


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō shì







  1. 惯用语。表示转述别人的话。《红楼梦》第九六回:“ 蟠儿 那里,我央 蝌儿 去告诉他,説是要救 宝玉 的命,诸事将就,自然应的。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二回:“记得我十五岁那年,我父亲从 杭州 商号里寄信回来,説是身上有病,叫我到 杭州 去。”



  1. To me it is very surreal to see the movement of the sun - or more precisely the movement of the earth around the sun in such a way.


  2. "Capitalism messed up, " the British tycoon Martin Sorrell wrote recently, "or, to be more precise, capitalists did. "


  3. Trying to predict the direction of something like the gold price can be a dangerous undertaking.


  4. Whether it is in the world, or only the domestic, the study of the history of film aesthetics can be said to be very short-lived.


  5. Lewis, who remains the CEO, is now talking about staying on at least until the current crisis is over and perhaps as long as three years.


  6. The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song and they give him $100. "


  7. For the idea of a world free of nuclear weapons is not so much an impossible dream as an impossible nightmare.


  8. A royal family who said: "The royal Grimaldi family of Monaco, a divorce can be said to be a tradition. "


  9. Evergreen manager Liu Xie calls this unfair, and says the company is only responding to its customers.


  1. 鹪鹩说是我们。

    We, said the Wren.

  2. 我是说 是啊

    I mean, yeah.

  3. 他们说是的

    They said yes.

  4. 她回答说是。

    And she said yes.

  5. 按理说是如此

    Yeah, you'd think.

  6. 可以说是皆大欢喜。

    The deal is good news for all.

  7. 千万别说是爱。

    Please don't say Love.

  8. 千万别说是爱。

    Please don't say Love.

  9. 你是说是说真的?

    Oh.And that's A...a real thing?

  10. 所以说是阴谋。

    So we're talking conspiracy.

  11. 等等,应该说是。

    Wait a minute.This should be about.

  12. 等等,应该说是。

    Wait a minute. This should be about.

  13. 说是急性阑尾炎。

    He said I had acute appendicitis.

  14. 敢打赌说是的!

    You bet it is!

  15. 就说是耳朵吧

    Yeah, let's say ear.

  16. 但你说是今天

    But you said it was!

  17. 只能说是直觉。

    It was intuitive.

  18. 他说是冤枉的。

    He said it was false.

  19. 可以说是哪个学校么?

    Which school is you can saying?

  20. 可以说是见不得肉。

    Or any other meat,for that matter.

  21. 可以说是道德沦丧。

    It can be said of moral turpitude.

  22. 可以说是心灵相通。

    We were connected at a primal level.

  23. 缘分,您说是吧。

    Predestination, you say BE.

  24. 别说是我的主意

    none of this was my idea.

  25. 我说是近乎赞美。

    I said almost praise.

  26. 她太喜欢说是非。

    She is too fond of gossip.

  27. 既然你说是腹痛

    You said there was abdominal pain.

  28. 有的说是,有的说不是。

    Some say yes and some say no.

  29. 我说是什么?工作

    I said, What is that, dad? A job.

  30. 为什么说是失败的?

    Why did it fail?