







汉语拼音:chuǎng huò







  1. 惹起灾祸;闹出乱子。

    《西游记》第八三回:“这太子三朝儿就下海净身闯祸,踏倒水晶宫。”《说唐》第二十回:“他乃是一个惯好闯祸的卖盐浪汉。” 沈从文 《大小阮》:“猜出 小阮 一定在一点钟前就用这手枪闯祸,说不定已打死了人。”



  1. His mother looked after him as well as she could, but Martin still caused problems.


  2. By the time you realize what's happening, the child is a toddler, up and causing havoc, and it's too late to put it back.


  3. This had happened many times since he left school. At such times he always spoke in a loud voice, AS he did tonight.


  4. Sometimes, a financial decision goes bad, one of your children gets in trouble at school, or some household calamity occurs.


  5. Therefore, each time Jiang Hao made mistakes, he would never get critism but encouragement from his parents.


  6. In almost every one , Tom gets in trouble with his owner, while Jerry laughs at him.


  7. Don't rely on me to help you every time you get into trouble.


  8. Give you whole freedom if you act as a spoiled child and do as you wish.


  9. If you don't agree, you are free to leave, but you are not free to cause problems.


  1. 他小时候老闯祸。

    He was always getting into scrapes as a boy.

  2. 飞机闯祸,空军买单

    Danish Air Force Compensates Santa

  3. 这样干要闯祸的。

    It will bring trouble on yourself if you do so.

  4. 因为撒谎,我闯祸了。

    I got in trouble for lying.

  5. 约克明白自己闯祸了

    Jork realizes that he has gotten into trouble

  6. 艾尔弗雷德闯祸了吗?

    Is Alfred in trouble?

  7. 这样下去我们会闯祸的。

    We'll end up doing something stupid.

  8. 刚才差一点儿又闯祸了。

    Just now I almost made a mistake again.

  9. 一愚闯祸, 百智难补。

    A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot put out.

  10. 当邻居小孩不小心闯祸

    When a neighborhood kid makes a reckless mistake.

  11. 一愚闯祸,百智难补。

    A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot put out.

  12. 闯祸了,他将会受到惩罚。

    The fat is in the fire and he will face punishment.

  13. 你开车要小心,千万别闯祸。

    Drive carefully and be sure not to have an accident.

  14. 自从他离开学校后他经常闯祸。

    This had happened many times since he left school.

  15. 牛因角闯祸,人为舌陷身。

    An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.

  16. 我就知道你最后要闯祸的。

    I knew you'd set off an alarm eventually.

  17. 他天生火性,出去很容易闯祸。

    He was born with a short temper, it's prone to cause troubles in society.

  18. 他天生火性,出去很容易闯祸。

    He was born with a short temper, it's prone to cause troubles in society.

  19. 勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。

    Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.

  20. 皮皮是个淘气包, 他总是到处闯祸。

    Pi Pi is very naught and always makes trouble.

  21. 他是个鲁莽的男孩,经常会闯祸。

    He is an impudent boy and always gets in trouble.

  22. 整蛊玩具屡闯祸 专家呼吁建立玩具分级制

    Funk toys often make trouble, expert appeals to build toy sort system

  23. 但我真的闯祸了,如果我不及时补救

    But I really screwed something up and if I don't fix it.

  24. 他们不喜欢象他这样鲁莽闯祸的人。

    They did not like a bull in a china shop like him.

  25. 辛巴,要勇敢并不代表你要四处闯祸。

    Simba, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.

  26. 他有时候是个笨手笨脚动辄闯祸的人。

    He could sometimes be a bull in a china shop.

  27. 他有时候是个笨手笨脚动辄闯祸的人。

    He could sometimes be a bull in a china shop.

  28. 听到玻璃破碎的声音,我们知道闯祸了。

    At the sound of fractured glass, we knew we were in trouble.

  29. 不赞同,你有权离开,但你没有权利闯祸。

    If you don't agree, you are free to leave, but you are not free to cause problems.

  30. 古时用错了黄色会杀头,今天错用了黄色会闯祸。

    In olden times, a person could be beheaded for the misuse of yellow. It can also cause trouble today if a person associates himself with the wrong yellow.


  1. 问:闯祸拼音怎么拼?闯祸的读音是什么?闯祸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闯祸的读音是chuǎnghuò,闯祸翻译成英文是 cause trouble



闯祸 词曲:王蓓 演唱:王蓓不是想不到结果 是我承认害怕寂寞 时间变成了泡沫 快乐究竟会是什么 一次次任性换来的沉默 却始终还是无法去逃脱 当你真的说要离开我 才发现心痛的轮廓 please tell me baby 你是否还爱着我 以为哭一场就能够解脱爱情终于闯了祸我讨厌这个错 看着你伤心难过心里也受折磨 please tell me baby 你会原谅我的错 来不及对你说 这次我是真的真的知错不是想不到结果是我承认害怕寂寞 时间变成了泡沫 快乐究竟会是什么 一次次任性换来的沉默 却始终还是无法去逃脱 当你真的说要离开我 才发现心痛的轮廓 please tell me baby 你是否还爱着我 以为哭一场就能够解脱