如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……
各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。五色的绸子:剪~。指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。花样……
汉语拼音:sè cǎi
亦作“ 色采 ”。物体表面所呈现的颜色。
元 吴莱 《严陵应仲章自杭寄书至赋此答之》诗:“色采黄朱黻,音声徵角韶。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·晓行》:“那种绿色是自然的色彩,决不能在画幅中看见,真足以迷人的心目。”
王国维 《人间词话》三:“有我之境,以我观物,故物皆著我之色彩。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·洋服的没落》:“ 清 朝末年,带些革命色采的英雄,不但恨辫子,也恨马褂和袍子,因为这是 满洲 服。” 毛泽东 《关于民族资产阶级和开明绅士问题》:“开明绅士是地主和富农阶级中带有民主色彩的个别人士。”
Yet their basic philosophy is the same, and though it may never have been a passionate romance, the marriage has worked well over the years.
他们的基本人生观是一样的,所以,尽管他们婚后的生活从未出现过充满激情的浪漫色彩,他们的婚姻一直是美满的。Red stands for passion flowing in the blood, red is like the melody for the age of excitement, red is the everlasting color of many a flag.
“红”是血管里流动的活力热情,“红”是激荡人心的时代旋律,“红”是万国旗帜中的永恒色彩。But I tell you that there are colors of punctuation points, maybe you will be close to you may be confused that I mystify.
然而我告诉你这种标点还有色彩之分,也许你会接近迷茫也许你会以为我在故弄玄虚。He did not know whether his painting was good or bad. He did not care. He was drunk with color.
他不知道自己的画是好或是不好。亦对此无所谓。他完全沉醉于色彩之中。Mr Kirchner's popular government is the most nationalist of any since the war.
Kirchner的政府是自战争以来最具民族主义色彩的一个。However, the reality in the eyes of many was originally gray, but in her eyes is a lot of color composition.
她的孤独是历史造成的。但是,那些本该灰色的现实在她的世界里全是色彩。To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is to see it in its own pristine simplicity.
单凭自己的偏好与欲求而能一无色彩地观察事物可谓能以其纯朴单纯的本性以观察事物。Wattle is the name generally used for the Australian. Golden Wattles stand for Australian people fond of green shade and gold-like colors.
金合欢是澳大利亚的代名词。金色的金合欢代表着澳大利亚人喜爱的绿荫及金子般的色彩。Speaking via Twitter, he said that this was to achieve a shallow depth of field and a 'richer look'.