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汉语拼音:ěr wō
Further, transplanted cells that migrated to the damaged area of the inner ear displayed shape similar to that of cochlear fibrocytes.
进一步,迁移至内耳受损区域的移植干细胞表现出与耳蜗纤维细胞相似的形状。Cochlear implants turn sound into electronic pulses that are transmitted to the brain, allowing the wearer to "hear" .
耳蜗植入装置将声音转化成电脉冲信号传入大脑,让使用者能够“听到”。Our work shows that it is possible to produce functional auditory hair cells in the mammalian cochlea.
我们的研究表明,在哺乳动物耳蜗内再造听力毛发细胞是可行的。Increasingly, children who lost their hearing before learning to speak are able to benefit from cochlear implants.
慢慢地,语前聋的孩子就能够由耳蜗移植获益。But the earliest cochlear implants could do none of this; instead they merely provided some basic sounds to assist with lip-reading.
不过,最早的耳蜗植入设备可做不到这些,仅仅只能提供一些基本的声音去辅助理解唇语。The kernel question of hearing is the research of cochlea activity.
听觉机制的核心问题是耳蜗活动机制的研究。people who have been deaf for years do not respond as well because of degeneration in the cochlea or auditory nerve.
失聪多年的人,由于耳蜗或听神经的退化,对声音的反应就没那麽灵光。They are thought to be produced by the motion of hair cells within the outer part of the cochlea.
一般认为,这种声音来自位于耳蜗外面部分的听毛细胞的运动。Australia's earlier "bionic ear" , or Cochlear implant, has restored hearing to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.