


1. 仰 [yǎng]2. 仰 [áng]仰 [yǎng]脸向上,与“俯”相对:~首。~望。敬慕:久~。敬~。依赖:~承。~赖。~仗。~人鼻息。旧时公文用语。上行文中用在“请、祈、恳”等字之前,表示恭敬;下行文中表示命令:~即尊照。服下,指……





汉语拼音:yǎng lài








  1. 倚仗;依靠。

    宋 范仲淹 《延州谢上表》:“仰赖圣威,即紓边患。”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·醒世文》:“ 挪亚 一家拜上帝,仰赖天恩幸独存。” 茅盾 《子夜》十二:“不仰赖银钱业的放款,就等于坐而待毙。”



  1. Thailand's is not the only Asian economy hooked on cheap labour. Neighbouring Malaysia also depends on millions of guest-workers.


  2. Iran has long counted on cover from China, with which it has growing commercial ties, and from Russia; both dislike sanctions.


  3. Accuracy admittedly also depends on the system timer of the device, which has not been tested on any device.


  4. Knowledge is important, but much important is the use toward which it is put. This depends on the heart and mind of the one who uses it.


  5. For such sparse sampling to work, advanced, broadcasting civilizations would have to be abundant, or searchers would have to get very lucky.


  6. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world and is more dependent on emergency aid now than anytime in the last twenty years.


  7. Sam: Come on! I'm their boss. They look to me for leadership, and I have to make sure that everything is under control.


  8. This book shows how revival and church growth comes not through human effort, but through the power of the Holy Spirit.


  9. Lord Jesus, living and present in the Eucharist, strengthen us. We beg you to reveal Your many presences to the men and women of the world.


  1. 它仰赖这条河。

    It depends on this river.

  2. 我们仰赖您的资助。

    We rely on your financial support.

  3. 谢谢。一切就仰赖你了。

    Thanks. I'll be counting on you.

  4. 我可以没有恐惧仰赖你。

    I could count on you with no fear.

  5. 他可以仰赖喀麦隆的支持。

    He can count on Cameroon's support.

  6. 他们全仰赖你的帮助。

    They all look to you for help.

  7. 因此生意非常仰赖你的价格。

    So business depends very much on your prices.

  8. 我仰赖父母让我吃饱穿暖。

    I rely on my parents to feed and clothe me.

  9. 未来你们二个必须仰赖你们自己。

    You two have to depend on yourselves in the future.

  10. 哺乳动物不会仰赖于这种雕虫小技。

    Mammals don't rely on tricks.

  11. 事实上我们的生存完全仰赖它

    In fact, we completely depend on it.

  12. 你大可放心仰赖我们的早到。

    You may safely rely on our early arrival.

  13. 而我得仰赖你的经验跟狡诈。

    And I'm relying on your expedience and cunning.

  14. 这个策略的可行性仰赖的是经济原理。

    The feasibility of this strategy relies on economics.

  15. 我们所要做的只是信靠仰赖神。

    We are to simply trust God.

  16. 超越了他仰赖着立足于世得力量。

    Than the strength he had to get up off his knees.

  17. 超越了他仰赖着立足于世的力量。

    Than the strength he had to get up off his knees.

  18. 超越了她仰赖着立足于世得力量。

    Than the strength she had to get up off her knees.

  19. 超越了她仰赖着立足于世的力量。

    Than the strength she had to get up off her knees.

  20. 移动速度也仰赖被用的频道入码。

    Transfer speed depends also on the channel encoding used.

  21. 移动速度也仰赖被用得频道入码。

    Transfer speed depends also on the channel encoding used.

  22. 他所仰赖的必折断,他所倚靠的是蜘蛛网。

    What he trusts in is fragile; what he relies on is a spider's web.

  23. 政府也仰赖网上和网下的机密交流。

    And governments also rely on confidential communication online as well as offline.

  24. 你是否很可靠让人们可以仰赖你的帮忙?

    Are you reliable and people can usually count on you for help?

  25. 现在谁都仰赖不了,你还是靠自己吧。

    You can rely on nobody now, so count on yourself.

  26. 现在谁都仰赖不了,你还是靠自己吧。

    You can rely on nobody now, so count on yourself.

  27. 我们将共同工作,我非常仰赖他们的支持。

    We will work together and I very much count on their support.

  28. 因此,生态系统大大仰赖这一物种的健康。

    Therefore, the ecosystem is heavily dependent on the health of this species.

  29. 尽管如此,人们需要生存 需仰赖食物维生

    In spite of that, people have to live, have to eat this food in order to survive.

  30. 成或败, 得或失, 皆仰赖于个人之努力。

    Success or failure, gain or loss, must therefore depend upon man's own exertions.


  1. 问:仰赖拼音怎么拼?仰赖的读音是什么?仰赖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仰赖的读音是yǎnglài,仰赖翻译成英文是 To depend on.



读音:yǎng lài 词义:依靠别人或事物而存在. 同义词:依赖 依附

反义词:自立 自强

近义词:依靠 造句:他丧失了劳动能力,只好仰赖国家救济. 基本解释 [rely on] 依靠;依赖(不同于依赖) 详细解释 倚仗;依靠。 宋 范仲淹 《延州谢上表》:“仰赖圣威,即纾边患。”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·醒世文》:“ 挪亚 一家拜上帝,仰赖天恩幸独存。” 茅盾 《子夜》十二:“不仰赖银钱业的放款,就等于坐而待毙。”