




不安全:~险。~殆。~言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。~难(nàn )。~如累(lěi )卵。损害:~害。~及。高的,陡的:~石。~樯。使人惊奇的:~言耸听。端正的,正直的:正襟~坐。“邦有道,~言~行”。指人临死:病~。垂~。星名,二……



汉语拼音:chuí wēi








  1. 接近死亡。

    明 袁宏道 《答沉伯函书》:“垂危之病,而加之以毒, 荆 人岂有命哉?” 清 顾炎武 《病起与蓟门当事书》:“仁以为己任,死而后已,故一病垂危,神思不乱。” 袁静 《伏虎记》第四八回:“望着这位生命垂危的战友,她的心里活象烧着一把火,两条肿得挺粗的腿儿全麻木了。”

  2. 谓极其危险。中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·武昌起义清方档案·关于民清军交战情况》:“大局垂危,急宜攻克 武昌 。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十三章三:“﹝《武汉永远是我们的》一文﹞说得真是好听:‘ 武汉 临到垂危,但于整个战局也无多大影响!’”



  1. After the surgery, the patient became very sick and her life hung in the balance for nearly her a week.


  2. And your father (the worthy, Christian man)began to sicken for his end, he gave me in charge a certain letter.


  3. she was able to spend 45 minutes with a dying cancer patient while the woman waited for her husband in the middle of the night.


  4. The old man was dying. It was just and shot in the dark to operate on him.


  5. We were probably the only couple ever to qualify for a world championship and withdraw without one of us dying.


  6. When a doctor in an emergency to save life of critically ill patients with emergency medical measures taken to adverse consequences.


  7. There are a man and a woman in water in the front. Do you see? They are in danger. Ask them to embark first, please!


  8. Two years ago, as Mr Hsuan's father lay dying in Taiwan at the age of 96, the topic of his childhood cropped up.


  9. At 82 he was ready to die, and I was ready to let him go so that his suffering would end.


  1. 她生命垂危。

    Her life was in danger.

  2. 他生命垂危。

    Her life hangs by a thread.

  3. 垂危企业抗辩

    Failing Firm Defense.

  4. 当时生命垂危。

    Death was almost instantaneous.

  5. 他命在垂危。

    His life is not worth an hour's purchase.

  6. 她已生命垂危。

    She was on her deathbed.

  7. 他的生命垂危。

    His life was draining away.

  8. 谣传他已垂危。

    It was put about that he was dying.

  9. 垂危病人的护理

    Support a client who is terminally ill

  10. 他的生命逐渐垂危。

    His life is gradually ebbing.

  11. 挽救生命垂危者

    rescue the dying

  12. 那小女孩生命垂危。

    The little girl lay between life and death.

  13. 收治垂危患者的医院。

    a hospice for the terminally il

  14. 收治垂危患者得医院。

    a hospice for the terminally il.

  15. 他们猜侧他病已垂危。

    They suspected him to be dying.

  16. 几周来,父亲一直生命垂危。

    For weeks father lay at death's door.

  17. 医生到达时她已生命垂危。

    She was so far gone when the doctor arrived.

  18. 她的生命垂危, 他将要失去她。

    She was dying and he would lose her.

  19. 他可能正流血不止,生命垂危。

    Maybe he was bleeding to death.

  20. 这垂危病人把灵魂交付上帝。

    The dying man recommended his soul to God.

  21. 医生努力抢救这个垂危的孩子。

    The doctor tried to save the dying boy.

  22. 这个生命垂危的人已无法挽救。

    The dying man is beyond help.

  23. 一定要尽力抢救那个垂危的病人。

    Try by all means to save the dying.

  24. 应该允许垂危病人死得有尊严。

    The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity.

  25. 杰克遇到了车祸,现在生命垂危。

    Jack had a car accident and his life is in danger now.

  26. 他们日夜照顾那个生命垂危的人。

    They attended morning, noon and night on the dying man.

  27. 医生试图挽救那个生命垂危的病人。

    The doctor attempted to save the dying man.

  28. 救护车到时那伤者已生命垂危。

    The injured man was fairly far gone by the time the ambulance arrived.

  29. 因为护理人员严重不足,患者生命垂危。

    Patients were dying because of an acute shortage of nurses.

  30. 他正躺在重症室里,生命垂危

    It's lying on a bed in the I. C. U. About to die.


  1. 问:垂危拼音怎么拼?垂危的读音是什么?垂危翻译成英文是什么?

    答:垂危的读音是chuíwēi,垂危翻译成英文是 in danger




【拼音】chuí wēi



