




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……



汉语拼音:lǐng yǒu








  1. 谓拥有人口或占有土地。



  1. the spouse must be suitable in terms of having skills, character, and physical attributes that complement one another.


  2. His wife, Dr. Oi-Lin Chen, is a licensed medical doctor and President of Sunrider International.


  3. Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter.


  4. The prevailing smuggling trend indicates that the carriage of unmanifested cargoes by small motorized sampans is now increasingly popular.


  5. With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.


  6. A shirt collars has an upright stand and a collar piece that folds down over the stand.


  7. The replaced diesel private light bus had been licensed for a continuous period of 12 months immediately before scrapping.


  8. A licensed victualler, ie a public house keeper who sells food, spirits, BEer, etc to BE consumed on the premises.


  9. Dawn immigrated to Canada in 1968 and took a Real Estate and Mortgage broker licensing course through UBC .


  1. 领有的地产。

    land held in demesne

  2. 领有得地产。

    land held in demesne.

  3. 领有上校军衔

    hold the rank of colonel

  4. 领有名词移位

    possessor raising movement

  5. 领有名词短语分裂

    possessor phrase splitting

  6. 他领有开业行医的执照。

    He has been license to practice medicine.

  7. 领有牙外科开业执照的医生。

    a licentiate in dental surgery

  8. 领有牙外科开业执照得医生。

    a licentiate in dental surgery.

  9. 客船非领有客船证书, 不得搭载乘客。

    Unless Ship Certificate, any passenger ship shall not carry passengers.

  10. 该车辆领有生效的出租汽车许可证。

    A hire car permit is in force in respect of the vehicle.

  11. 领有许可证者方可从事相关业务。

    Licence is needed to deal with relevant business.

  12. 他领有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。

    He has a disability pension from the government.

  13. 伟大的语言同时也领有妙美的音律。

    Great language also has a wonderful musical quality.

  14. 截至1999年12月31日止领有牌照车辆总数

    Grand Total of Licensed Vehicles as at 31.12.1999

  15. 他领有准许他飞回美国的旅行证件。

    He was issued with travel documents which allowed him to fly back to the United states.

  16. 受核工厂须领有加工厂废水排放许可证。

    The facility should have a process waste water discharge permit.

  17. 战后领有一片土地, 并继续传教工作。

    After the war Brant was granted land along the Grand River in Ontario, where he ruled peacefully and continued his missionary work.

  18. 领有这片土地使我们在谈判中处於优势。

    Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter.

  19. 领有这片土地使我们在谈判中处于优势。

    Ownership of the land gives us a strong bargaining counter.

  20. 因为多琳和拉斯都是领有许可证的船长。

    Doreen and Lars Hansen are both licensed captains.

  21. 利物浦是一家巨大的俱乐部,领有辉煌的历史。

    Liverpool is agreat club with agreat history.

  22. 三在领有操作执照人员直接指导下从事操作训练者。

    Any person who is under operation training by a licensed operator.

  23. 作载客用途,除非该车辆领有生效的客运营业证。

    For the carriage of passengers unless a passenger service licence is in force in respect of the vehicle.

  24. 这些领有牌照的零件箱,甚至可以被用来作为党袋。

    These licensed totes can even be used as a party bag.

  25. 他领有执照拍卖,造就他祖父在堪萨斯城,密苏里州。

    He is a licensed auctioneer, having trained with his grandfather in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

  26. 从事公共会计的大多数人都是领有执照的注册会计师。

    Most of the people in the public accounting are licensed as certified public accountants.

  27. 网上发牌制度, 领有牌照的文件在本地网络或互联网。

    Online licensing system for licensed files in local networks or internet.

  28. 网上发牌制度,领有牌照得文件在本地网络或互联网。

    Online licensing system for licensed files in local networks or internet.

  29. 经过四年的勤奋工作,她现在已是领有资格证书的教师。

    After four years'hard work she is now a certified teacher.

  30. 这些新兵都已领有制服,现在他们正在校阅场接受训练。

    The recruits were already given their uniforms, and now they are being drilled on the parade ground.


  1. 问:领有拼音怎么拼?领有的读音是什么?领有翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领有的读音是lǐngyǒu,领有翻译成英文是 possess

  2. 问:领有权拼音怎么拼?领有权的读音是什么?领有权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领有权的读音是lǐngyǒuquán,领有权翻译成英文是 dominium

  3. 问:领有执照拼音怎么拼?领有执照的读音是什么?领有执照翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领有执照的读音是lǐng yǒu zhí zhào,领有执照翻译成英文是 under license

  4. 问:领有开业证书的人拼音怎么拼?领有开业证书的人的读音是什么?领有开业证书的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:领有开业证书的人的读音是,领有开业证书的人翻译成英文是 licentiate