


1. 疆 [jiāng]2. 疆 [qiáng]疆 [jiāng]地域,领域,边界:~土。~宇(国土)。~界。~场(战场)。~陲(边境)。边~。海~。极限:万寿无~。划分界限:“楚子~之”。疆 [qiáng]古同“彊(强)”,强大。……





汉语拼音:jiāng yù







  1. 国土;国境。

    《荀子·君道》:“则是其人也,大用之,则天下为一,诸侯为臣……纵不能用,使无去其疆域,则国终身无故。” 晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“尔其疆域,则旁极 齐 秦 ,结凑 冀 道,开胷 殷 衞 ,跨躡 燕 赵 。” 宋 叶适 《取燕一》:“其后 萧禧 办理 河 东疆域,又举数百里畀之,而 王安石 、 韩絳 不知较也。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·南宋人著述未入金源》:“ 宋 南渡后…… 南宋 人诗文,则罕有传至中原者,疆域所限,固不能即时流通。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第二章第六节:“古代 中国 的强敌通常在北方大漠南北……拥有这种疆域的国家,必然成为 中国 北方边境上的大敌,因为即使被 中国 战败,退到漠北休息一时,又可以回漠南继续寇边。”



  1. From the early days of popular use of the Internet, the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier, subject to no law.


  2. Within the area of consciousness with its wide and narrow frontiers, thought is ever trying to find a secure spot.


  3. Those, who insist that the state power should be enforced to expand territory by army, favor this category of men.


  4. In more calm breezes, though, spiders can drift just a few yards to invade new territory or surprise prey.


  5. It is up to you to wander in that field and pluck your own idiot flowers and find your own paths.


  6. Contemporary arts are able to communicate by crossing regions, territories and culture as the existence of contemporary cities.


  7. A "Cattle Kingdom" with a territory half the size of Europe rose in the Great Plains of the American West after the Civil War.


  8. Today wilderness is an area which the outer space and the human knowledge had not achieved.


  9. Once she had laid claim to three thrones; now her world was shrunk to this view of a muddy ditch and a dark hillside.


  1. 文学的疆域

    Territory of Literature.

  2. 产业空间疆域

    global industrial territory.

  3. 国家精神疆域

    same mind to national territory.

  4. 云南西部疆域

    territory of modern western Yunnan

  5. 我国疆域广阔。

    We have vast territory.

  6. 我国疆域辽阔。

    Our country's dominion is very vast.

  7. 历史疆域的主体

    main body of history boundary

  8. 英语的疆域扩张

    The Global Proliferation of English

  9. 不设防的疆域或水域

    An unobstructed area of land or water.

  10. 哀牢, 永昌疆域变迁考

    Territorial Change of Yongchang Ailao

  11. 侧重指版图, 疆域, 国土, 国家

    Country, nation, state, land country a pair of trousers

  12. 海岛资源, 环境与疆域沿革研究

    Island Resources, Environment and Territory History Studies

  13. 未知得全部疆域尚未绘成图。

    The full area of ignorance is not mapped.

  14. 未知的全部疆域尚未绘成图。

    The full area of ignorance is not mapped.

  15. 人们正在实验创造新媒介的疆域。

    of what people are experimenting with.

  16. 某些词跑在疆域, 就是边塞民歌。

    Run in the territory of certain words, that is, folk frontier fortress.

  17. 我参军是为了去开发新的疆域。

    I joined the army to open up new lands.

  18. 将帝国的疆域扩张到最大限度。

    To expand the Empire to its largest extent.

  19. 论清朝疆域形成与历代疆域的关系

    On the Formation of the Territory of Qing Dynasty and Relation with the Territories of Past Dynasties

  20. 军镇与州郡构成了北魏的疆域。

    Jun Zhen and State County constituted the territory in Northern Wei.

  21. 这绝对不是指一块土地或一片疆域。

    Certainly this is not a reference to land and territory.

  22. 论民意疆域的设定对民意反映结果的影响

    Effect of the Settlement of Public Opinion Territory on the Results of People's Reflection

  23. 关于历史疆域归属若干理论问题的研究

    A Study on Some Theoretical Issues about the Ascription of Historical Territory

  24. 多水源都不受特定国家的疆域限制。

    Many water sources are not confined within a particular countrys borders.

  25. 老欧洲国家由于疆域稳固而获益甚多。

    Old Europe has gained immeasurably from improved stability on its borders.

  26. 让我们现在表明,我们能够共同扩展和平的疆域。

    Let us now show that together we can expand the frontiers of peace.

  27. 还有没有时间的边界和疆域的空间之美。

    And there is the beauty of space that is without the boundary of time and line.

  28. 在这最后的疆域部署武器可具有毁灭性的后果。

    The consequences of placing weapons in this last frontier can be destructive.

  29. 今天的荒漠就是太空和人类知识没有达到的疆域。

    Today the frontier is space and the boundaries of human knowledge.

  30. 他收集全部158,条宪法,范围横跨古代世界的全部疆域。

    He collected constitutions,158 of them in all, from throughout the ancient world.


  1. 问:疆域拼音怎么拼?疆域的读音是什么?疆域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疆域的读音是jiāngyù,疆域翻译成英文是 domain

