots if wrong memory card password is entered

  21. 这个会输, 而这个, 不管材料或长度, 都将会赢。

    This one is going to be the loser, and this one, regardless of mass or length, is going to be the winner.

  22. 日俄将商讨西伯利亚输油管道问题

    Tokyo and Moscow seek to resolve territorial dispute

  23. 他将他所有的钱来赌这场比赛,但他全部输掉了。

    He put all his money on the race, but he lost all of it.

  24. 这将把行号排列到输出行的前6个列中。

    This will align our line numbers in the first six columns of the output line.

  25. 西家能够将吃第二张红心输张,而不是第一张。

    It is acceptable for West to be able to ruff the second of these with his trump trick, but not the first.

  26. 这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。

    The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment.

  27. 我将不必因为一包坏运气的游戏卡而输掉这个游戏。

    I will not necessarily lose the game with a pack of playing cards of bad luck.

  28. 军政府将在今年再次举行大选,这次他们不会输了。

    This year on an unnamed date the junta will hold another election. It will not lose this one.

  29. 他将12液体盎司的羊的血液输给了一名15岁的男孩。

    He transfuses 12 fluid ounces of sheep blood to a 15yearold boy.

  30. 血小板供者库的建立将对血小板的输注带来巨大的益处

    The using of the platelet donor bank has the potential benefits for the platelet transfusion approach.