






1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:sòng huò shàng mén







  1. 把货物送到顾客家里,以方便用户。


  2. 比喻女子主动接近男子。多用于贬义。

    老鬼 《血色黄昏》五九:“团部学校一女教师看上了他,常往连里跑,送货上门。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部十九:“这些小玩艺,放在一个碰也没有碰过一下女人的四十六岁的跑腿子的炕上,引得他整宿没有睡…… 侯长腿 骂起来了:‘操她小妈的,送上门来了,什么玩艺?’”《中篇小说选刊》1988年第2期:“好呀,你这破货!原来你早跟 秋寡公 勾搭,一起害 牯苟 。骚到家了!送上门了。”



  1. Please send directly to the products delivered to your door to the company, shipping costs shall be borne.


  2. I deal with a grocery shop that will take my order over the phone and deliver to my door.


  3. They are delivered to your home and actually can be cheaper by the month if you watch a lot (with your husband at night).


  4. The company's customers for the majority of ordinary express home delivery services.


  5. We offer good prices; furthermore, goods are delivered to the door.


  6. We can ship to your home base or co-operate with you to ship throughout China and Asia if you have customers in this region.


  7. You place your orders online, and the milkman brings it your doorstep, fresh from a local family-owned farm not far from where I live.


  8. Please retain the receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee. INTERPRETING PRACTICE ?


  9. For those in need of extra security on a door-to-door journey, a security car can be sent to follow the van.


  1. 送货上门吗?

    Can I get it delivered to my house?

  2. 免费送货上门

    Free delivery to your door.

  3. 我们送货上门!

    We deliver to your door!

  4. 我们送货上门!

    We deliver to your door!

  5. 能送货上门吗?

    Can I have this delivered?

  6. 现金交易送货上门

    cash and delivery sale

  7. 我们可以送货上门。

    We can deliver goods to your door.

  8. 我们送货上门。另外,

    To We delivered your order to your door.

  9. 我们送货上门。另外,

    To We delivered your order to your door.

  10. 现金交易不送货上门

    cash and carry sale

  11. 你们可以送货上门吗?

    Do you deliver?

  12. 多谢,你们送货上门吗

    Thanks a lot.Oh,do you guys deliver?

  13. 多谢,你们送货上门吗?

    Thanks a lot. Oh, do you guys deliver?

  14. 多谢,你们送货上门吗?

    Thanks a lot. Oh, do you guys deliver?

  15. 我们可以免费送货上门。

    We can deliver goods to your door free of charge.

  16. 广州客户, 可送货上门。

    For local customers, we can deliver the goods to the indicated address.

  17. 为年老顾客送货上门

    deliver goods to the homes of aged customers

  18. 这家商店免费送货上门。

    The store delivers free of charge.

  19. 这样他们就会送货上门。

    And the jeans are delivered to my door.

  20. 售货员送货上门,便利群众。

    The shop assistants sell goods from door to door for the convenience of the masses.

  21. 投递邮件, 我们可以送货上门。

    We can deliver goods to your doors.

  22. 现在很多商店免费送货上门。

    Many stores now deliver goods to your door free of charge.

  23. 这种豪华轿车提供送货上门服务。

    The limousine offers door-to-door service.

  24. 我已为你安排好送货上门。

    I have arranged for the goods to be delivered to your door.

  25. 本商店很乐意为你送货上门。

    The store is more than happy to deliver goods to your home.

  26. 晋升的事休想会给你送货上门。

    You can not expect promotion to be handed to you on a plate.

  27. 这家商店的蔬菜应要求送货上门。

    Vegetables are deliverable on demand in this store.

  28. 送货上门,是本店的服务内容之一。

    Home delivery is one of our shop's service items.

  29. 多数电子商务销售均提供送货上门服务。

    Most ecommerce sales involve home delivery.

  30. 我们为客户提供免费送货上门的服务。

    We offer customers a free home delivery service.


  1. 问:送货上门拼音怎么拼?送货上门的读音是什么?送货上门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:送货上门的读音是sòng huò shàng mén,送货上门翻译成英文是 door delivery