




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:biàn jí








  1. 普遍地达到、分布。

    《禅真逸史》第三八回:“主公初任 楚州 ,仓廒不足,税赋甚轻,若欲賑济,难以遍及。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·槐西杂志一》:“人世旌表,岂能遍及?穷乡蔀屋湮没不彰者,在在有之。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记》:“关羽庙遍及京城、大镇、名山、险要。”



  1. It would be lovely to have this sense of community around learning all over the country and all over the world.

  2. However, in line with the results using the Consensus forecasts, the trade channel does not seem to be important for emerging markets.

  3. The story is all over the town. It is being spread by someone or by some people. There's no smoke without fire.

  4. For the next six and a half years, Betancourt was kept in places all over the countryside of Columbia.

  5. He said a few dozen documented Neanderthal burials from Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia have already been documented.

  6. And of course, none of this would be possible without the many thousands of Rational Users Group members worldwide.

  7. By living abstemiously on other fronts, she said she had managed to keep her carbon footprint to half that of the average American.

  8. At a different level, some Irish banks operated indifferently across the island, as if the border with the North did not exist.

  9. The same thinking goes for poisoning - if that were the case, birds would be falling all over Arkansas, and that just isn't the case.


  1. 遍及各行各业

    spread all trades and professions

  2. 恐惧遍及全城

    Fear filled the city.

  3. 现在遍及整个印度

    It was time now to infect India.

  4. 到处发生遍及各处

    To occur here and there throughout pervade.

  5. 革命思想遍及全国。

    Revolutionary ideas pervaded the whole land.

  6. 我们的朋友遍及天下。

    We have friends throughout the world.

  7. 遍及委内瑞拉全国。

    all over Venezuela.

  8. 和平的呼声遍及世界。

    The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.

  9. 这些小分队遍及整个公司。

    These teams slashed the entire company.

  10. 奥运会场将遍及全北京。

    The Olympics will be all over Beijing.

  11. 他的声望遍及整个世界。

    His popularity extends all over in the whole world.

  12. 遍及整个文档的次要的修改。

    Minor revisions throughout entire document.

  13. 遍及整个文档得次要得修改。

    Minor revisions throughout entire document.

  14. 秩序, 均衡和公理遍及宇宙。

    Order, proportion, and fitness pervade the universe.

  15. 不久分部遍及全马来亚。

    Soon branches appeared all over Malaya.

  16. 遍及整个 地中海西北部

    of the entire northwestern Mediterranean Sea.

  17. 这几次旅游遍及全国各地。

    These tours took in every part of the country.

  18. 这家公司的分店遍及全国。

    The company has branches throughout the country.

  19. 我们有遍及全国的商店网。

    We have a network of shops all over the country.

  20. 他的知识广博遍及许多领域。

    His knowledgespans many different areas.

  21. 整个夜空,浮云遍及,时分时合。

    Then there was a blot of cloud, and shadow.

  22. 很快混乱会从天而降遍及大地。

    Soon turmoil will fall across the lands.

  23. 感染将会遍及整个神经系统。

    The infection will generalize throughout the nervous system.

  24. 感染将会遍及整个神经系统。

    The infection will generalize throughout the nervous system.

  25. 这种强烈的辐射遍及整个空间。

    This intense radiation pervades all of space.

  26. 因为,现在思想遍及所有的地方。

    Because, now thought is all over the place.

  27. 他们干活的地点遍及全城。

    Their operations extended all over the town.

  28. 她的阿富汗网络 几乎遍及各处。

    And her Afghan network was just absolutely everywhere.

  29. 他们的共同兴趣遍及所有艺术。

    They had a communion of interests that covered all the arts.

  30. 客户和合作伙伴遍及世界各地。

    The clients and cooperation partners of CNS spread all over the world.


  1. 问:遍及拼音怎么拼?遍及的读音是什么?遍及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遍及的读音是biànjí,遍及翻译成英文是 spread all over



biànjí [extend all over] 存在于各个方面、各个地方 我们企业集团的子公司遍及全球 普遍地达到、分布。《禅真逸史》第三八回:“主公初任 楚州 ,仓廒不足,税赋甚轻,若欲赈济,难以遍及。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·槐西杂志一》:“人世旌表,岂能遍及?穷乡蔀屋湮没不彰者,在在有之。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记》:“关羽庙遍及京城、大镇、名山、险要。”