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日落的时候:~阳。~照。朝(zhāo ㄓㄠ)~相处(chǔ ㄔㄨˇ)。泛指晚上:前~。除~。一~谈。……
汉语拼音:qī xī
农历七月初七之夕。民间传说,牛郎织女每年此夜在天河相会。旧俗妇女于是夜在庭院中进行乞巧活动。见 南朝 梁 宗懔 《荆楚岁时记》。
南朝 梁 庾肩吾 《奉使江州舟中七夕》诗:“ 九江 逢七夕,初弦值早秋。” 唐 杜甫 《牵牛织女》诗:“牵牛在河西,织女处其东;万古永相望,七夕谁见同!” 明 谢谠 《四喜记·巧夕宫筵》:“时当七夕,鹊渡银河。天上人间,良宵第一。” 阿英 《女儿节的故事》:“农历七月七日乞巧节,又称七夕或女儿节。”参见“ 乞巧 ”。
I wuold like to hang out with you on this Chinese Valentine's Day.
七夕节,我很愿意陪你到外面逛一逛玩一玩On Double Seventh Festival, if you are by yourself, you could buy a pair of rings, then wear them on left and right fingers respectively.
七夕,若你一个人,可以去买对情侣戒指,一个戴在左手,一个戴在右手。Tonight is the Tanabata, the annual Cowboy Weaver meet day. Today is a day of celebration, but I did not feel a trace of pleasure.
今夜,是七夕,是一年一度牛郎织女相会的日子。今天,是个喜庆的日子,可我却没有感到一丝的愉悦。Tanabata, the mother and father, respectively, in the two decades after the kind of mood to go on the story of Cowboy Weaver?
又逢七夕,母亲在与父亲分别二十年后又该以怎样的心情再去讲述牛郎织女的故事?Aware of the Tanabata festival, I do not know what Valentine's Day is called Tanabata.
知道有七夕这个节日时,我并不懂得什么叫七夕情人节。On this occasion, sending a old-fashioned gift is something "out of date" , for it cannot convey the culture of Chinese Valentine's Day.
七夕送些老套的礼物还真有点“三俗”,不能体现中国情人节的文化意境。Old-fashioned celebration is not the only place where Double Seven Festival loses markets.
过时的庆祝方式并非七夕节失去市场的唯一原因。You said the festival, however foreigners, today is Tanabata Chinese Valentine's Day, the bar ha ha!
你说不过洋人的节,今天是七夕中国人的情人节,哈哈躲不过了吧!Valentine's Day, in the eyes of the young, is not so much a substitute for Qixi, but rather an extension of the love theme.
Today is Valentines Day Tanabata.
Qixijie Valentine's Day, nothing to do with me.
The legend behind Magpie Festival is very beautiful.
今夜, 是七夕, 是一年一度牛郎织女相会的日子。
Tonight is the Tanabata, the annual Cowboy Weaver meet day.
Annual Tanabata, people came to participate, take the bridge and incense.
The first episode features Qixi Festival and a culture gala will be thrown by the station in the holidays honor.
Aware of the Tanabata festival, I do not know what Valentine's Day is called Tanabata.
Last, I wish lovers become family dependants! Also wish you all have a happy valentine's day!
The director of marriage registry office says they will extend opening hours around Chinese valentine's day.
迟到的七夕礼物, 其实也不算迟, 绣的我手指都疼了。
Tanabata belated gift, in fact, is not too late, the embroidery of my fingers are sore.
每年我们都选择一个主题, 今年的主题是电影明星和七夕。
Every year we pick a theme, this year's theme was movie stars and Star Festival.
Tanabata raining night vindicates for me.
Wish all the lovers a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!
Tanabata Festival, is Legend of the day with Weaver.
这里贴了星星, 因为它与七夕节有关。
I used the star because it was collected to Star Festival.
Qixi immortalizes one moment that is ephemeral and fast fleeting.
I do not know what I am doing.
This has broken the record of the number of people getting married on Chinese Valentine's Day.
今天是农历的七月初七, 所以叫七夕节。
Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, so, it is called Qixi.
当我们老的时候, 我们还会记得这个七夕节。
When we grow old, we'll still remember the Chinese Valentine's Day.
It is said in folk legends that the Herd-boy and Weaving-girl get together every Chinese valentine's day.
答:七夕的读音是qīxī,七夕翻译成英文是 the 7th evening of the 7th lunar month; Ch...
答:七夕节的读音是qīxījié,七夕节翻译成英文是 Qi Xi, also known as The Night of Sevens, Magpie Fes...