


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī tuō








  1. 推卸;推辞。

    明 唐顺之 《与白伯伦仪部书》二:“ 苏松 皆缺正官, 江 南无一上司,吾若又推脱担子,贼未必不登老岸矣。” 清 蒲松龄 《墙头记》第二回:“那边找説在这里,这里又説在那边,胡推脱安心把我骗。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部四:“ 朱暮堂 浓眉一皱,生怕有啥意外,自己推脱不了责任。”



  1. You know who you are. If your spouse wants you to leave the computer and come to bed, and you say, "just a minute, " you're one of them.


  2. The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which Ann is usually expected to assume.


  3. Those of you wondering why they always blow you off when youcall, now you know the answer; you were simply forgettable.


  4. But they will no longer be able to say they did not see it coming.


  5. Google Ideas, created last October, has quickly set out to build a reputation for doing things most corporate units would strive to avoid.


  6. WangYaMing see, however, to push to take off that filed a robust elder sister-in-law that she was pale, man.


  7. try to cop out of it by telling me you're too busy!


  8. If really love you, so you would be more more important than his business, he would never already business for lend to push to take off you.


  9. Treating today as the last day of life, even if being obsessed by wound and sick, I will not put off those unfinished things.


  1. 责任推脱行为

    behavior of shifting responsibility

  2. 他一再借故推脱。

    He put them off with one excuse and another.

  3. 齿形啮合推脱杆

    jaw clutch throwout level

  4. 含糊其辞的推脱话

    weasel word

  5. 他是满口甜言蜜语进行推脱。

    He was most unctuous and pleading.

  6. 你似乎不用那么急着推脱。

    You don't seem so eager to deliver.

  7. 我有个推脱不掉的约会。

    I've got an appointment I can't wriggle out of.

  8. 这就是我不能推脱的原因。

    Keys. Ohit is a reason that I can shirks.

  9. 他总是推脱不肯出示,对吧?

    He drags them out at any pretext, doesn't he?

  10. 他已成为推脱责任的老手了。

    He has become an expert at evading responsibility.

  11. 别想跟我推脱说你太忙。

    Don't try to cop out by telling me you're too busy!

  12. 他推脱有事, 没有参加今天的晚会。

    He made an excuse and did not come to the party this evening.

  13. 也因为部门的临时活动而无法推脱。

    Just because of our department's casual activity.

  14. 他们找了个藉口推脱掉这项差事

    They used an excuse to weasel out of the job.

  15. 你应该看到他一直试着推脱责任。

    You should have seen him trying to weasel his way out.

  16. 为了避免无限制的声明而用言语推脱。

    Evasively worded in order to avoid an unqualified statement.

  17. 然后再以自己的立场抉择,有些做,有些推脱。

    And then to its position choice, some do, some shirk.

  18. 你应该承担做那件事,别想推脱责任。

    You should take the responsibility, don't want to let George do it.

  19. 道德推脱的不同维度能预测中学生不同的攻击类型。

    Moral disengagement could significantly predict aggression of middle school students.

  20. 对你的打法负责, 而不要再找借口推脱。

    Take responsibility for your play, and stop using variance as a scape goat.

  21. 但他的推脱没用, 驴儿要弹琴, 非学弹琴不可。

    But no excuse would do. The little donkey insisted on learning to play the lute.

  22. 抗议旨在破坏征府将责任推脱到地震得企图。

    The protests threaten to undermine the government's attempt to promote itsto the quake as effective.

  23. 抗议旨在破坏征府将责任推脱到地震的企图。

    The protests threaten to undermine the government's attempt to promote itsto the quake as effective.

  24. 他们也许会假装推脱离开,这样你也不失面子。

    They might even be willing to pretend to tell you off so that you don't lose face with your friends.

  25. 孩子们实际上成了安推脱本该做的工作的最好借口。

    The children actually provide a useful excuse to opt out of tasks which ANN is usually expected to assume.

  26. 政府试图推脱为在职父母提供儿童保育服务的责任。

    The Government has tried to wriggle out of any responsibility for providing childcare for working parents.

  27. 到那时,政府便不可能再推脱说不知道海啸会来了。

    But they will no longer be able to say they did not see it coming.

  28. 你急急忙忙去做那些你前一晚上推脱没做的琐事。

    You run around in a tizzy trying to do all those last minute things you procrastinated about the night before.

  29. 戴维说责任在史密斯先生,企图推脱责任是没有用的。

    David says the responsibility is Mr. Smith's and it's no good trying to pass the buck.


  1. 问:推脱拼音怎么拼?推脱的读音是什么?推脱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推脱的读音是tuītuō,推脱翻译成英文是 shirk




【拼音】tuī tuō

【英译】[evade;shirk;shift;push away]

