


1. 麻 [má]麻 [má]草本植物,种类很多,有“大麻”、“苎麻”、“苘麻”、“亚麻”等。茎皮纤维通常亦称“麻”,可制绳索、织布:~布。~衣。~袋。~绳。~纺。指“芝麻”:~酱。~油。像腿、臂被压后的那种不舒服的感觉:脚~了。感觉不灵,……





汉语拼音:má li









  1. 亦作“ 麻俐 ”。敏捷。老练。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二十回:“你出门没有几时,就歷练的这么麻利了!” 杨朔 《百花山》:“手脚麻俐,走路又轻又快,机灵得像只猫儿。” 高元钧 《师长帮厨》:“咱们动作麻俐要快当。”

  2. 敏捷。方言。迅速;赶快。

    从维熙 《故乡散记》:“ 翠枝儿 看看天,麻利跑回来了。”参见“ 麻力 ”。



  1. On working days he was a young man of sound judgment, easy motions, proper dress, and general good character.


  2. When she reached the top she pulled down her panties and threw them down the stairs at me.


  3. Still hear his deft off his shirt, and his own, or talk of the town hundreds of times before this thing handy.


  4. A few moments later he came up with the mattress nicely balanced on his shoulders.


  5. But they were also different. Wilbur worked slowly, was quiet, and very serious. Orville worked fast and liked to talk and to joke.


  6. "Hurry up and put the money in the envelope or you'll get hurt, " Rountree told her.


  7. "Well, he's a smart fellow, " said the esaul.


  8. Man want girls with good taste, calm and obedient, who work fast-paced with good breeding and a tiny waist.


  9. Competes immediately stops, Sweden coach helped him to trade a spare tire deftly .


  1. 赶快擦洗,麻利点

    Scrub!Come on. Hustle.

  2. 真的做的很麻利。

    Did a really good job.

  3. 麻利地脱下连衣裙

    to slip out of a dress

  4. 也许我该手脚麻利点。

    Maybe if I would have been quicker.

  5. 你动作麻利些能赶上他的。

    You'll catch him if you're nippy.

  6. 他麻利地坐进驾驶员的座位。

    He slid into the driver'sseat.

  7. 他骗腿骑车的动作很麻利。

    He is very agile hopping onto a bicycle by swinging one of his legs sideways.

  8. 他骗腿骑车的动作很麻利。

    He is very agile hopping onto a bicycle by swinging one of his legs sideways.

  9. 麻利点!午饭之前我需要那些数据。

    Step on it! I need those figures by lunchtime.

  10. 他举止麻利,一看就是个北方佬。

    His brisk manner branded him a Yankee.

  11. 罗丝总是整齐利落, 手底下特别麻利。

    Rose is skillful neat and tidy, always good at hand work.

  12. 她是一名手脚麻利, 高效率的工人。

    She is a quick efficient worker.

  13. 你甚至还不如一个勤杂员麻利哩。

    Youre not even as smart as the officeboy.

  14. 他非常麻利地驾驶着他那架小型飞机。

    He handled the small airplane with great dexterity.

  15. 我把钱包麻利地塞进了他的口袋。

    I slid the wallet into his pocket.

  16. 她麻利地脱下夹克,扔在了沙发上。

    She slipped out of the jacket and tossed it on the couch.

  17. 你如果动作不麻利点就搭不上飞机了。

    You'll miss the plane if you don't look sharp.

  18. 他麻利地转过身来,黑斗篷兜着圈圈。

    He turned quickly, his black cloak circling.

  19. 她麻利地赶在午饭前把活干完了。

    She whizzed through the work and was finished before lunch.

  20. 我飞快麻利地站了起来, 去执行这个使命。

    I rose with all alacrity, to acquit myself of this commission

  21. 我的服务员麻利地撤走盘子并搁下我的账单。

    My waitress whipped the plate away and put down my bill.

  22. 过了一会儿, 他很麻利地扛着床垫上来。

    A few moments later he came up with the mattress nicely balanced on his shoulders.

  23. 她手脚麻利,不一会儿一桌酒菜就端上来了。

    She was quick and efficient, and soon, a lavish dinner was laid out.

  24. 酒吧服务生麻利地把茶杯放在了茶碟上。

    The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting saucer.

  25. 办事麻利的盈袖很快安排了几次相亲机会。

    Eps of sleeve soon hemp arranged several times to chance.

  26. 别看她日常懒散疲沓, 干起工作来还挺麻利的!

    Although she is lazy and sluggish, she is keen and neat in her work.

  27. 别看她日常懒散疲沓,干起工作来还挺麻利的!

    Although she is lazy and sluggish, she is keen and neat in her work.

  28. 形容做事动作麻利爽快,要用下面的哪一个成语?

    Which of the following idioms is used to describe doing things swiftly and dexterously?

  29. 她是三十二三岁的寡妇,干净,爽快,做事麻利又仔细。

    She was a widow in her early thirties, clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous.

  30. 一个服务生正在麻利地为这一大帮人重新布置餐桌。

    A waiter was rapidly rearranging tables for the big group.


  1. 问:麻利拼音怎么拼?麻利的读音是什么?麻利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麻利的读音是máli,麻利翻译成英文是 dexterous


麻利,常见于口语、陕西关中方言,指迅速敏捷,快速干练。拼音:má lì,注音:ㄇㄚˊ ㄌㄧˋ