







汉语拼音:xiàn chāo






  1. 即现款。

    清 许秋垞 《闻见异辞·李氏佳话》:“今朝不要现钞,但须写一约票,合银若干,俟俺贩货回来,賫票取银可耳。” 邹韬奋 《经历》五九:“事后发现会计课贮藏现钞的抽屉锁被毁。”参见“ 现款 ”。



  1. Then she found my wallet and carefully examined my bit of cash, travelers' checks and plastic cards.


  2. This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account .


  3. in the long run , this grand project should save banks billions , if only because their customers will feel less need to carry hard cash.


  4. "The alternative to mobile money in Afghanistan is cash, " she said.


  5. In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.


  6. Others that followed were an ATM dispensing cash, a steak sizzling on a grill and a soda being popped and poured.


  7. The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash.


  8. The central bank has been so frustrated that it recently banned cash payments of more than a few thousand dollars.


  9. Appropriately relax the limitation on transfers between foreign currency accounts of the same resident individual.


  1. 现钞卖出价

    price of selling foreign cash.

  2. 兑出外币现钞

    Exchange foreign cash for RMB

  3. 人民币现钞保管证

    Renminbi banknote custodian certificate

  4. 强盗通常都拿现钞的。

    They usually take the lot.

  5. 我没有小额现钞。

    I have no small bills.

  6. 不接受现钞存款, 不接受人民币存款。

    Neither cash deposit nor RMB deposit is acceptable.

  7. 你有多少德国马克现钞?

    How much do you have in notes for Deutschmarks?

  8. 对不起我手头上没有现钞。

    I'm sorry I have no cash at hand.

  9. 人民币现钞总量与结构需求预测

    Prophecy of Aggregate Amount and Structural Demand for RMB

  10. 我们正在向不用现钞的社会发展。

    We are moving towards the cashless society.

  11. 美圆现钞买入价是100美圆付460元。

    The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars.

  12. 你们今天人民币现钞的售价是多少?

    What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today?

  13. 美元现钞买入价是100美元付460元。

    The buying rate of U.S.dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars.

  14. 你曾有过1万块钱的现钞吗

    Did you ever have ten thousand dollars in ready money

  15. 你打算怎么付我钱, 现钞还是支票?

    How you want to pay me, cash or check?

  16. 如果我存现钞, 也是一样的程序吗?

    Is it the same procedure if I want to deposit cash?

  17. 我们100美圆的现钞买入价是523元。

    Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars.

  18. 我们100美圆得现钞买入价是523元。

    Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars.

  19. 你要兑换什么, 是现钞还是旅行支票?

    What are you going to convert, bank notes or traveler's checks?

  20. 本币现钞兑换及携出入限制协定

    agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation

  21. 兑换本币现钞及携带入境定额协定

    agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exagreement year

  22. 委员会1999年7月收到了这些现钞以便核实。

    The banknotes were received for verification by the Commission in July1999.

  23. 您是用现钞换呢,还是用旅行支票换?

    Are you going to use cash or traveller's cheques?

  24. 您能不能说说为什么现钞价要低些?

    Could you tell me why the note rate is lower?

  25. 那就是我把鸟留下只带走现钞的原因。

    That's why I left my bird behind and only took cash.

  26. 这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。

    The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash.

  27. 他们兑换旅行支票时依据的汇率跟兑换现钞时不同。

    They exchange traveller's cheques at a different rate from notes.

  28. 欧元现钞流通后对国内企业国际结算的影响

    Effect of Euromoney cash circulation on international settlement of domestic enterprises

  29. 箱子里装的全是现钞,估计足足有五十万。

    The case is full of cash with a value which may exceed 500,000.

  30. 箱子里装得全是现钞,估计足足有五十万。

    The case is full of cash with a value which may exceed 500, 000.


  1. 问:现钞拼音怎么拼?现钞的读音是什么?现钞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现钞的读音是xiànchāo,现钞翻译成英文是 ready money; cash