







汉语拼音:yī bān







  1. 晋 王羲之 之子 王献之 尝观其父门生聚赌,见有胜负,曰:“南风不竞。”门生曰:“此郎亦管中窥豹,时见一斑。”见 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·方正》、《晋书·王羲之传》。意谓如从竹管孔里看豹,只能见到一点斑纹而已。后因以“一斑”比喻事物的一小部分。

    宋 苏轼 《再和黄鲁直烧香》诗之二:“丹青已自前世,竹石时窥一斑。” 元 耶律楚材 《次韵黄华和同年九日诗》之十:“测海纔盈掬,窥天见一斑。” 明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷四:“ 韩退之 於诗本无所解, 宋 人呼为大家,直是势利他语。 子厚 於风雅骚赋似得一斑。” 秦牧 《漫记端木蕻良》:“ 端木 的坚强性格,从他冷对十年浩劫中自己身受的折磨,也可以见到一斑。”



  1. Just as stock options suggest concern, similar worries can be gleaned by looking at volatility curves in the currency options market.


  2. Francis: See, let me give some unsolicited advice: Catch the next thing smoking to Jamaica .


  3. But it is a glimpse of the future, the first serious exploration of how the super-luxe cars of tomorrow might be propelled.


  4. Judging by the complaints of some of India's mobile operators, its airwaves are just as overcrowded.


  5. The only Museum in order to glimpse " " of famous paintings, are the paintings they went into the House of common people.


  6. Furthermore, we've had a little peek at the Forestry Office's efficiency and attitude from the recent matter of the Huanan Tiger.


  7. After discussing a part of driving style, racing in the rain, which topic I had never avoid is to be talk over.


  8. It is a fine example of contract civilization of medieval England's boroughs.


  9. No pictures ever taken can convey more than a hint of the magnificence and the immensity of the Great Wall.


  1. 由一斑可知全貌。

    You may know by a handful the whole sack.

  2. 窥一斑而知全豹。

    You may know by a handful the wholes sack.

  3. 科学的努力付出可见一斑

    So you can imagine the scale of the effort.

  4. 智能机皇之名可见一斑。

    Name of the intelligence machine emperor can be inferred.

  5. 从他的外交政策可窥一斑。

    Look at his foreign policy.

  6. 伊斯兰文明,由此又可见一斑。

    Mohammedan civilization, see one spot again from this.

  7. 三峡的雄奇壮丽,由此可见一斑。

    From this we can have some idea of the spectacular grandeur of the scenery at the Three Gorges.

  8. 这件衬衣有一斑点在袖口上。

    This shirt has a spot on the cuff.

  9. 但重组以及资产置换的意图可见一斑。

    But the reorganization and asset replacement as evidenced by the intent.

  10. 当然,一个月的数据仅够窥豹一斑。

    Of course, the monthly statistics only tell part of the story.

  11. 抓一把而知全袋,窥一斑以见全豹。

    You may know by a handful the whole sack.

  12. 这一分化从风投的选择中可见一斑。

    This one become divided sees spot from inside the option that wind drops.

  13. 这一分化从风投得选择中可见一斑。

    This one become divided sees spot from inside the option that wind drops.

  14. 这一点从大地产商得财务数据可见一斑。

    This see one spot from the financial data of big land agent.

  15. 这一点从大地产商的财务数据可见一斑。

    This see one spot from the financial data of big land agent.

  16. 从工会主义日益增长的利他精神即可见一斑。

    We see it in the growing altruism of Trade Unionism.

  17. 未来之事在后六行中可见一斑, 在最后的六行。

    Those future events are glimpsed in the sestet of this poem, in the final six lines.

  18. 未来之事在后六行中可见一斑,在最后得六行。

    Those future events are glimpsed in the sestet of this poem, in the final six lines.

  19. 米米很爱小动物,从这吃鱼头也可见一斑。

    Mia loves little creatures, this also proves it.

  20. 总经理先生敏捷的思维和对大局的统筹可见一斑。

    The General Manager's words reflected his quick thinking and broad views.

  21. 自首制度之源远流长, 其生命力之旺盛也由此可见一斑。

    Surrenders wellestablished system, its vitality exuberant also from this can be inferred.

  22. 朱骏在九城得统治风格与话语权, 可见一斑。

    Zhu Jun counterpoises in the regnant style of 9 cities and speech, see one spot.

  23. 朱骏在九城的统治风格与话语权,可见一斑。

    Zhu Jun counterpoises in the regnant style of 9 cities and speech, see one spot.

  24. 管理之差从昨天发生的事情就可见一斑了。

    How badly the administration had lost its bearings was underlined by what happened yesterday.

  25. 从辛辣刺激到薄荷的清凉, 香料之多可见一斑。

    Northern Indian cuisine uses milk products like paneer cheeses, ghee oil, and yoghurt.

  26. 管中窥豹,可见一斑,这件事情其实已经很明了了。

    As the saying goes, imagining the whole thing through seeing a part of it. This matter is already quite clear.

  27. 由它的出身和迁移,人们可见欧洲殖民文化的一斑。

    Through this, people can catch a glimpse of European colonial culture.

  28. 其结交朋友忠信至诚由此可见一斑,深得时人称道。

    Its loyal and sincere friends is evident from this, when people won praise.

  29. 华裔和犹太裔政治热情的冷热程度,可见一斑。

    The contrast between the political zeal of Chinese and Jews is apparent.

  30. 能够对此巨大工程瞥见一斑得外界人士少之又少。

    Rare was the outsider who gained a glimpse of this huge project.


  1. 问:一斑拼音怎么拼?一斑的读音是什么?一斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一斑的读音是yìbān,一斑翻译成英文是 one spot on a leopard— one small but typical par...



【拼音】:yī bān

【注音】:ㄧ ㄅㄢ