







汉语拼音:pīn fǎ






  1. Very early, Americans began trying to discover how a word "ought" to be pronounced by seeing how it was spelled.


  2. I verIfy the spellIng of a word by lookIng It up In a dIctIonary.


  3. At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes.


  4. In Hamlet the same word in the same place in the play is rendered differently in two different manuscripts.


  5. Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way, but conference reports and schoolbooks use the British spelling.


  6. "Is that the correct spelling? " "I don't know - look it up in a dictionary. "


  7. The student checked the spelling of the word in his dictionary.


  8. The early name, Eastre, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, Easter.


  9. Both official languages, English and French, use the same spelling of the name Canada.


  1. 正确的拼法

    a proper spelling.

  2. 采用新拼法

    the adoption of reformed spelling

  3. 这个词如何拼法?

    How do you spell the word?

  4. 英语拼法的不规则

    the anomaly of English spelling

  5. 英语的拼法很不规则。

    English spelling is very irregular.

  6. 英文的拼法很不规则。

    English spelling is very irregular.

  7. 英文得拼法很不规则。

    English spelling is very irregular .

  8. 这个词有两种拼法。

    This word has two spellings.

  9. 英文的拼法没什么规律。

    English spelling has little rhyme or reason.

  10. 不要在拼法上出错。

    Don't make a mistake in your spelling.

  11. 拼法和天空这个词很像

    like the sky.

  12. 他的拼法足示其愚昧

    His spelling denotes an approaching storm.

  13. 俄语的拼法是音形一致的。

    Russian spelling is phonetic.

  14. 英文字的拼法没什麽规律。

    English spelling has little rhyme or reason.

  15. 峡谷, 盆地谷。威尔士拼法。

    Cwm The Welsh spelling for coombe or cirque.

  16. 请你检查我得拼法好吗

    Will you check my spelling, please

  17. 辞典中某些单词的不同拼法。

    Alternative spellings in a dictionary.

  18. 请你检查我的拼法好吗

    Will you check my spelling, please.

  19. 拼法相同的词往往读音不同。

    Words written alike are often pronounced differently.

  20. 老师提醒那个学生要注意拼法。

    The teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.

  21. 噢!你是用美国拼法还是用英国拼法?

    Oh!And do you use American or British spelling ?

  22. 使英语拼法更趋合理的做法。

    An attempt to rationalize English spelling.

  23. 助教提醒那个学生要注意拼法。

    The assistant teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling.

  24. 某些词的英国拼法与美国拼法不同。

    English and American spellings of some words are different.

  25. 总之,必须加上对拼法她的名字。

    A word must be added on the orthography of her name.

  26. 咦, 我不太确定这个词的拼法。

    Gee, I'm not sure about the spelling of this word.

  27. 该信写得不错,只是拼法有错误。

    The letter is good except for the spelling.

  28. 关于拼法不一而视为相同,见第58条。

    For variant spellings deemed to be identical see Article 58.

  29. 按美国英语的拼法来拼写这个单词。

    Spell this word as the way it is in American English.

  30. 学生在字典里查阅这个单词的拼法。

    The student checked the spelling of the word dictionary.


  1. 问:拼法发音拼音怎么拼?拼法发音的读音是什么?拼法发音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼法发音的读音是pīn fǎ fā yīn,拼法发音翻译成英文是 spelling pronunciation

  2. 问:拼法变化拼音怎么拼?拼法变化的读音是什么?拼法变化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼法变化的读音是pīn fǎ biàn huà,拼法变化翻译成英文是 spelling variation

  3. 问:拼法错误拼音怎么拼?拼法错误的读音是什么?拼法错误翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拼法错误的读音是pīn fǎ cuò wù,拼法错误翻译成英文是 spelling error



pīnfǎ [spelling] 根据公认的用法用字母拚字的技术或技巧