











汉语拼音:rén kùn mǎ fá








  • 【解释】:人马都很疲乏。形容旅途劳累。
  • 【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第七十七回:“马步三军没了气力,人困马乏。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容人的疲劳


  1. The Russian soldiers were so exhausted by this unbroken march at the rate of forty versts a day that they were unable to quicken their pace.


  1. 人困马乏。

    The entire force was exhausted.

  2. 部队人困马乏, 结果投降了。

    The exhausted troops surrendered.

  3. 在地里干了一天, 大家都人困马乏。

    After a hard day's work in the fields, they were completely exhausted.

  4. 真令人困窘。好糗。

    It was so embarrassing.

  5. 成百上千万美国人困在了经济萧条之中。

    Millions of Americans are stuck in an economic depression.

  6. 尤其是关系到令人困窘、不名誉或亲密的事情更应如此。

    This is especially so when they concern matters that are embarrassing, shameful, or intimate.

  7. 这些人很困。

    The people became very sleepy.

  8. 唉,反正是忙得人都困了。

    Well, anyway, Iso busy that I feel sleepy.

  9. 那个人又困又累,就去睡了。

    The man, tired and sleepy, went to bed.

  10. 在着火的大楼中, 一人被困。

    With the building in flames, one man needed help.

  11. 是否有人被困在汽车残骸内?

    Is anybody trapped in the wreckage?

  12. 救援者不知道人被困在哪里。

    Rescuers do not know where the trapped man is.

  13. 知道现在还有多少人被困吗?

    Any idea how many people are still trapped inside?

  14. 近15人受伤,几十人被困在火车上。

    Nearly 15 are wounded and scores are trapped inside the train.

  15. 其中有超过15万人受困在广州火车站。

    Among them, over 150,000 people were stranded in the Guangzhou Railway Station.

  16. 倾盆大雨造成的洪灾使数十人被困。

    The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods, trapping dozens of people.

  17. 数百人被困在飞机没有触及得楼层。

    Hundreds were trapped on floors untouched by the airplanes.

  18. 数百人被困在飞机没有触及的楼层。

    Hundreds were trapped on floors untouched by the airplanes.

  19. 他发出一阵十分令人窘困、恶作剧般的笑声。

    He has a most disconcerting, roguish laugh.

  20. 有33个人被困在井下, 我得哥哥也在里边。

    There are 33 them down there and among them is my brother.

  21. 有33个人被困在井下,我的哥哥也在里边。

    There are 33 them down there and among them is my brother.

  22. 至少24人被困, 但确切数字不明, 该机构说。

    There was the fact that Terry had enlisted the services of a marketing agency in trying to cash in on his status in World Cup year.

  23. 两幢大楼塌了, 很多人被困在瓦砾里。

    Two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble.

  24. 两幢大楼塌了,很多人被困在瓦砾里。

    Two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble.

  25. 两船相撞, 一些人被困在撞破的船只里。

    Two boats crashed and some people were trapped in the wreckage.

  26. 洪水泛滥时,这一家人被困在一间小屋中。

    The family was boxed up in a small shed while the flood raged.

  27. 数十人被困在地下, 死亡人数可能还会上升。

    Dozons are trapped on the underground and death toll is expected to rise.

  28. 在喀布尔, 一群玩板球的人被困在沙尘暴中。

    Men are caught in a storm while playing cricket at a playground in Kabul.

  29. 我们知道有第二个飞机撞了, 有更多的人被困。

    We knew that a second plane hit and we had a lot of people trapped.

  30. 我们知道有第二个飞机撞了, 有更多的人被困。

    We knew that a second plane hit and we had a lot of people trapped.


  1. 问:人困马乏拼音怎么拼?人困马乏的读音是什么?人困马乏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人困马乏的读音是rénkùnmǎfá,人困马乏翻译成英文是 the men tired, their horses weary—tired out...



【释义】形容体力疲劳不堪(不一定有马)——《现代汉语词典》 出 处 元·黄元吉《流星马》第三折:“俺这两口儿三日不曾吃饮食,人困马乏。”