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汉语拼音:hé shān
《战国策·魏策一》:“ 魏武侯 与诸大夫浮於 西河 ,称曰:‘ 河 山之险,岂不亦信固哉!’”
《史记·赵世家》:“ 燕 秦 谋王之河山,閒三百里而通矣。” 毛泽东 《团结到底》:“克服投降,战胜困难,驱除 日 寇,还我河山的目的,是能够达到的。”
黄河 与 华山 的并称。
《史记·天官书论》:“及 秦 并吞 三晋 、 燕 、 代 ,自 河 山以南者中国。” 张守节 正义:“ 河 、 黄河 也。山, 华山 也。”
O young lady, you young lady of the distant land. Excuse me for addressing you as "young lady" , for your name is still unknown to me.
你年青的,年青的,远隔河山的姑娘哟,你的名姓我不曾知道,你恕我只能这样叫你了。Rivers and mountains of the motherland, the revolution of the light shining everywhere, with a red mark historical sites.
祖国的河山,处处闪耀着革命的光芒,印记着红色的史迹。But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected!
但总体说来,我们的河山还是像那些一无所知的孩子所期望的那样辉煌、壮阔、气势磅礴!Of course, also cannot die reading, even out of the experience, have fun outside of the motherland and beautiful land.
当然,也不能死读书,还要出去体验一下外面的乐趣,饱览祖国的大好河山。Read base half round cabinet: Red is the main color of it and painted by trees water and mountains show the beautiful country side.
红地半圆柜:红色是它的主体,上绘有不同山水、树木,展现了大好河山的壮丽景观。More than 10 million of you my hands, draw a great rivers and mountains of the motherland, Liaowang mountains, non-urgent my love!
千万多你我的双手,绘制出祖国大好河山,瞭望千山万水,不急我的爱情!After World War II ended, China took back its territories stolen by Japan, including Taiwan Island and its subsidiary islands.
在二战竣事后,中国收回了日本掠夺的河山,其中搜闲谈湾岛和四周隶属的岛屿。People of Heshan welcome friends both overseas and domestic to invest here , and create splendid Heshan of the new century .
河山人民热忱欢迎海内外各界朋友前来投资兴业,携手描绘新世纪的锦绣河山。We enjoy the pleasure of traveling and great landscape of our motherland with relaxed and happy spirit.