







汉语拼音:zī shì







  1. 生事,制造纠纷。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·傅厚庵》:“公在位十年, 苗 民无敢出寨滋事者。”《林则徐日记·道光十七年正月二十一日》:“闻 回疆 自 喀什哈尔 至 叶尔羌 復有滋事,已由 甘省 调兵往剿矣。” 沙汀 《还乡记》二五:“﹝ 冯大生 ﹞觉得父亲有意滋事。”



  1. The heat and the intensity of the anti-Chen movement leaves a sense of riveted frenzy, where the mob--not process--will rule.


  2. But he said he and Mr. Lee want to break North Korea's cycle of acting belligerently and then expecting rewards for turning nice.


  3. Troublemakers may use horses carrying the trunk, the impact of the police and government buildings line the door.


  4. But Spitz was always showing his teeth to Buck. And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die.


  5. One or two nights she phoned and I had to bail her out of jail for drunkenness and fighting.


  6. It is not rare to see such things as mob fights, which are eroding our formerly pure campuses.


  7. How were these known trouble-makers able to so easily penetrate the inner sanctum of English Government?


  8. He would appear in the doorway, gray fedora pulled low over his face, his eyes sweeping the room for any sign of trouble.


  9. A "properly resettled , not deliberate provocation, to cause trouble, and will not participate in joint petitions and complaints. "


  1. 他经常酗酒滋事。

    He often drinks heavily and creates trouble.

  2. 寻衅滋事罪

    crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles.

  3. 结伙斗殴, 寻衅滋事

    Gang Fighting or Picking Quarrels and Making Troubles

  4. 打架、酗酒、寻衅滋事。

    Fight, get drunk, or pick a quarrel and make trouble.

  5. 约有20人因滋事被捕。

    About 20 were arrested for affray.

  6. 论寻衅滋事罪的证明

    On the Proof of the Crime of Make Trouble of Nothing

  7. 他为何要这样寻衅滋事?

    Why did he kick up such fuss?

  8. 他们因酗酒滋事而被捕。

    They were arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

  9. 论寻衅滋事治安违法行为

    On the Illegal Behavior of Stirring up Fights and Causing Troubles

  10. 他因酗酒滋事而被拘留。

    He was run in for drunk and disorderly behaviour.

  11. 他喝醉了就喜欢寻衅滋事。

    He gets aggressive when he's drunk.

  12. 法兰克经常在学校打架滋事。

    Frank always gets into brawls at school.

  13. 喝醉的年轻人在街头游荡, 酗酒滋事。

    Drunken youths hang around outside looking for trouble.

  14. 将寻衅滋事罪分解的可行性探究

    The Probe about the Feasibility Resolving the Offense of Picking a Quarrel and Making Trouble

  15. 反对一个政府或法庭的滋事行为

    an act of sedition against a government or the courts

  16. 百无聊赖的年轻人在外面到处寻衅滋事。

    Bored youths hang around outside looking for trouble.

  17. 那个保镖把那个老是滋事的家伙打的够呛

    The bouncer really fucked up that guy who kept causing trouble.

  18. 小李不适合这个职位, 他总爱滋事。

    Xiao Li is the wrong man for the job. He is always trying to make waves.

  19. 藐视政府或法庭反对一个政府或法庭的滋事行为

    An act of sedition against a government or the courts.

  20. 那个年轻人很爱吵架,他总是滋事生非。

    Young man is very quarrelsome, he is always trailing his coat.

  21. 最终的制裁手段是使滋事份子暂停参与辩论。

    The ultimate sanction is to suspend troublemakers from the debate.

  22. 他承认在有售酒许可的经营场所寻衅滋事。

    He pleaded guilty to being disorderly on licensed premises.

  23. 真正的程序员在冒险和滋事时脑子最聪明。

    Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.

  24. 真正得程序员在冒险和滋事时脑子最聪明。

    Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.

  25. 欣喜若狂的运动迷在他们支持的队伍赢得冠军后滋事。

    Jubilant sports fans rioted after their team won the championship.

  26. 你还在关押着那个在船上新滋事的组织的发言人吗??

    Are you still holding the spokesman from the new faction in the brig ?

  27. 与我们先前纯净的校园相比, 诸如聚众滋事等现象已不罕见。

    It is not rare to see such things as mob fights, which are eroding our formerly pure campuses.


  1. 问:滋事拼音怎么拼?滋事的读音是什么?滋事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滋事的读音是zīshì,滋事翻译成英文是 cause trouble




【拼音】:zī shì

【注音】:ㄗㄧ ㄕㄧˋ