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草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……
汉语拼音:běn cì
All the ministers believed the working luncheon is an important preparation session for the GMS Leaders' Meeting on the next day.
各国部长一致认为,本次双部长工作午餐是次日召开的GMS领导人会议的一次重要准备会议。The increase reclaimed the cut made a year ago when the bank lowered the rate to 4. 5%.
一年前该银行将其利率降到了4.5%,本次升息弥补了上次的削减。Perhaps mindful of that complicated history, the Obama White House is keeping the details of its dinner under tight wraps.
可能是考虑到如此复杂的历史,奥巴马白宫团队对本次的国宴细节严格保密。Polymorphisms in the TP53 locus that might have cancer-related phenotypical manifestations are the subject of this Review.
多态性TP53基因可能与癌症有关的表型表现的主题的本次审查。Nevertheless, Edmond Mulet, the United Nations' top official in Haiti, declared it "a fairly good election in many ways. "
然而,联合国驻海地高级雇员爱德蒙·穆莱特却说,本次选举“在许多方面是相当好的”。In this case, he said, "the land issue goes much deeper because of the involvement of corrupt local officials" .
而在本次事件中,他表示:“土地问题要深层得多,因为牵涉到腐败的地方官员。”However, repeat attendees reported that this was the most exciting and active iteration in several years.
但是,曾多次参加过往届研讨会的与会者却一致认为本次会议是历年来最令人兴奋也是最活跃的一次。Analysts and investors said the sale is unlikely to cause a large, immediate increase in the bank's core capital levels.
分析师和投资人认为本次出售不太可能会立即造成银行核心资本的大幅增长。The election confounds the prevailing image (always something of a distortion) of a nation described only by its arrogance and indifference.