







汉语拼音:zhào shì







  1. 引起事故;闹事。

    郑观应 《盛世危言·赛会》:“况今日各镇埠迎神赛会无益之费累万盈千,游手好閒者动輒因而肇事,何如移此项貲财以开博览之会。” 闻一多 《“一二·一”运动始末记》:“各处暴徒从肇事逞凶时起,到‘任务’完成后,高呼口号,扬长过市时止,始终未受到任何军警的干涉。” 巴金 《家》八:“肇事的兵都逃光了,没有捉住一个。”



  1. A writer for Canada's Globe and Mail referred to that incident in a column headlined, "China's hit-and-run morality. "


  2. Under state law, any family members who were financially or emotionally dependent on the dead are allowed to seek the company's settlement.


  3. As the stipulations of our criminal law are not very clear, it is usually difficult to carry out the stipulations in practice.


  4. The student, known for the moment only by his Twitter handle, @hanunyi, apparently fled the scene in bare feet.


  5. The culprits must be tracked down, arrested, prosecuted and adequately punished for the death of the child and for failing to stop.


  6. He said the authorities believed they had captured all the main players involved in the attacks.


  7. The matter delivers that very day, the accedent rolling stock is what respondent Luo is some to borrow from a certain respondent Peng.


  8. The humpback whale leapt out of the water and pulled the rigging and mast along with it as it slid down the boat.


  9. President Dmitry Medvedev observed a minute's silence and he visited one of the bombed metro stations to lay flowers.


  1. 这是肇事车辆吗?

    Is this the car at fault?

  2. 那就是肇事逃逸了

    That would be a hit and run.

  3. 有可能是肇事逃逸

    Could have been a hitandrun.

  4. 肇事者该受罚吗?

    Should the Culprit Be Punished?

  5. 被抓了才叫肇事逃逸

    Only if you got caught.

  6. 您是否有驾车肇事记录?

    Do you have any record of causing an accident?

  7. 我要与肇事司机谈一下。

    I will speak with the driver involved in the accident.

  8. 是我帮他处理的肇事车

    I'm the one who helped him get rid of the car!

  9. 肇事司机被课以重额罚款。

    The offending driver received a large fine.

  10. 我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。

    We were victims of a hit and run driver.

  11. 他向当局告发了肇事者。

    He denounced the offenders to the authorities.

  12. 论未过户机动车肇事连带责任

    A Discussion about the Joint Liability of Unregistered Automobile Causing an Accident

  13. 并描述了肇事卡车的具体特征。

    And give a description of the truck.

  14. 要他去调查火车肇事的起因。

    He was asked to investigate the causes of a railway accident.

  15. 法官对肇事逃跑的司机严厉处罚。

    Judges are stern with his and run drivers.

  16. 第二部分,交通肇事后逃逸问题。

    The chapter two is about fleeing after a traffic accident.

  17. 目击者截住了逃跑的肇事司机。

    The witness stopped the driver who had caused the accident from running away.

  18. 肇事机器涉及一部便携式打磨机。

    The machine involved in the accident was a portable grinder.

  19. 当前暴力的肇事者在玩火自焚。

    The perpetrators of the ongoing violence are playing with fire.

  20. 一起交通肇事案引出的法律思考

    A Legal Point of View on a Traffic Accident Case

  21. 两辆肇事货车的司机已经被逮捕。

    The drivers of both vans have been arrested.

  22. 如果彭宇真的是肇事者呢

    What if Peng really did that?

  23. 论酒驾肇事案件的刑法理论问题

    On The Criminal Theoretic Problems About Cases Of Drunk Driving

  24. 肇事者无法给出详述的解释。

    The peace breaker could not provide an explicit explanation.

  25. 他们在找目击证人,还有肇事车辆。

    They're looking for witnesses. They're trying to find the car.

  26. 他肇事逃逸,但是警察已经把他拘留了。

    It was a hit and run. But the police already have him in custody.

  27. 另一方面, 肇事机器原本用作打磨机。

    On the other hand, the machine itself was intended for use as a grinder.

  28. 这正是9月11日肇事者要得到的。

    That was what the perpetrators of11 September wanted.

  29. 这正是9月11日肇事者要得到得。

    That was what the perpetrators of11 September wanted.

  30. 关于水上交通肇事逃逸协查的思考

    Cause troubles the ponder about the aquatic transportation which escapes aids in an investigation


  1. 问:肇事拼音怎么拼?肇事的读音是什么?肇事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肇事的读音是zhàoshì,肇事翻译成英文是 cause trouble

  2. 问:肇事者拼音怎么拼?肇事者的读音是什么?肇事者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肇事者的读音是zhàoshìzhě,肇事者翻译成英文是 troublemaker

  3. 问:肇事逃逸拼音怎么拼?肇事逃逸的读音是什么?肇事逃逸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肇事逃逸的读音是zhào shì táo yì,肇事逃逸翻译成英文是 hit and run

  4. 问:肇事现场图拼音怎么拼?肇事现场图的读音是什么?肇事现场图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肇事现场图的读音是zhào shì xiàn chǎng tú,肇事现场图翻译成英文是 accident spot map


