




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……











  1. When she isn't traveling all over the world, she is at home in her amazing garden with her cat, Lily.


  2. I've loved being a stay-at-home mom for the last few years, but it's time for me to get out into the world again.


  3. When I became a stay at home mom this natural tendency to be at home started reeking havoc on my moods and I was becoming a bit of a hermit.


  4. He's very honest living, always at home, a family man, and I don't suspect him at all to have taken drugs to enhance his performances.


  5. McCain was quick to knock down the lie. "No, ma'am, " he said, "he's a decent family man, a citizen. "


  6. We're not talking about speed walking, just a nice, pleasant stroll around the block to clear your mind and aid your digestion.


  7. home avoid hotel like a corridor as with a row of several room to occur, or having an affair, and a rare phenomenon eloped and peace.


  8. Moreover we offer every time fresh made sandwiches and a delicious range of typical German sausages for a great German meal at home.


  9. The product is extensively used and easy to carry and suitable foruse at home, in office, while travelling or in outdoor environmnet.


  1. 居家姑息照护

    palliative home care.

  2. 居家环境美化

    environmental decoration in residential houses.

  3. 居家主妇综合症

    housebound housewife syndrome

  4. 他是个居家男人。

    He's a man of family.

  5. 听上去好居家啊。

    Wow,sound so domestic.

  6. 听上去好居家啊。

    Wow, sound so domestic.

  7. 居家软饰品设计服务。

    Home soft jewelry design services.

  8. 使用真正的居家风格。

    It's gonna have a real family feel.

  9. 能给予你居家的感受。

    Can offer you the feeling in the house.

  10. 我不喜欢你居家不出门。

    I don't like you keeping the house.

  11. 能给与你居家的感觉。

    Give you the home feeling.

  12. 居家过日子,打扫厨房在所难免。

    House home gets along, clean kitchen unavoidable.

  13. 蒸汽朋克那种时髦居家

    steampunk chic kind of way.

  14. 居家过日, 以俭为本。

    In order to run an efficient household, you have to be thrifty.

  15. 居家过日,以俭为本。

    In order to run an efficient household, you have to be thrifty.

  16. 居家重名誉。出门重衣衫。

    In my own city my name, in a strange city my clothes procure me respect.

  17. 居家过日,以俭为本。

    In order to run an efficient household ,you have to be thrifty .

  18. 居家旅行, 工矿必备之良药

    An indispensable sovereign remedy for home, travelling, factories

  19. 是的, 是的, 我知道, 我是个居家男人。

    Sure, sure, I know, I'm the family kook.

  20. 穿着居家服得妇女不可开车。

    Women may not drive in a house coat.

  21. 穿着居家服的妇女不可开车。

    Women may not drive in a house coat.

  22. 是得,是得,我知道,我是个居家男人。

    Sure, sure, I know, Im the family kook.

  23. 居有常居家要固定, 生活要有规律。

    Make a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life.

  24. 为南城留下一个居家的经典。

    For Nancheng left a family classic.

  25. 和你的居家皇后愉快地生活在

    Oh how lovely with your homecoming queen

  26. 你想买新的运动服和居家服。

    You'll want to buy new athletic clothes and loungewear.

  27. 一系列崛起的居家护理及保养物件。

    The rise of a series of home care and maintenance items.

  28. 约翰是个居家教足球的老爸

    and John is a stayathome soccer dad.

  29. 他们的儿子非常居家,经常下厨做饭。

    Their son is very domesticated and often does the cooking.

  30. 上班族,居家者,学生在这里漫步走过。

    Office workers, families and schoolchildren amble past.


  1. 问:居家拼音怎么拼?居家的读音是什么?居家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家的读音是jūjiā,居家翻译成英文是 run a household

  2. 问:居家生活拼音怎么拼?居家生活的读音是什么?居家生活翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家生活的读音是jū jiā shēnghuó,居家生活翻译成英文是 domestic life

  3. 问:居家兵团拼音怎么拼?居家兵团的读音是什么?居家兵团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家兵团的读音是,居家兵团翻译成英文是 Home Troopers

  4. 问:居家办公拼音怎么拼?居家办公的读音是什么?居家办公翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家办公的读音是jūjiābàngōng,居家办公翻译成英文是 A new way to handle official business whereby wo...

  5. 问:居家就业拼音怎么拼?居家就业的读音是什么?居家就业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家就业的读音是,居家就业翻译成英文是 Telecommuting

  6. 问:居家男人拼音怎么拼?居家男人的读音是什么?居家男人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家男人的读音是Jūjiā Nánrén,居家男人翻译成英文是 Family Guy

  7. 问:居家不外出的拼音怎么拼?居家不外出的的读音是什么?居家不外出的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居家不外出的的读音是,居家不外出的翻译成英文是 homekeeping