







汉语拼音:xiàn nián






  1. 现在的年龄。

    《儿女英雄传》第八回:“这家英雄现年八十餘岁。”《羊城晚报》1982.2.24:“ 容志行 现年三十四岁……在国内外比赛中屡立战功。”



  1. On a recent Friday, the 33-year-old, who runs a breakfast stand with his wife, wheeled a shopping cart into the aisle of a C.


  2. The 30-year-old Downton Abbey actor seems to have undergone something of a transformation since leaving the hit show.


  3. The author, who turned 33 this week, goes by the pen name Nine Knives, picked up in high school after he wrote a song with that title.


  4. The 31-year-old artist Andrew said he first came up with the idea while he was working at a church doing bronze reliefs two years ago.


  5. Golan, now 27, said the "most shaky moment" of her military service came during a search for weapons in a Palestinian home.


  6. And with his new TV show, Maradona, 45, has returned to the limelight after years of dealing with cocaine addiction and health problems.


  7. He thought maybe 50 people might respond to the bells out of curiosity -- a thousand people showed up, said the 71-year-old priest.


  8. While he is around, and at 80 he still seems to have plenty of energy, it would be unwise ever to bet against him.


  9. Stannage, 43, is one of the UK's few stuntwomen - and the only one who performs with her husband and son, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  1. 她现年25岁。

    She is entering her 25 th year.

  2. 她现年十几岁。

    She is in her teens.

  3. 我生于1981年,现年26岁。

    I was born in the year 1981, and am 26 years old now.

  4. 我生于1981年,现年26岁。

    I was born in the year 1981,and am 26 years old now.

  5. 她祖父现年90岁,仍很健康。

    Her grandfather is a healthy 90.

  6. 格林大概生于1974年7月,现年26岁。

    Greene was probably born in July 1974. He is 26 years now.

  7. 这个小孩现年六岁, 快要七岁了。

    Going on The child is six, going on seven years of age.

  8. 他现年54岁, 具有一个赢家的品行。

    Aged 54, he has the demeanour of a winner.

  9. 他现年71岁,已经退出了政治角逐。

    At 71, he has now retired from the political fray.

  10. 福山现年58岁,我认识他有些年头了。

    I have known Fukuyama, who is58, for some time.

  11. 现年31岁的卡达斯早已青春不再了。

    Now aged 31,Cardus is no longer in the first flush of youth.

  12. 现年 31岁的卡达斯早已青春不再了。

    Now aged 31, Cardus is no longer in the first flush of youth.

  13. 现年 31岁得卡达斯早已青春不再了。

    Now aged 31, Cardus is no longer in the first flush of youth.

  14. 现年 47岁得杨佳, 15岁时被郑州大学录取。

    Yang, now 47, won admission to Zhengzhou University when she was 15.

  15. 现年 47岁的杨佳,15岁时被郑州大学录取。

    Yang,now 47, won admission to Zhengzhou University when she was 15.

  16. 班德拉斯现年49岁,生于西班牙马拉加。

    Banderas, 49, was born in Malaga, Spain.

  17. 他那位当解放军的哥哥现年十八岁。

    His brother a PLA man is eighteen years old.

  18. 爷爷现年97岁,是村子里年纪最长的老人。

    My grandfather is now 97 years old and is the oldest man in our village.

  19. 爷爷现年97岁,是村子里年纪最长的老人。

    My grandfather is now 97 years old and is the oldest man in our village.

  20. 现年62岁的博尔登此前曾4次飞入太空。

    The 62yearold Bolden traveled into orbit 4 times.

  21. 他现年84岁,最近因滑旱冰摔倒,正在康复中。

    Hes84 years old, recovering from a recent fall while roller skating.

  22. 她现年十七岁,样貌清纯,读资讯科技系。

    She is 17 years old and looks simple, majoring in Information and technology department.

  23. 所以现年六岁的小尼洛便取代他来运送牛奶。

    So little Nello, who was now six years old, took his place and carried the milk.

  24. 所以现年六岁得小尼洛便取代他来运送牛奶。

    So little Nello, who was now six years old, took his place and carried the milk.

  25. 现年 67岁帕兹被控犯有密谋罪,目前仍在押。

    Alvarez Paz, 67,is currently in jail and has been charged,among other things,with conspiracy.

  26. 核物理学家阿米里现年30多岁,2009年6月失踪。

    Amiri,a nuclear physicist in his 30 s, vanished in June 2009.

  27. 阿伊尼伊阿尔耶现年18岁,是一名足球运动员。

    Ayi Nii Aryee, an 18yearold football player, has been stuck in Clark airport, a former U.

  28. 追寻杰夫和扎克和下落已经花了她现年时间。

    Her quest to locate Jeff and Zac had taken two years.

  29. 约翰。斯泰尔斯说他现年68岁的父亲不敢看拍卖。

    John Stiles said his father, now 68, was too nervous to watch the sale.

  30. 住在附近, 现年38岁的康贝尔, 听闻过各种传说。

    Lives in neighbor, present age 38 yearold Kang Beier, has heard each kind of fable.


  1. 问:现年拼音怎么拼?现年的读音是什么?现年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现年的读音是xiànnián,现年翻译成英文是 The present age.