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1. 佃 [diàn]2. 佃 [tián]佃 [diàn]向地主或官府租种土地的农民:~户。~农。~客(晋代世家豪强荫庇下的一种依附农民)。~东。佃 [tián]耕作。古同“畋”,打猎。……
汉语拼音:diàn nóng
清 唐甄 《潜书·富民》:“緡钱錙银,市贩贷之;石麦斛米,佃农贷之。”
毛泽东 《中国农村各阶级的分析》:“贫农是农村中的佃农,受地主的剥削。”
Tom's folks, Muley said, HAD gone to a relative's place preparatory to going west. Muley was the only sharecropper to stay behind.
莫利还告诉他们说汤姆的亲属也已经搬到一个亲戚那里准备到西部去。莫利是唯一留下不走的佃农。Then poor tenants realizing they had allies just across the way began to stand up to the landlords who were scared to be too severe.
穷苦的佃农们发现,一路之隔就有自己的同盟者,便开始大胆地起来斗争。地主被吓怕了,也不敢过分作威作福。I grew up in the 1940s. Life was grim. My dad was a sharecropper. There had been tough times on the farm. World War II was going on.
我成长于一九四零年代,当时生活艰难,父亲是收益分成的佃农,而务农的日子并不好过,加上当时正值第二次世界大战。Born in the village of Shaoshan in Hunan province, Mao was the son of a former peasant who had become affluent as a farmer and grain dealer.
毛出生于湖南韶山农村;他的父亲曾经是佃农,成为自耕农和粮食经销商后变得富裕起来。His doctoral thesis, The Theory of Share Tenancy, was the work of an assured and original economist.
他的博士论文《佃农理论》堪称一个自信的富有独创性的经济学家的作品。Nothing in all that differed from the manner in which I had treated my servants and tenant farmers my whole life long.
而对我来说,我一直就是那样的,正如我一生中对待仆人和佃农的方式从没改变过。Just as high oil prices help Africa's petroleum economies, so higher prices for beans, cereals, dairy products and meat boost smallholders.
就像高油价带动了非洲石油经济,同样地,大豆、谷物、乳制品和肉类价格的上涨也推动了佃农的发展。Smaller small holders are also at a disadvantage in getting loans, new seeds and other innovations on which higher yields depend.
规模小的佃农在申请贷款,使用新品种和新发明这些高产量所依赖的因素上也非常的不利。Instead he was a yeoman, not a peasant, knight or disposed Nobleman, and he wasn't even a social rebel.