


1. 疑 [yí]2. 疑 [nǐ]疑 [yí]不信,猜度(duó):~惑。~问。~心。~团。~虑。~窦。~点。~端。猜~。怀~。半信半~。不能解决的,不能断定的:~案。~难。~义。存~。疑 [nǐ]安定,止息。古同“拟”,比拟。……





汉语拼音:yí yún







  1. 比喻积聚在心里的疑虑。

    《孽海花》第十八回:“听她哭得凄惨,不要説一团疑云自然飞到 爪洼国 去,倒更起了怜惜之心。” 茅盾 《子夜》十:“他的敏活的神经从‘天津’二字陡然迭起了一片疑云来了。” 巴金 《电》:“她的脸上渐渐地堆满了疑云,她那两只明亮的眼睛也黯淡了。”



  1. A deadly accident at a Chinese amusement park last week has spawned a mystery that officials are still trying to unravel.

  2. But even with the greatest sincerity we believe that this couple was quite upset at the social pressure, heart suspicions still lingering.

  3. There was a moment of clarity when the cloud of confusion cleared and I could classify every part of the body in front of me.

  4. This doubt alone often beset Pierre. He made no plans of any sort now.

  5. The suspicion hangs in particular over the public prosecutors, who report directly to the justice ministry.

  6. Mr Toots said, looking doubtfully at Paul, and shaking his head, that he didn't know about that.

  7. An energy irony clouds the work of the powerful U. S. computers that have tracked the retreating Arctic sea ice.

  8. Speculation had centered on whether an independent energy ministry would be established.

  9. The force of her faith in Lily must have helped to dispel his hesitations.


  1. 疑云消散。

    The misgivings were dispelled.

  2. 这件事疑云重重。

    The affair is wrapped in mystery.

  3. 有一团疑云笼罩著他。

    A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him

  4. 有一团疑云笼罩着他。

    A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.

  5. 他的心头仍有一团疑云。

    He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.

  6. 她给我拨开了一团团疑云。

    She brushed away all my doubts.

  7. 白宫上空仍笼罩着一团疑云。

    A cloud of suspicion still hung over the White House.

  8. 疑云, 耻辱影响声望的疑问或控告

    Suspicion or a charge affecting a reputation.

  9. 成功是疑云中透出一线银光。

    The silver tint in the clouds of doubt.

  10. 答案被大团的疑云所遮盖了。

    The answer is obscured by a couple of big unknowns.

  11. 答案被大团得疑云所遮盖了。

    The answer is obscured by a couple of big unknowns.

  12. 疑云重重 我们到底对山姆了解多少。

    Suspicious was born And what do we really know about Sam?

  13. 涉及将来最暗淡的疑云一扫而光了。

    The darkest cloud has been lifted from the future.

  14. 我今天晚上看完了电影换子疑云。

    I finished watching Changeling this evening.

  15. 我想可以断言幽灵疑云已经结束了。

    I think we can say the mystery has been solved.

  16. 疑云重重美国广播节目揭露可口可乐秘方?

    Was Coke's secret recipe revealed by US radio show?

  17. 但当疑云消散 人们却无法保持理性。

    But once the doubt is gone, people are anything but reasonable.

  18. 利用技术及武器以将疑云一一解开。

    Gain skills and weapons to help solve troublesome puzzles.

  19. 虽然宣告他无罪, 一团疑云并没有消除。

    He was acquitted, but under a cloud of suspicion

  20. 在她的声音中有团疑云使得我害怕。

    A shade of doubt in her voice made me afraid.

  21. 我心中顿起疑云,莫非人家在考验我们?

    I was developing the queasy feeling that we were being tested.

  22. 总统愚鲁的言论造成一大堆疑云升起。

    The president's insensitive comments caused a lot of eyebrows to be raised.

  23. 在舞会上的露骨衣著升起了重重疑云。

    Sylvia's revealing dress raised eyebrows at the dance.

  24. 只有一团可怕的疑云不时在头脑中掠过。

    Only one terrible doubt sometimes assailed his mind.

  25. 今天晚上我看了电影换子疑云一半的内容。

    I watched half of the movie Changeling this evening.

  26. 我只有在拍神鬼疑云的时候做过一次。

    I've only ever done it the one time with The Bourne Supremacy.

  27. 听完了他的话, 她心头不由升起一团疑云。

    A suspicion sprang up in her mind after she heard what he'd said.

  28. 然而15年后,一个退休老人逐步揭开了幽灵疑云。

    But15 years on, a pensioner has come forward to cast doubt on the spectre.

  29. 对于部长解辞的消息则有许多升起的重重疑云。

    There were a lot of raised eyebrows at the news of the minister's dismissal.

  30. 自己对丽莉得信任一定帮助过他驱散心中得疑云。

    The force of her faith in Lily must have helped to dispel his hesitations.


  1. 问:疑云拼音怎么拼?疑云的读音是什么?疑云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疑云的读音是yíyún,疑云翻译成英文是 misgivings or suspicions clouding one's mind...

  2. 问:疑云密布拼音怎么拼?疑云密布的读音是什么?疑云密布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疑云密布的读音是Yíyún Mìbù,疑云密布翻译成英文是 Under Suspicion


