


绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:huà fēng






  1. For years his style influenced many animation makers, maybe his drawing style was more expression and easy to get favor from children.


  2. Don't know this style. Qin Zhen is derived from her own understanding and longing for art, or because rebound, or she nature is so.


  3. Hals's combination of life, light and brushwork ultimately made him one of the river heads of modernity.


  4. Picasso you are the believers, no longer abstract abstract style, let me at a loss.


  5. In the 1950s Mr Richter studied mural painting at the Dresden Art Academy where communist realism was the only style allowed.


  6. She loves to draw in the style of realism and you can see that in her works are really impressive.


  7. Its style is elegant, fresh and unique, full of poem cantabile , and with a rich Oriental charm.


  8. When the large painting was shown to the public, thousands of people paid money to see its strikingly real style.


  9. Draw the wind and hold the various schools of thinkers' head, there are one's own unique artistic styles.


  1. 他模仿卢本斯的画风。

    He paints after Rubens.

  2. 从中反映了吴道子的基本画风。

    The painting demonstrates Wu Daozi's basic painting style.

  3. 备注画风生动清朗,边缘小崩,杯口一线。

    Rare Chinese Imari cup and saucer Cat and.

  4. 这次我试了新的画风和上色方式。

    Experimented with both the drawing and coloring style here.

  5. 海派得画风与岭南派有很大不同。

    The Shanghai style differs a lot from the Lingnan style of painting.

  6. 海派的画风与岭南派有很大不同。

    The Shanghai style differs a lot from the Lingnan style of painting.

  7. 从龚贤积墨画风看宋人山水的制作

    Artist Style Looks at the Song Dynasty Scenery from the Gong Virtuous Accumulated Ink the Manufacture

  8. 每个档案均有一个小小的图库, 作为画风的参考。

    There is a mini gallery in every file for style reference.

  9. 每个档案均有一个小小得图库,作为画风得参考。

    There is a mini gallery in every file for style reference.

  10. 现代主义就是这么出现的,我们发现各种不同的画风。

    and that's when we saw Modernism emerge, and we saw painting go into different branches.

  11. 这是我知道的唯一一种画风。它是很保守很正统的。

    it's the only style I know. And it's very kind of staid and formal.

  12. 喇嘛贲措是一位兼具传统和现代画风的画家。

    Lama Phuntsok is an artist who paints in traditional as well as contemporary styles.

  13. 画风追求纯净冼练, 以此向传统国画得禅意致敬。

    The pursuit of the pure style ato pay tribute to traditional Chinese painting.

  14. 画风追求纯净冼练,以此向传统国画的禅意致敬。

    The pursuit of the pure style ato pay tribute to traditional Chinese painting.

  15. 这也可以用来概括16世纪前几十年的威尼斯画风。

    The phrase could also describe Venetian art of the first decades of the 16 th century.

  16. 这也可以用来概括16世纪前几十年得威尼斯画风。

    The phrase could also describe Venetian art of the first decades of the 16 th century.

  17. 通过分析龚贤的性格才能加深对龚贤画风的理解与学习。

    Third, by analyzing the character of Gong Xian Gong Xian style in order to deepen the understanding and learning.

  18. 你却是毕加索的信徒, 抽象再抽象的画风让我无所适从。

    Picasso you are the believers, no longer abstract abstract style, let me at a loss.

  19. 梵高显然深受当时袭卷巴黎艺坛的印象派画风影响。

    Van Gogh was undoubtedly influenced by the Impressionism that swept the city's art world.

  20. 他的画风清幽淡雅,寓意美好吉祥,与君分享,欣赏同乐。

    His picture wind quiet and beautiful elegantly simple, implication happy propitious, appreciates happily, welcome.

  21. 此画虽今被认定为宋人手笔, 但可以反映他得画风。

    Although this painting today was identified as Song wrote, but they can reflect his style.

  22. 此画虽今被认定为宋人手笔,但可以反映他的画风。

    Although this painting today was identified as Song wrote, but they can reflect his style.

  23. 胜利画面不像2001那样画风怪异,虽然简易出招表上还是。

    The victory pose illustrations are not as weird as KOF2001, though the control panel moves list pictures are.

  24. 所留下的图型特征不同,就像毕加索和莫奈的画风不同一样

    have different signatures, like a Picasso versus a Monet.

  25. 上统计学课的时候随便画的,来为了比较画风又重画了一遍。

    Random statistics class doodle, redrawn later as a style comparison.

  26. 现代山水画家中, 黄宾虹和李可染得画风有极大得不同。

    The landscape paintings of the two modern artists, Huang Binhong and Li Keran are different.

  27. 现代山水画家中,黄宾虹和李可染的画风有极大的不同。

    The landscape paintings of the two modern artists, Huang Binhong and Li Keran are different.

  28. 这几位画家的画风有些类同,我们需要找些画风迥异的作品做展览。

    These painters have a silimar painting style. We need some paintings of different styles to exhibit.

  29. 的确,觉苑寺壁画属吴道子画风,同时又具较明显的地方特色。

    Indeed, Kok Yuen Temple murals are style, but also a more obvious local characteristics.



“画风”是个多义词,它可以指画风(汉语词语), 画风(四川美术出版社出版图书)。