


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō shì








  1. 言事。

    汉 陆贾 《新语·术事》:“故説事者上陈五帝之功,而思之於身;下列 桀 紂 之败,而戒之於己。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·浮词》:“欲云 司马安 四至九卿,而先以巧宦标目。所谓説事之端也。”

  2. 叙事。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗四》:“故为记之体,贵其説事详雅,不为苟饰。”

  3. 说情。

    张之 《<红楼梦>新补》第八六回:“那 孙绍祖 自知理亏,央了几个至近官员前来说事,无奈 贾琏 全不理睬。”



  1. Mr. Ryan has already begun noting that his mother, a Medicare recipient, lives in southern Florida.


  2. What happened over the past two weeks, then, was more about staking out positions than about enacting policies.


  3. Candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential election nomination have picked that theme up as they campaign ahead of the primaries.


  4. If skin-care companies want to use the language of science, in other words, they ought to be rigorous about applying its methods, too.


  5. Subsequently, a number of inter-personal misfortune, my eyes have been taking it even matter.


  6. It is pleasant to hear such sober voices when most Amecians are tittle-tattling about RMB.


  7. I advise those enjoying commenting to make some effort to do something for the others.


  8. But it is a pity, the Chinese military expenses obviously already became the West to say matter's object, hypes topic.


  9. Even if God is not invoked, some might still object to unnatural processes and products.


  1. 只拿个人说事

    only produce personal matter

  2. 总是拿人口增长说事。

    It's always population growth.

  3. 我讨厌不跟别人说事的人

    I'm sick of people not talking to each other.

  4. 一天到晚拿主说事,一身蒜味。

    Usually takes a crucifix and some garlic.

  5. 你看,这就是为什么我总说事出必有因

    so you'd yell at them.

  6. 听听,在这瞬息万变的时代,还拿去年的皇历说事!

    Last year! At a time when things change in the blink of an eye, the fool was still using last year's calendar!

  7. 勒奈特,我觉得有事说事比用鼻子发出噪音更管用。

    Lynette, I find it more effective when we use words rather than inflammatory noises.

  8. 我的事说够了。

    Enough about my affairs.

  9. 我得事说够了。

    Enough about my affairs.

  10. 可以对工作的事说不

    that I could say no when work things come up.

  11. 不要以那件事说教我。

    Don't preach me that.

  12. 她是针对那件事说的。

    She said it in allusion to that affair.

  13. 她对所发生的事说了谎。

    She lied about what happened.

  14. 把这麽冒险的事说得微不足道。

    The risks were represented as negligible.

  15. 关于那件事说得愈少愈好。

    The less said about it the better.

  16. 你为什麽把这事说成这样?

    Why do you represent the matter in this way?

  17. 把这么冒险的事说得微不足道。

    The risks were represented as negligible.

  18. 是时候把几件事说清楚了。

    It's time to set a couple things straight.

  19. 是时候把几件事说清楚了。

    It's time to set a couple things straight.

  20. 不要把那件事说得模棱两可。

    Do not quibble over the thing.

  21. 他没对这件事说一句话。

    He did n't say a word about it.

  22. 这事说来话长, 我将来讲给你听。

    It's a long story. I'll tell you about it some day.

  23. 大家对这件事说长道短也很正常

    It's natural to want to gossip about all this.

  24. 好的,但晚餐的事说定了,对吗

    Okay, but we're gonna do the dinner, right?

  25. 这事说来话长, 不过简言之, 他已被捕。

    It's a long story, but to put it in a nutshell, he has been arrested.

  26. 我要把你偷蛋糕的事说出去。

    I'll tell about your stealing the cakes.

  27. 没事,还有别的事说一声就行。

    Yeah, anything else, just let us know.

  28. 别把我们再次失败的事说了又说。

    Don't rub it in that we have failed again.

  29. 我认为有必要把这件事说清楚。

    I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.

  30. 欧文刚刚对官司那个事说得不错

    What, his One big, happy family crap?