







汉语拼音:pēi yá







  1. 植物胚的组成部分之一。位于胚轴的顶端,突破种子的皮后发育成叶和茎。

  2. 比喻萌生的事物。如:先人后己的思想是共产主义道德品质的胚芽。



  1. Come up to see from the super B, your is two small acrospire sons in belly, be say, what you keep in mind is twins!


  2. Inside the egg is the germ of a blue morpho, one of the world's largest butterflies, with a wingspan of five to eight inches.


  3. The paper called for a 'Standard Bread' to be developed, made from unadulterated flour and at least 80 per cent of the germ of the wheat.


  4. The coleoptile contains very little chlorophyll and is usually light-sensitive.


  5. Being alone in Shanghai makes you feel like a germ that's been flicked into a beaker full of white blood cells.


  6. Wheat germ is the heart of the wheat kernel and is a source of vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, and fiber.


  7. The only thing you should do to eat two or three tablespoons of what germs per day.


  8. the prepared corn germ oil, the human body needs high levels of essential fatty acids, is of high-grade edible oil products.


  9. Simulated drought stress affect germination, germination, coleoptile length and relative water content of different varieties.


  1. 小麦胚芽油。

    Wheat Germ Oil Triticum aestivum L.

  2. 胚芽旋流器

    germ cyclone.

  3. 胚芽的麦麸粉

    loaded bran.

  4. 速溶谷物胚芽粉研制

    Studies on an Instant Cereal Germ Powder

  5. 胚芽植物胚胎的基芽

    The rudimentary bud of a plant embryo.

  6. 小麦胚芽的提取与利用

    Extraction and application of wheat germ

  7. 米胚芽美白洁面泡沫

    ml Liquid crystal Whitening Cleansing Mousse.

  8. 完整的小麦胚芽含有卵磷脂。

    The whole wheat germs contain lecithin.

  9. 从玉米胚芽中获取的油。

    Oil from the germs of corn grains.

  10. 胚芽是生物的最早形式。

    A germ is the earliest form of a living thing.

  11. 好格言是一切美德的胚芽。

    Good maxims are the germs of all excellence.

  12. 这种甲虫要吃谷物的胚芽。

    This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

  13. 怀孕刚好40天可以看见胚芽吗。

    Be pregnant just can 40 days see plumule

  14. 这种甲虫主要吃谷物得胚芽。

    This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

  15. 这种甲虫主要吃谷物的胚芽。

    This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.

  16. 小麦胚芽油可用亚麻籽油取代。

    Wheat germ oil may be replaced with flax seed oil.

  17. 去除麸皮和胚芽的不带壳玉米。

    Hulled corn with the bran and germ removed.

  18. 稻米胚芽谷氨酸脱羧酶的光谱分析

    Spectroscopic Characterization of Glutamate Decarboxylase From Rice Germ

  19. 用来保护发育的胚芽的鞘状的结构。

    Coleoptile A sheath like structure that protects the developing plumule in grasses.

  20. 胚芽米碾白工艺及设备的研究

    Research on Whitening Procedure andEquipment Producing Rice with Germ

  21. 农业部门搞了一个大豆胚芽采集。

    The Agriculture Department has a soybean germplasm collection.

  22. 可是,抗议行动的胚芽还在四处蔓延。

    Yet the germ of protest has continued to spread.

  23. 米胚芽贮藏条件与保鲜指标的研究

    A Study on Quality Indices and Storage Conditions of Rice Germ.

  24. 用玉米胚芽油调拌凉菜香味宜人。

    Mixes the cold dish fragrance with the corn plumule oil accent to be pleasant.

  25. 普通小麦胚芽鞘分蘖的生长发育研究

    Research on the Growth and Development of Coleoptile Tiller in Common Wheat

  26. 新疆雪莲胚芽的组织培养和植株再生

    Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration from embryo of Saussurea involucrate

  27. 鳕鱼下脚料水解液胚芽乳杆菌连续发酵

    Keywords haddock hydrolysateLactobacillus plantarumcontinuous fermentation.

  28. 玉米胚芽鞘向光性运动的一些特性

    Some characteristics of phototropism in maize coleoptiles

  29. 加工过的谷物把麸皮和胚芽去除了。

    When grains are refined, the bran and the germ are removed.

  30. 搅奥利奥饼和小麦胚芽进芝士内。

    Add Oreo crumb and wheat germ and blend well.


  1. 问:胚芽拼音怎么拼?胚芽的读音是什么?胚芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽的读音是pēiyá,胚芽翻译成英文是 bud; sprout

  2. 问:胚芽定拼音怎么拼?胚芽定的读音是什么?胚芽定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽定的读音是,胚芽定翻译成英文是 germidine

  3. 问:胚芽春拼音怎么拼?胚芽春的读音是什么?胚芽春翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽春的读音是pēi yá chūn,胚芽春翻译成英文是 germitrine

  4. 问:胚芽的拼音怎么拼?胚芽的的读音是什么?胚芽的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽的的读音是pēi yá de,胚芽的翻译成英文是 plumular

  5. 问:胚芽碱拼音怎么拼?胚芽碱的读音是什么?胚芽碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽碱的读音是,胚芽碱翻译成英文是 germine

  6. 问:胚芽鞘拼音怎么拼?胚芽鞘的读音是什么?胚芽鞘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽鞘的读音是pēi yá qiào,胚芽鞘翻译成英文是 coleoptile

  7. 问:胚芽儿碱拼音怎么拼?胚芽儿碱的读音是什么?胚芽儿碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽儿碱的读音是pēi yá ér jiǎn,胚芽儿碱翻译成英文是 germerine

  8. 问:胚芽鳞茎拼音怎么拼?胚芽鳞茎的读音是什么?胚芽鳞茎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽鳞茎的读音是pēi yá lín jīng,胚芽鳞茎翻译成英文是 plumule bulb

  9. 问:胚芽内包的拼音怎么拼?胚芽内包的的读音是什么?胚芽内包的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽内包的的读音是pēi yá nèi bāo de,胚芽内包的翻译成英文是 endoptile

  10. 问:胚芽血管瘤拼音怎么拼?胚芽血管瘤的读音是什么?胚芽血管瘤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胚芽血管瘤的读音是,胚芽血管瘤翻译成英文是 gemmangioma


