


1. 侧 [cè]2. 侧 [zè]3. 侧 [zhāi]侧 [cè]旁:~面。~影。~门。~室。~翼。~记(关于某些活动的侧面的报道)。斜着:~重(zhòng )(偏重)。~射。~卧。~枝。~芽。辗转反~。卑陋:~陋(a.偏僻简陋;b.指……


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:cè zhòng








  1. 偏重。

    柯灵 《香雪海·真实想象和虚构》:“不管形式怎样,艺术家对自己所描写的对象,总是有所强调,有所侧重。”



  1. There is no attempt to diversify across industry groups or to focus on market capitalization.


  2. Q: There has been a bit of talk that engagement hasn't worked, that we need to focus more on sanctions, on punishments.


  3. Although an immersive application tends to be focused on providing diversion, its appearance still needs to integrate with the task.


  4. It's also easy to strip out the data and focus on just structure, which is what you'll need to do when working with the DOM.


  5. To me it was more of a fundamental way of doing business, the process itself, that changed as a result of that.


  6. Some people will achieve this by focusing on the ratio of the speed at which they breathe out to that of inhaling.


  7. Focusing on "why" s rather than "what" s makes it much easier to understand what unschooling is trying to accomplish.


  8. Instead, focus on what you learned in your previous position and how you are ready to use those skills in a new position.


  9. Remember, you're creating an experience for your listeners, so focus on using at least two or three senses when you tell your story.


  1. 劳动者侧重保护

    emphasize the protection of laborer

  2. 本丛书侧重提供新技术。

    The series aims at the presentation of new techniques.

  3. 该校侧重培养实用技能。

    The school has an orientation towards practical skills.

  4. 侧重指版图, 疆域, 国土, 国家

    Country, nation, state, land country a pair of trousers

  5. 他使他的栏目侧重于青少年。

    He angled his column towards teenagers.

  6. 那所学校侧重算术和阅读。

    That school puts particular emphasis on arithmetic and reading.

  7. 侧重妇女和儿童、环境和全球化。

    Focus on women and children, environment and globalization.

  8. 本报告将主要侧重于这些问题。

    This report will focus principally on these matters.

  9. 那时他们对海洋得知识侧重于风。

    Their knowledge of the sea was oriented towards winds.

  10. 那时他们对海洋的知识侧重于风。

    Their knowledge of the sea was oriented towards winds.

  11. 大多数大学教师在学术上都有所侧重。

    Most teachers in universities are academically oriented.

  12. 第一部分侧重刘禹锡? ? 诗歌的文本分析。

    The first part focuses on Liu Yuxi's Kuizhou Poetry text analysis.

  13. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。

    She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers.

  14. 准则明确侧重于社会干预和支持措施。

    The guidelines have a clear focus on social interventions and supports.

  15. 侧重人物动态、神韵的刻画,力求意境新奇。

    Focus on the movement, nuances of characterization, to novel conception.

  16. 相反,让我们侧重于如何欣赏这幅杰作。

    Instead, it will focus on how to look at this masterwork.

  17. 这种侧重部分地由乐器的形状所决定。

    The emphasis is secured in part by the shape of the instrument.

  18. 我们过去侧重提供援助,现在强调经济合作。

    While in the past we stressed aid, now we stress economic cooperation.

  19. 第一部分侧重刘禹锡 夔州诗歌得文本分析。

    The first part focuses on Liu Yuxi's Kuizhou Poetry text analysis.

  20. 该部门侧重于可持续和综合的设计。

    The department focuses on sustainable and integrated designs.

  21. 农民起义历史叙事侧重前者, 帝王将相历史叙事侧重后者。

    The historical narration of peasant uprising emphasizes particularly on the former, while theone of kings and ministers stresses the latter.

  22. 适应措施侧重于水资源和沿海管理部门。

    Adaptation measures focused on the water resources and coastal management sectors.

  23. 因此,国际法委员会应侧重对现行国际法的编纂。

    The International Law Commission should, therefore, have focused more on the codification of existing international law.

  24. 我要侧重于我能带给我的人民的经济机会。

    I have got to focus on whatever economic opportunity I can get to my citizens.

  25. 这是一个持续专业教育比较侧重的形式。

    It is a more focused form of continuing professional education.

  26. 我们将侧重于若干紧迫的和平与安全挑战。

    We will focus on a number of urgent peace and security challenges.

  27. 下文的初步讨论侧重于两个重要的政策问题。

    The initial discussion below is focused on two important policy issues.

  28. 本文侧重以助听器选配,验证以及听力康复为主。

    This paper focuses on hearing aid fitting, verification and aural rehabilitation.

  29. 但更侧重于关注弱势和式微的社会阶层。

    but emphasizing on the vulnerable and endangered social groups.

  30. 研究收入不平衡的学者们往往侧重于收入底层人群。

    Scholars who study inequality often focus on people at the bottom.


  1. 问:侧重拼音怎么拼?侧重的读音是什么?侧重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧重的读音是cèzhòng,侧重翻译成英文是 emphasize

  2. 问:侧重点拼音怎么拼?侧重点的读音是什么?侧重点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侧重点的读音是cèzhòngdiǎn,侧重点翻译成英文是 A part of a whole that is stressed.




【拼音】cè zhòng


【基本解释】 偏重