


挡,拒,用力对撑着:~挡。~制。~抗。~赖。顶撞,冲突,矛盾:~触。代替,相当,顶替:~押。~偿。~充。~还(huán )。到达:~京。~临。……





汉语拼音:dǐ lài








  1. 拒不承认事实。

    宋 苏轼 《论役法差雇利害起请画一状》:“若遇顽猾人户抵赖不还,或将诸物高价准折,讼之於官,经涉岁月,乃肯备偿,衙前所获无几。” 元 无名氏 《争报恩》第二折:“俺这官府中则要你从实取责,不要你当厅抵赖。”《警世通言·乔彦杰一妾破家》:“ 高氏 抵赖不过,从头招认了。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第二八章:“你还抵赖不肯认罪?好,现在就来宣布你的罪状。”



  1. Even when he is confronted with witnesses and is therefore bound to admit his guilt, he will still try to justify himself in some other way.


  2. He saw there was no use denying it. All he could do was laugh a silly laugh and head for the bathroom to wash his hair.


  3. Eg. When the police caught the thief in the act, he tried to brazen it out.


  4. We need to ask the question whether or not to using SOAP-DSIG and SSL simultaenously is sufficient for non-repudiation in B2B applications.


  5. This implies that non-repudiation guarantees that the sender of a message is the same as the creator of the message.


  6. There is no denying the fact that China has made a rapid progress in every aspect since it was founded .


  7. In particular, in business transactions among enterprises, the security requirement of non-repudiation needs to be satisfied.


  8. Please do not doubt the OP, this is not the first time happened. Same incidents of Chinese people have been reported frequently.


  9. Start keeping a paper trail. Get him to send instructions in email, so he can't claim he told you to do something when he didn't.


  1. 抵赖是没用的。

    There is no use denying it.

  2. 证据确凿,不容抵赖。

    The evidence is conclusive and brooks no denial.

  3. 签名是不可抵赖的。

    Signature is undeniable.

  4. 证据确凿,你想抵赖的话。

    With such clear evidence, if you refuse to confess.

  5. 对他不利的证据无法抵赖。

    The evidence against him was overwhelming.

  6. 对他不利的证据确凿,无法抵赖。

    The evidence against him was overwhelming.

  7. 她厚颜无耻地抵赖证人对她的指控。

    She brazened through the accusation from the witness stand.

  8. 如何构造不可抵赖的移动数字签名?

    How to produce an undeniable mobile digital signature?

  9. 不可抵赖分为发送方的不可抵赖和接收方的不可抵赖。

    Non repudiation consists of the sender's non repudiation and receipt's non repudiation.

  10. 是啊,因为他做了的事还抵赖说没做。

    Yes, he actually claims he didn't do it.

  11. 这些条件白纸黑字,一清二楚,想抵赖是抵赖不掉的。

    These terms are clearly written in black and white. You can never deny them.

  12. 他强调,达赖集团犯罪事实铁证如山、无法抵赖。

    He emphasizes, amount to fact of crime of group bilking collect irrefutable evidence, cannot deny.

  13. 当警察当场抓住那个小偷时,他还企图抵赖。

    Eg. When the police caught the thief in the act, he tried to brazen it out.

  14. 他一直厚着脸皮抵赖,但最后不得不认罪了。

    He brazened it out as long as he could, but finally he had to admit his guilt.

  15. 尽管他的妻子已识破了他的谎言, 他还是极力抵赖。

    Although his wife had caught him telling a lie, he tried to bluff it out.

  16. 达赖集团的犯罪事实铁证如山,是抵赖不掉的。

    The crimes committed by the Dalai Clique are irrefutable and pinned down by ironclad evidence.

  17. 经过仔细盘问,那个坏蛋不敢抵赖了,供认了全部罪行。

    Under close questioning, the bad egg caved in and confessed all his misdemeanors.

  18. 她的丈夫在和她结婚15年有6个孩子后抵赖不认她。

    Her husband disavowed her after 15 years of marriage and six children.

  19. 该文提出了基于混沌理论的不可抵赖数字签名方案。

    This paperintroduces a new undeniable signature scheme based on chaos.

  20. 通常这只是一种抵赖或者只是不了解人们所悟不到东西。

    Often, it's simply a matter of denial or of not knowing what you don't know.

  21. 她的丈夫在和她结婚三十年有六个孩子后抵赖不认她。

    Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children.


  1. 问:抵赖拼音怎么拼?抵赖的读音是什么?抵赖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵赖的读音是dǐlài,抵赖翻译成英文是 deny



抵赖 dǐlài 动词 [deny]∶用谎言和狡辩否认所犯的过失或罪行 事实是抵赖不了的 [refuse to admit;disavow]∶拒绝承认或认可 在事实面前无法抵赖 前日你用妖术使落花上枝,还敢抵赖。——明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》 姜氏口中虽是含糊抵赖,啼啼哭哭,心中却也十分惭愧。——明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》