











汉语拼音:rén hǎn mǎ sī








  • 【解释】:人喊叫,马嘶鸣。形容纷乱扰攘或热闹欢腾的情景。
  • 【出自】:唐·卢纶《送韦判官得雨中山》:“人语马嘶听不得,更堪长路在云中。”
  • 【示例】:只听得外面喧嚷,似有~之声,渐渐近前堂来了。


  1. Some villagers sealed windows locked, and some to pack up and get some Thunbergia sheep, everywhere people shouting, scene of a panic rush.


  1. 拍卖人喊出报价。

    The auctioneer called the bids.

  2. 近处有人喊我得名字。

    My name was uttered by someone near me.

  3. 近处有人喊我的名字。

    My name was uttered by someone near me.

  4. 我听见有一个人喊他。

    I have someone calling him.

  5. 夜里我听到有人喊救命。

    I hear a cry for help in the night.

  6. 对下面的人喊救命好了。

    Just yell for help to the voices down there.

  7. 我突然听到有人喊救命。

    I hear some people to shout suddenly save a life.

  8. 她对街上的人喊,请求帮助。

    She called out to the man on the street, asking for help.

  9. 我正在工作,突然听到有人喊救命。

    I at work when someone cried for help.

  10. 他听到有人喊救命,就冲出了办公室。

    He heard a cry for help, and he rushed out of the office.

  11. 我正在街上徘徊,突然听到后面有人喊我。

    I was wandering in the street when I heard a call from behind.

  12. 他正在看书这时听到有人喊他的名字。

    He was reading a book when he heard someone calling his name.

  13. 往里走, 电梯管理人喊着说够容纳20位呢。

    Move down, there, cried the liftman. There is room for twenty.

  14. 车子刚刚才发动我就听到有个人喊我得名字。

    The car had hardly started when I heard a man call my name.

  15. 车子刚刚才发动我就听到有个人喊我的名字。

    The car had hardly started when I heard a man call my name.

  16. 肋未人应大声向所有的以色列人喊说。

    And the Levites shall pronounce, and say to all the men of Israel with a loud voice.

  17. 等了大约十分钟,停车场西边的角落里有人喊。

    Wait about ten minutes, the parking lot west of the corner is called.

  18. 在暴风雨最狂烈的时候, 我听到有人喊救命。

    At the height of the storm, I heard someone crying for help.

  19. 当他躺在海滩上听音乐时, 俄然听到有人喊救命。

    He was lying on the sand and listening to music, suddenly he heard someone crying for help.

  20. 当这群人喊着号子来振作精神时, 每个人不禁潸然泪下。

    As the crew shouted brace yourselves, everyone started weeping and wailing.

  21. 当这群人喊着号子来振作精神时,每个人不禁潸然泪下。

    As the crew shouted brace yourselves, everyone started weeping and wailing.

  22. 我正不知道该怎么办,这时候,听到后面有人喊我的名字。

    I was wondering what to do next when I heard my name called behind.

  23. 你喊人了吗?

    Did you call, sir?

  24. 叫你的朋友离开我的地盘,我喊人来了!

    Tell your friend to reject off my parking, I'm getting more people.

  25. 她喜欢对人大声喊叫。

    She likes to bawl against people.

  26. 不晓得为什么医生不叫人来喊我。

    I wondered why the doctor did not send for me.

  27. 不只是你一个人可以喊非礼,你知道吗。

    You're not the only one who can yell rape, you know.

  28. 你们能带多少人 他喊着, 我们一共12个人。

    How many can you take he called. There are twelve of us.

  29. 他们从人中被赶出,人追喊他们如贼一般。

    They were banished from their fellow men, at as if they were thieves.

  30. 于是那人大声喊着报幕员儿子的名字,让他别管他。

    The man yelled out his name and told him to leave him alone.


人喊马嘶,汉语词目。释义:人喊叫,马嘶鸣。形容纷乱扰攘或热闹欢腾的情景。注音:rén hǎn mǎ sī