




1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:piān zhòng








  1. 不平,不公平。

    《左传·哀公十六年》:“以险徼幸者,其求无饜,偏重必离。” 宋 苏轼 《策别十五》:“然天下嗷嗷然以赋歛为病者,岂其岁久而姦生,偏重而不均,以至於此歟?” 明 唐顺之 《条陈蓟镇补兵足食事宜》:“况自古转餉以人权米,以米权银,必三相称,乃无偏重。”

  2. 特别看重。

    清 顾炎武 《日知录·科目》:“不知进士偏重之弊,积二三百年,非大破成格,虽有他材亦无繇进用矣。”

  3. 着重一方面。

    秦牧 《花城·思想和感情的火花》:“杂文是散文的一支,它是比较偏重于说理的。”



  1. Many European schools seem to lay particular stress on treating the new media as a new means of completing the artwork.


  2. Do we want people to be "ideological" Lane sees it as a bad thing - rigidity of thought. He would rather see people as flexible thinkers.


  3. ' As a result, he said, 'Football culture is better at finding problems than solutions -- reasons not to believe than to believe.


  4. The main lyric is to emphasize the individual nature of fantasy and exaggerated emphasis on tactics.


  5. Living up in the attitude of the difference is: the spirit of Chinese people feel towards Westerners focus on practical.


  6. In addition, emphasis should be selected to join the project to carry out the kind of prospects there, fit to carry out regular brands.


  7. The result was a nearly nonexistent debate about the wisdom of the war, with the deck heavily stacked in the president's favor.


  8. But it with steel roller pressure is not biased, so as not to make roll compression which fade and dip into the ink marks on his suites.


  9. To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.


  1. 这个课程偏重实用。

    The course has a strong practical bias.

  2. 无所偏重的主人

    an indiscriminate host

  3. 我们的大学偏重理科。

    Our university has a bias in favor of the sciences.

  4. 测试工作偏重于功能测试。

    A testing effort biased toward functional testing.

  5. 这个系特别偏重神经科学。

    The Department has a strong bias towards neuroscience.

  6. 哲学家往往偏重于否定态度。

    Philosophers sometimes overweight their negativism.

  7. 此次预算偏重农业开发方面。

    The balance have to is shift towards developing agriculture.

  8. 这样的声音适合偏重对话的电影。

    The sound is fine for a dialogue heavy film.

  9. 这样的声音适合偏重对话的电影。

    The sound is fine for a dialogue heavy film.

  10. 肖英语, 主要是口语, 偏重会话。

    Mr. Shaw English, mainly spoken English, specializing in conversation.

  11. 一所偏重音乐和艺术的学校

    a school biased towards music and art.

  12. 卡其色有点偏重, 不过挺好看。

    Khaki little too much weight, but very pretty.

  13. 台风造成的经济损失较往年偏重。

    The economic loss caused by the typhoons is higher than the previous years.

  14. 很明显,卡鲁扎极为地偏重理论。

    Now clearly, Kaluza was a man who took theory very seriously.

  15. 赋形偏重于绘形, 写意着眼于感悟。

    CS manifests itself in working form, while DM hid in feeling and sentiment.

  16. 海洋灾害2001年我国海洋灾害属中等偏重年份。

    Oceanic Disasters In 2001, the oceanic disasters in China are on the medium and serious side.

  17. 在种族上没有什么歧视, 在地域上也没有什么偏重。

    Nor is there any racial discrimination, or any marked domination of one province by another.

  18. 我国现行财产权限制体制过于偏重立法。

    Nowadays the system of restricting right of property in China unduly lay particular stress on lawmaking.

  19. 学习英语偏重语法,轻视逻辑的看法是错误的。

    It is wrong only to attach importance to grammar learning but ignore logic learning.

  20. 可见,在立德与立功之间,他又特别偏重立功。

    Can be seen between the Leader and meritorious service, he was special emphasis on merit.

  21. 有别于其他偏重风格活实验性的文学奖项。

    Unlike other accolades for literature which tend to value style or experimentation.

  22. 有别于其他偏重风格活实验性得文学奖项。

    Unlike other accolades for literature which tend to value style or experimentation.

  23. 头晕眼花是风偏重的症象,是风元素被激发的症象。

    Giddiness or lightheadedness is a sign of too much wind property, a sign that the wind property has been provoked.

  24. 这种偏重影响词语转义所跨涉的语义范畴。

    This kind of tendency also influences the semantic categories of the transferred meanings.

  25. 我们不是提出禁制, 而是仔细考虑的偏重方案。

    Not prohibition, but carefully biased options are what we offer him.

  26. 我们不是提出禁制, 而是仔细考虑得偏重方案。

    Not prohibition, but carefully biased options are what we offer him.

  27. 这几门功课都要学好,不能只偏重英语。

    We should study all these subjects equally well and not stress English to the detriment of the rest.

  28. 尤指不规则地一瘸一拐地走, 犹如偏重用一条腿。

    To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.

  29. 它将原偏重于的酷狗转型为音乐播放软件。

    It will stress originally in cool dog reforming for music broadcast software.

  30. 菜肴色彩鲜艳, 口味麻辣浓重, 调料偏重于三辣等。

    Bright colors, tastes spicy dishes, condiment focus on three strong spicy , etc.


  1. 问:偏重拼音怎么拼?偏重的读音是什么?偏重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏重的读音是piānzhòng,偏重翻译成英文是 emphasize

  2. 问:偏重图拼音怎么拼?偏重图的读音是什么?偏重图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏重图的读音是piān chóng tú,偏重图翻译成英文是 lopsided diagram

  3. 问:偏重的拼音怎么拼?偏重的的读音是什么?偏重的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偏重的的读音是piān zhòng de,偏重的翻译成英文是 lopsided