


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng huǒ









  1. 共同参加某种活动或某种组织的人。《古今小说·临安里钱婆留发迹》:“船上共有五条好汉在上,两船上一般咳嗽相应。

    婆留 已知是同伙,更不问他。” 清 毛祥麟 《对山馀墨·石珻》:“先当 履吉 贩 楚 时,曾与 徐 族姪同伙。” 王西彦 《死在担架上的担架兵》:“他不相信同伙的打趣,只相信东家是一个好人。” 李英儒 《野火春风斗古城》第二三章一:“ 关敬陶 已经发现他的心腹一营 刘营长 原来是八路军的同伙。” 孙犁 《澹定集·读作品记(五)》:“一个女游击战士,从马上跳下,裤脚流出血来,同伙大惊,一问才知道并不是负了伤,而是她的经期到了。”



  1. The thief lured him to the doorway and his accomplice hit him on the head.


  2. Suchen looked at the slice of lemon floating among the ice cubes in her glass and blushed, as though the man were her companion.


  3. It was a very cold morning , the sky bright and without a cloud , but Silver and his man were standing in a low mist .


  4. He said he wants the authorities to take the hashes harshest measures loud allowed by law against the attackers and those who helped them.


  5. Led down the dark path by Aurra Sing, Boba will learn a thing of two about deception and deceit from his bounty hunter henchmen.


  6. Meanwhile, the policeman at the jail offers Mahone a deal if he trades the name of his accomplice at the racetrack.


  7. If your single for long enough, you become sort of a toy, a pet project for your coupled up friends.


  8. Said my partner as he smiled from the corner of his mouth.


  9. But his associates began to frolic in cultivating a friendship with the victim, a simple kidnapping out of control.


  1. 还是有同伙。

    Or with somebody else.

  2. 还是有同伙。

    Or with somebody else.

  3. 被告牵扯, 揭发同伙

    the defendant will implicate his confederates

  4. 我不是他的同伙!

    I am not with him!

  5. 他被他的同伙杀死。

    He was done away with by his partner.

  6. 我知道他和谁同伙。

    I know who he goes in with.

  7. 可我不是他们的同伙。

    I am not among them.

  8. 他对他的同伙提出了控告。

    He has sued his partner.

  9. 我方才和女同伙分手了。

    I've just parted with my girlfriend.

  10. 咱们都以为他对同伙忠厚。

    We all consider him loyal to his friends.

  11. 被抓到得贼告发了同伙。

    The thief who was caught informed on the others.

  12. 他想知道,谁是他们的同伙?

    He wondered, who are their peers?

  13. 被抓得窃贼揭发了他得同伙。

    They thief who was caught informed against the others.

  14. 被抓的窃贼揭发了他的同伙。

    They thief who was caught informed against the others.

  15. 我必定得去看望我抱病的同伙。

    By all means I must visit my sick friend.

  16. 我不希望别人说我告发了同伙。

    I don't want it to be said I grassed on my mates.

  17. 在玩游戏时他是我的同伙。

    He is my partner in playing the game.

  18. 警方仍然在寻找他得其他同伙。

    Police are still looking for his primo buddies.

  19. 警方仍然在寻找他的其他同伙。

    Police are still looking for his primo buddies.

  20. 警方仍在寻找这个小偷得同伙。

    The police are still looking for the thief's accomplice.

  21. 警方仍在寻找这个小偷的同伙。

    The police are still looking for the thief's accomplice.

  22. 结果他的同伙先被抓起来了。

    Only his partners were caught first.

  23. 我的同伙想在下学后踢足球。

    My friends want to play soccer afterschool.

  24. 我的朋友约翰是同伙中的佼佼者。

    My friend John is the pickthe best of the bunch.

  25. 我得朋友约翰是同伙中得佼佼者。

    My friend John is the pickthe best of the bunch.

  26. 你已经成为重刑毒贩的同伙了

    You just became an accessory to a felony drug deal.

  27. 汤姆说他是上了罪犯同伙的当。

    Tom claimed that he had been led on by his criminal companions.

  28. 这个案件中的一个同伙仍然逍遥法外。

    An accomplice in the case is still at large.

  29. 把某人注意力吸引过来好让同伙偷窃

    keep someone in gammon

  30. 他们发现某些警察和犯罪同伙狼狈为奸。

    They found out that some policemen were in league with the criminals.


  1. 问:同伙拼音怎么拼?同伙的读音是什么?同伙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同伙的读音是tónghuǒ,同伙翻译成英文是 accomplice; conspire

