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汉语拼音:shǒu qiāng
You know, you got a badge and a gun but you're still a punk so shut the fuck up .
你知道,你有徽章和手枪,但你仍然是一个朋克所以关闭他妈的了。Mr. Mesalem pointed at an Israeli ship on the horizon, then made his hand into a gun, pointed it at his head.
梅萨勒姆指了指海平面上一艘以色列船只,然后把手摆出手枪的样子,指着自己的头部。The robber took out his pistol and pointed at her head with it, and she came across with all the money she had in her pocket.
土匪掏出手枪用枪对着她的头部,于是她把口袋里所有的钱全部交了出来。If it were a pistol, I would insist anger, like control, be checked at the door.
如果愤怒是手枪,我会坚持要求将愤怒和控制欲一样拒之于门外。As well, a skilled marksman with a bow is going to hit his mark way more than an equally skilled guy with a pistol.
同样的,一名熟练的神射手使用弓箭命中目标的几率远远超出用手枪用得同样熟练的人。Police released the findings of 13 said the man holding the gun is not really old-fashioned, but a hand-held lawn sprinkler irrigation.
警方13日公布调查结果称,该男子手持的实际上不是老式手枪,而是一个浇灌草坪用的手持喷头。I climbed through the skylight and sat on the edge of it, pistol in hand and with a bold front.
我从天窗爬出去,坐在它一边上,握住手枪,装出一副英勇的姿势。He raises the handgun and points it towards the driver's seat, but he does not fire. He looks in shock to see that his mark is already dead.
他举起了手枪,枪口对准车的驾驶位,但是他没有开火,因为他看到他要袭击的目标已经死了。A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what police believe was a gang assault.